Anonymous ID: 91fb8a May 1, 2018, 5:25 p.m. No.1266373   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mueller requests Flynn's sentencing be delayed at least two more months


Special Counsel Robert Mueller on Tuesday requested that sentencing for former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn be delayed by at least two months.


Mueller’s team and attorneys for Flynn submitted that Flynn is not ready for sentencing “due to the status of the special counsel’s investigation,” according to a court filing in U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C.


Flynn pleaded guilty in December to lying to the FBI as part of Mueller’s probe into Russian meddling in the 2016 election. As part of the plea deal, Flynn agreed to cooperate with Mueller’s ongoing investigation.


The parties are required to provide an update on Flynn’s status by June 29, according to the court filing.


The New York Times reported on Monday that it had obtained a list of questions the special counsel planned to ask President Trump in a potential interview.


A handful of the nearly 50 questions focused on Flynn’s firing. The special counsel reportedly sought to ask how Trump decided to fire Flynn and if the president reached out about a possible pardon at any point.


Trump's explanation for why he fired Flynn has appeared to change at times, stoking speculation that the president may have obstructed justice.


He initially said he fired Flynn for lying to Vice President Pence about contacts with Russian officials, but later tweeted that he'd fired the security adviser for also lying to the FBI. The Washington Post reported that Trump's attorney at the time, John Dowd, authored the latter tweet.



Anonymous ID: 91fb8a May 1, 2018, 5:28 p.m. No.1266407   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump says plans to meet North Korean leader coming in next 'couple of days


NEW: President Trump says location and date of North Korea summit is "probably going to be announced in the next couple of days."

— MSNBC (@MSNBC) May 1, 2018


President Trump said Tuesday the location and date of his meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un will be announced in the next "couple of days."


“We want to get peace,” Trump told reporters in the Oval Office. “We're setting up meetings right now and I think it's probably going to be announced over the next couple of days — location and date.”


A number of locations are reportedly under consideration, but Trump has said he would like the meeting to take place in the Demilitarized Zone separating North and South Korea.


“There's something that I thought was intriguing. I think that some people maybe don't like the look of that and some people like it very much. I threw it out today as an idea,” Trump said of the site on Monday.


Staging the talks at the demilitarized zone would hold symbolic value. Kim and South Korean President Moon Jae-in recently concluded historic talks there over denuclearization and formally ending the Korean War.


It would also make it easier for Kim to travel. North Korea’s planes reportedly would need to refuel in order to reach possible sites, such as Singapore.


Trump has said the talks would occur in May or early June.

