what no keks, i just about guts busted on that kekekekekekekeke wheres the notable keks lineup?
what no keks, i just about guts busted on that kekekekekekekeke wheres the notable keks lineup?
sigils, I forgot i was going to mentions something about why the construct things in sigils, probably have a blood sacrifice during construction or after. With usual sigils they are made of silver and kept out of the sunlight, and sigils have various meanings but invocation is the baseline for all of them and blood sacrifice is the power behind them.
sigils, I forgot i was going to mention something about why they construct things in sigils, probably have a blood sacrifice during construction or after. With usual sigils they are made of silver and kept out of the sunlight, and sigils have various meanings but invocation is the baseline for all of them and blood sacrifice is the power behind them.
Glad you mentioned the ccp, the entire boards ability to understand optiks is well lets just say its naive . Current optics in DC are important because the ccp . Thats all im going to say but I figured it out. if anyone else does dont spout it off here, Its better optiks to have failfags crying its a cloak of darkness they cant see through.
optiks go a bit deeper and broader, but i agree he has to look clean of what will transpire
google codex gigas
astute observation i thought the same
until you make notables regularly