Anonymous ID: e1022b Jan. 8, 2021, 12:49 a.m. No.12395158   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5199

Silicon Valley (The Butterfly War)


  • The workforce that makes Silicon Valley possible is heavily influenced by the ideology of material humanism. (Commonly known as left-wing progressivism)


  • The institutions, actors, investors, and believers of material humanism will pull out every stop and call every favor they have to retain their influence over civilization.


  • Because of this hubris, these entities willfully sacrifice material, social, political, technological, and legal advantages to continually demonstrate fealty to the ideology. (Virtual-signaling)


  • The moment they stop demonstrating fealty, their peers can be cajoled into attacking them, so reliable pressure mechanism exists to enforce the previously mentioned behavior.


  • Silicon Valley makes its money via ad revenue. Meaning, Facebook and Google sells user information to robots attending 60-200ms auctions. The robots analyze the user data and bid for the right to show that person an ad for a product.


  • That user data is also being analyzed by those ad platforms to censor the skeptics of material humanism. “Psychographic” signatures can be detected via machine learning, data science, and AI to flag certain persons from social media. (“nazis”, “alt-right”, anyone to the right of Stalin, etc.)


  • By proxy, certain psychographic signatures are immune to this AI-driven censorship, such as women, blacks, and jews, granting them full influence over social media.


  • With some effort and development, a pipeline can be made which creates accounts on social media and spoofs meta data. (Finger/mouse motion, keyboard typing timing, content engagement, sentiment analysis, posting time, etc) Because the auction bots have already keyed themselves to associate certain psychographic signatures with certain people, you can confirm the validity of a meta data generation technique based on the ads it sees. If your meta data generates an ad that a bot would serve to a black person, then you’ve successfully tricked the AI ecosystem into thinking that account is an authentic black person, thus, creating a political asset that is immune to automated censorship.


  • The workforce of Silicon Valley will be enraged by this possibility and refine their censorship AIs to create a list of “preauthorized behaviors” to determine if a black person is a a real black person or if a female is a real female. Silicon Valley is then forced to openly engaging in cyber phrenology. As this process grows, more and more Silicon Valley workers will realize they are burning down the village to save it, which dramatically increases the likelihood of abandonment (See Google’s Maven) or leaking damning information. (See Cambridge Analytica) This process has already begun and I have personally accelerated it.


  • This path will begin openly accumulating enough civil rights violations to justify a “disparate impact” case against Silicon Valley, which will attract the funding and influence of telecoms and regulatory bodies. This process has already begun and I have personally accelerated it.


  • The Silicon Valley titans that fund and enable core parts of material humanist infrastructure will be destroyed by the very same civil rights they worship, barring them from official political influence and driving core talent away from them. The only way to save themselves will be to channel their massive influence into dismantling the efficacy of civil rights legislation to protect themselves.


  • Once this is all complete, the federal decrees of material humanism become effectively nullified.