What a beautiful day it was today.
What a beautiful night it is wif muh night shift.
What a beautiful day tomorrow when Hussein gets exposed.
How blessed are we to live in the greatest country on earth.
What a beautiful day it was today.
What a beautiful night it is wif muh night shift.
What a beautiful day tomorrow when Hussein gets exposed.
How blessed are we to live in the greatest country on earth.
COVID-19 may eventually be no worse than childhood cold, study finds
COVID-19 is known to cause life-threatening, and sometimes fatal, outcomes today. But in the future, contracting the virus may be akin to coming down with a common childhood cold.
Using data from other human coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-1, researchers from Emory University and Pennsylvania State University have determined that, eventually, COVID-19 will resemble other common childhood infections.
They published their findings Tuesday in the journal Science.