Anonymous ID: 0b236c May 1, 2018, 4:39 p.m. No.1265915   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5959





From previous bread...


>How did Israel get its hands on 100 000+ documents, weighing half a ton, out of Iran?


The Mullahs may be losing support in Iran but Wictor is suggesting that the Iranian army printed off all these documents and burned the data to discs then probably gave them to his magical Saudi Special Forces who delivered them to Israel. Give me a fucking break.




Israel and the CIA already had all this from 2004 onward when they arrested Abdul Qadeer Khan, the Pakistani Nuclear physicist who was building all this shit for the rogue nations like Iran.


Honestly, every new fag should be obliged to read the old Q threads before posting. It's all explained in the threads about Uranium 1.


Plus, all those files and CD's were clearly a stage prop to explain to non-technical boomers that they have a lot of data. Either that or you're telling me that a load of super smart nuclear physicists still burn shit onto discs rather than using a secure server. Even though all these rogue nations also have some of the best hackers and tech guys in the world according to the CIA. Cognitive dissonance much?

Anonymous ID: 0b236c May 1, 2018, 4:51 p.m. No.1266007   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Some people also thought it could have been related to the Vegas shooting if I remember correctly as there were 2 helicopters that immediately took off from the airport and went dark over the hotel.

Anonymous ID: 0b236c May 1, 2018, 5 p.m. No.1266111   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6143


>That Iran really does have WMD ambitions, meaning the premise of the deal was based on a lie


Of course. You have to be pretty naive to not think that, or a corrupt piece of shit like Obama and the Clinton's.



Lots of reasons. Make money from Uranium. Use Iran as a balance of power against Israel and SA. They may genuinely think appeasement is a good idea. USA is paying for it, not them, so I no cost to them but high benefit.


>5% shared

Up that to 10% if you want this to get momentum.


>POTUS deCLAS Syria/Iran + U1 connection.

Yeah, and USA, Canada, EU, UK, Pakistan, NK, Iran, Israel and Milchon. Uranium is a very shady business. See picture.


>I would assume this was the MOAB

No way. Pedestrean information that was already covered in detail months ago. This is not really a happening.