Anonymous ID: d37332 Jan. 25, 2021, 3:55 p.m. No.12712469   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2473 >>2510


i hear ya anon


i dont need much

but somehow you always get enough popcorn in the like bucket to keep going.



it is funny how it is

i always try to reinforce

all i have is a piece of the puzzle like everyone else but it seems to make the image more clear.



If you are curious.

It is interesting how sci-fi novels can begin to reflect reality.


You can look into the future. It is fun to explore how each Utopia will fade in to Dyspotia. You can figure it out. You will know their "achilles heal". You see what direction they will go, and know that is life, and eventually they will go back.


Let's take an easy example. Everyone starts homogenizing their clothes. Everyone wants to be part of American culture and quits individuating so much and creating an image with their clothes. It becomes egotistical or fake to create a personal image.

You can see the other side, the sci-fi, where everyone is wearing the same star-trek uniform.

The bluegeens and white t of the future.

It is just different garb

There will be troublemakers

People who have ego.

People who think they are better than the whole of Humanity

the children

they explore with costumes and that is fine

but when you grow up in the Republic

you have to join as a citizen

and part of that social contract

is not the disturb the peace

if everything you dress like mardi gras in the future

they put you in Earth jail for disruption

you got a revolution on your hands

over a uniform


the difference can be highlighting if you look at the caste systems of the east and compare it with the individuation of the unique snowflake in America. In between are other varying degrees of cultural vs. individual identity.


I want to be.. and see the movement of American culture shift from self-importance to group-importance.


You see how eventually that will create all kinds of fucked of dystopias?


but for now, it just where we are.


the east is westernizing, they say.

getting out of caste systems

expressing more on social media


americans can do the same in my opinion

with a bit of "easternization"

that may sound dumb

i ain't telling you to make a caste system


they don't have a caste system because they are backwards

they have a caste system because it was a great solution when it was created

but later began to have a negative impact

this is natural

it always happens

plenty of people will be westen unique indivdual snowfales dressing however they want and dying there hair purple.

i dont care.

it doesn't really matter

it is just a personal thing for me

i enjoy thinking

like.. okay.

what is this stuff look like?

i don't have to <becomeit.

to hypothesis about it's future

universal theologies <could they be based on the Lord if the World Prophet returns? could it take time for the rest of the world to accept Jesus as a Prophet? I think Jesus is all over the Koran and Torah though. Anyway.>


universal theology <not diety based, but what is true from the beginning to the end, what is known and not>

-quite honestly America. I do believe and faith in one Creator, the Lord, however, based on the scientific process and physical , 3D evidence, which is not everything, but, I cannot <PROVEthe Lord created the Universe. I can believe all I want but I cannot prove it in accords with the stands of a Universal Culture>

Universal Theology

Universal Language <not english>

-english is most common, but is not the "best"

-it is too far in one direction between the arabic/chinese syle and the russian/european style.

-you are looking for Romance languages, but you have to romance a bit further back than the Romance of the a BRANCH of language, but if you trace that language tree back.

To make a proper Universal Language, based on science of language vs. which language dominates the economic structure)


Okay. English is fine. But you have to fix the syntax. I know how to do it. I made peace for everyone with it. It sounds like stupid people talk. It is like caveman english in a way.


try it. you can do it naturally. it may sound stupid. but it is actually functional. pretend you are chinese. but speak english

your syntax won't be so… twisty as I call it

big words create twists/turns which are viewed as intentional manipulations when viewed properly in translation. Translation does not apply social context, it just translates the meaning of the word to an earlier time in history, and then back to the relevant language.

so english latin > hebrew > sanskrit > aramaic > i dunno > whatever

Anonymous ID: d37332 Jan. 25, 2021, 3:55 p.m. No.12712473   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2595




you see a chinese person has to get to sankskrit meaning

and the english person needs to go to sanskrit


but when they get there

the english speaker says…. wait…. no. that isn't what i mean.

you see?

we think we are saying one thing

but when the professional language people

start translating our language

not directly, like google translate. that is crap.

you have to do it right

if you want to know what a word really means. break it into syllables, and look at the old english etymology. you have to search it separate, specifically as old english, normal etymology old provides latin roots or crappy translation. old english will take you to proto-european meaning. you can see what all this shit is. it ain't what you think


everyone is saying one thing, but they don't realize what they are actually saying



Universal Theology

Universal Language

Universal Culture


How do I respect all culture while respecting my own? How do I be myself and respect those I disagree with?

What is blatantly wrong?

What is cultural?

wtf, why are all these people stoning women in the East?

i dunno, but they gotta have a reason.

all i am saying

many people say NO NO NO

i don't even know why they stone women

maybe one day I will find out

and then i can see if i think it is cultural or wrong

my guess is that the practice is out of control

it used to be a form of punishment that more relaxed than death or chopping off the arm or neutering or whatever.

it was probably meant to "take it easy" on the women

but now it is out of control and used to wrong.

so all I am saying

is there is some way to use logic

and see where things

can be right in theory

but have become wrong in practice

how utopia dystopia

and dystopia next utopia


it doesn't happen over night


heaven on earth, or the Venus project, all these great new worlds.

that is for the future.


this is what we have.

and that is great

there is no need to build some incredible utopian advanced civilization

it just alright to do the next right thing without worry about how it will impact people in 20,000 years.>(You



funny you say that

i was just talking about it



it does

but we can imagine

and appreciate too

you really wanna all dress the same and do all sorts of weird upopian stuff??

everyone will think they are in utopia, but ont realize it became dystopia

i would hate to be aware of a dystopic utopia.

