Anonymous ID: 14f546 Jan. 8, 2021, 1:10 a.m. No.12395310   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5350 >>5365


Hard drives raided? I think they use LAN secured terminals… especially after the Wasserman-Aswan bros debacle. I discount HDD therefore.


Other intel sources?

Phones? I assume the Senators and Reps had kept their individual phones - thats where the encrypt mails on Signal or Telegram are. so then…

nuh. I think NSA scrapes those ph comms… so thats the phones as a target = nothingburger.


Other targets.. papers perhaps. something specific in a file cabinet perhaps.


Or the reverse - they stashed a smeary evidence somewhere like a dead fish in a locked car. So then someone smells the fish after a few days and they have to get rid of it… and that process is the target - to find a mole or a handler or a method… a secret.


As far as Pence as a traitor - I didn't expect it one bit after Prince Pagan Charlie dissed him at that big show. A shock.


Now… next…. what is the "necessary scare event"?


It is Biden & Ho getting sworn in. It is scary because Biden has to supply goods for the money paid to his family. Goods is everything Space Force - that is the big stick restraining CCP mission to dominate earth orbit. Trillions at stake. The future of mankind at stake. No exaggeration. [Oligarchial Collectivism -exactly as Orwell foretold in 1984, a boot on the face of humanity-forever.]