anons I have am having a serious problem with all of this. I know halfchan is a swamp now, but I do remember when it wasn't, and I remember when 8chan /pol was functioning, I started this journey using prodigy as a 2400 baud dial up in 1988. I used USENET for years, happily, discussing r"ec.camping,moderated" and "".
Now we have all been regulated to in effect a "containment" board called /qresearch. Stop for a minute. and don't say I am a faggot, or call me out for faggotry. Look at this thread.
This is a significant point, and it is being quashed unreasonably. This is a valid point. we are not talking about criminals, we are talking about people that have real jobs, real homes with mortgages, real cars, pay insurance and taxes, are involved in their communities and function legally in society raising children, dressing them for school in the morning. Caring for them when they are sick.
This dystopian nightmare is ongoing every day, we are not meeting in back allies plotting the overthrow of government, we are meeting openly for every one to see and the President launched a campaign 3.5 years ago laying out a premise that government was corrupt tot he core.
I feel we are being treated very very very badly. The reason the nation is currently in the state it is, and this is public knowledge. Because Q has sold a bill of goods, President Trump is aware of it, everyone in politics and LE is aware of it, and nothing Q has said has come true.
And the anger and frustration of LE is driving police officer to dig in deeper with with it's citizens, but against them. People tell me don't run at a cop in violence, um, excuse me, I have a vailid driver license in my wallet, my auto insurance is current, my plates have not expired, my mortgage is behind, my employment is uncertain, everything Q has said makes sense to me, JFK was shot in the head, circumstances math with "Q conspiracy theory".
This is so fucked up from what I once did regularly in life. I pursued happiness. Now it is damn near impossible. And as you may have guessed from my internet history, gray is appearing in my hair and beard. This is fucked.