Anyone that is linking to declassified info that doesn't exist on a .gov gets the stink eye.
Yeah, those aircraft are pretty crazy.
Yeah, being named the vice chair of a failing corporation of corruption sounds perfect for Stretchin' Gretchen.
Yeah, I'm mirin' this guy's style.
>Create fake trends
>Attribute trends to MAGA/TRUMP supporters with fake accounts
>Contact MSM and give them links to said accounts
>MSM labels Trump supporters as ignorant dumb-asses that cannot even spell it right.
>Liberal friends on Reddit circulate it and call you stupid
>Your explanation of the above is met with disbelief and disdain
>Cycle repeats itself ad nauseam
Tiring, isn't it?
Enough to keep the wifey interested, lol.
That's not loli, and you are projecting.