the ip hopping fear porn psychological operation continues.
the world is ending is their theme.
they come in one-posts and pretend to be the wise person fleaing the holy city. (fleeing? fleasing?)
the ip hopping fear porn psychological operation continues.
the world is ending is their theme.
they come in one-posts and pretend to be the wise person fleaing the holy city. (fleeing? fleasing?)
grammar or spelling kitty?
"where is Q, anon?"
we don't know where Q is. Stop asking.
where is Qanon: it's on twitter as a hashtag, that is the only place you find it or in smeer pieces or people saying how ther eis no qanon, just Q and the anon.
and you types who do the bait post bullshit just to see if any anon are left.
once we are all gone do you turn it into Maggot-fa?