Ok got some advice on this but was all having to do with work, this IS NOT ABOUT WORK, this is a travel companion I went to DC with, HER FREIND was questioned at work about who she knew, THAT friend gave up her name. So I am worried that since we were in same car, I'm next… So again, and sry for repost, but I plan to not speak, to not engage to not say a word without lawyer, but don't have much money, so was just trying to get some solid advice as per what I can do right now…jic they do seek me out. Gise i was in DC, dindu nuffin we weren't there when all the mayhem happened, there afterwards, didn't go in, stayed outside on the steps, need a lawful advice, my friend whom I went with her BF was questioned at work over a Facebook post, and her best friend when asked if she knew anyone who went to DC she actually said my friend went, so guessing since we went together, only matter of time b4 they are here. So I need advice, just an anon with little legal resources, and need advice how to proceed if questioned, of course will only tell truth, but don't want hem doing a gen Flynn on me. Please only lawfags with good advice reply. Ty in advance..PLEASE FELLOW ANONS, need your help irt.
TY Anon, any vids in particular, will go now to find them, but any help with a little point to wold be helpful, & ty