Anonymous ID: 6ed489 Jan. 17, 2021, 6:46 p.m. No.12576547   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6589 >>6607 >>6622 >>6638 >>6640 >>6654 >>6767


Did you know that there is nothing more useless in life? You might as well watch porn and jerk off. Praying is for serfs and other slavish losers. This is what disgusts me about this board. Trump will be gone in 2.5 days. No, the military isn’t going to take over the entire government on his behalf and put Pelosi and Biden in chains. The military leadership has been stacked for decades with deep state just like the rest of government, and outside of special forces, at least 40% of the grunts are Biden voters. You think they have successfully bribed and blackmailed the senate, judiciary, intelligence agencies, and just happened to forget about the military? Grow the fuck up. Trump made it very far. It was a miracle really. It’s over now though. In three days (or three weeks for the especially deluded among you,) you will know that your savior is finished and no one is coming to save you. Then what will you do? You will continue to accept your enslavement as you always have. You will pay your protection tax to the Fed in April, you and your children will get their vaccines so you can go to work, go to school, and travel for your 2 week vacation. After the first false flag you will also give up your guns, and soon you won’t be able to find ammo anyway. A tiny few of you might bury them in the yard, where they will stay. And through it all you will get down on your knees every night, and beg to the darkness for another messiah to save you. You will die begging, and in spite of your fantasies, you won’t be rewarded for your slavish weakness in the afterlife either. If we are ever to have freedom again, you will all need a major shift in mindset. Begging to God or anyone else isn’t going to make it happen.

Anonymous ID: 6ed489 Jan. 17, 2021, 6:54 p.m. No.12576687   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You can always tell the faggot boomers that can no longer get erections without chemical assistance, because they always say gay ass shit like “cupcake” and have nothing to reply with other than pathetic insults. What it really comes down to is that you don’t really give a shit. This is all a cute little game to you because you made your money in an economy that has since been destroyed, and you figure your social security will still be there even with Kamala running the show. You don’t give a fuck about your descendants, not enough to do more than “pray” for them anyway, and as long as you get enough government handouts to procure viagra and a Sunday meal at Denny’s, you will be fine. Some of us, like your children for example, are not so fortunate. We will have to actually survive in the shithole you have bequeathed us after your delusions fade.

Anonymous ID: 6ed489 Jan. 17, 2021, 7:01 p.m. No.12576791   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I actually believe in God faggot. I am also however an adult, who knows that God doesn’t reward begging and cowardice. Plenty of deluded assholes told everyone that God would save them right up until the day they and their kids were loaded up for a nice little trip to the gulag. What you have is not faith, but child like denial. You hurt the innocent with your servile weakness by resigning yourself to begging as a replacement for actually doing something. It’s unbefitting of men, especially when it comes from those over 60.

Anonymous ID: 6ed489 Jan. 17, 2021, 7:05 p.m. No.12576867   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Maybe a leader will arise to organize the dispossessed masses, but don’t hold your breath counting on any support from these worthless boomer fucks. Their apathy and stupidity enabled the end of this country, and they will be smug about it until the day they die (or until their social security dries up.) Leave them to their faggotry, send them a card on Christmas, and let them enjoy their diversified nursing homes.