Anonymous ID: d37332 Jan. 25, 2021, 3:57 p.m. No.12712510   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2521



so you see

i tell you this is my art

it is ancient and known

it is called oration

but i don't create it with my brain

i channel it from the field

and it spills from me

with the facts my brain knows

the channel is filtered

i do process in some degree

but it is a pretty clear transmission

it is strange to consider this type of content a channel cause it isn't the "PURE PURE LOVE STUFF"

that people tune into and stuff

i am just typing

but i am not thinking

or attempting not too

sometimes i catch a type

but i don't re-read or


i want to type send

and push send

as fast as possible

to be a quick transmission

on your behalf


Anonymous ID: d37332 Jan. 25, 2021, 4:06 p.m. No.12712598   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2667 >>2675

I do pick a topic

but you will notice

i hit my own rabbit holes

i will start talking about one thing

and then i have a different point

by the end

that is way more relevant but totally off-topic for the post I started


i kinda.. pick a place or topic that seems relevant or non-published

all this is recorded by the government and the private industry

i have to personally transcribe it digitally to ensure it is made pubic as possible

how can i guarantee the cabal and US government is going to release all this stuff correctly

i don't underestimate them in the present.

I just know the future gets screwed

it is good to have original copies of this stuff

+it goes out to you all

i used to say all this stuff in private but out loud

so now i am just typing it

it is like anything

each time i do it

i get more clear and paint better pictures

it took me years to tell the story

you can't just spit it out in a cohesive ways

you have to allow your brain to wire itself new to be able to process

outside of the "installed" system

but the thing is

we are all wired

you can transmit the new "wiring"

pretty easy

let me show you how everyone is wired

it starts with facial recognition and non-verbal communication from parents


okay. people say trauma is passed down. trauma just means a type of dysfunctional brain wiring. you are in a viscious electric cycle of electrons.


so a person passes down their "emotional processing center", subconciously to their children.

okay. freud ain't wrong, but everyone goo-goo gah-gah at their kids is not good. especially if the parents are not very stable themselves.

you don't have to traumatize your kids to pass on the traumatized, or bad wiring in your brain.

Anonymous ID: d37332 Jan. 25, 2021, 4:12 p.m. No.12712675   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2814


people are passing on their addictive wiring too


hate to tell you

my mom did it to me

i can't be mad

wtf how was anyone supposed to know


rats prefer sugar to cocaine.

read the article

there may be a catch, pretty big claim


anyway. if sugar is more addictive than cocaine for rats, that applies to you too likely.


i have tried.

you ever tried to eliminate all sugar from your diet?

it isn't about health necessary

i will just tell you.

it is very very very difficult to cut out sugar

you can quit eating fatty stuff

and salt and this and that

but try to cut out sugar




addictive wiring is addictive wiring

it starts with sugar, a little coffee, a cig and then you enter to <drug worldbut now the drug world isn't the gateway of marijuana

it is the gateway of cocaine or ritalin or something


so. long story short.

this <gateway drugdebate is stupid.


it begins with addictive circuitry.

dont give you kids sugar


i don't care

but it will make them more likely to grow into addictive behavior as adults


you can wire addictive emotional behavior too. it becomes addictive, but rather than a substance, it is a feeling


you get addicted to the chemical release.


it happens with all this psycholgy stuff in families.

the scapegoat, or the middle child, the only child, the oldest, the youngest

blah blah balh


but rarely do you think of these as having addictive emotional neurocirtcuitry that is associated


brain scans are leading to all kinds of discoveries


someone is gonna have to tell America about the brain/mind


it ain't gonna be me

i am doing it now

i did it before

your turn!

Anonymous ID: d37332 Jan. 25, 2021, 4:14 p.m. No.12712705   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2742




It raises a question for me.


Where are all the elders for this social justice facebook woke mob?


Who are their elders of their wokeness?


Zuckerbitch? Jackass?


who is giving the mob guidance.


i really.


do not know!

i wish i did

cause i would message them direct on twitter

best way to get a message to anyone

Anonymous ID: d37332 Jan. 25, 2021, 4:26 p.m. No.12712814   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2896


I have mental illness and addiction.




Do I?


Am I drunk?

Am I ill?



The "diseases" have no genetic or chemical component that science can find.


It is because they are "wiring diseases" also known as personal crisis, or spiritual crisis, sometimes spiritual crisis occurs during personal development or self-understanding.


Anyway. Yea.

I come in peace.

I have cures for your ills.

it won't happen overnight

but wouldn't you like to quit seeing so many mentally ill addicts with no option for recovery?

i am gonna fix it.

i can't make people choose

but I can offer avenues that I would have chosen for myself.

like there were times I would have checked into a mental hospital.

i liked it the time i went

i drew pictures, and played ping pong and pool, and the people were nice and the food was good. I got a little menu to choose from and there were cool people in there. It was like a conspiracy theory meeting for stupid kids that said the wrong thing or did the wrong thing. like one dude was in there cause his mom caught him reading the tibetan boook of the dead and stuff. anyway.


i would have gone more often if I could have stepped out for a cigarette sometimes..

I know that sounds dumb

but after all my experiences, if that is what held my back from having a safe place to be crazy when I was having crisis. Fix it.

There is no reason, just dumb federal and state law, that prohibits mental health patients from smoking.That is all. I know it sounds dumb, whatever, you are dealing with dumb addicts.

i have lots of idea.

same thing for state run detox facilities

if i wanna get sober at a detox

and i don't have money

i must check in for <10 day minimum>

and live in hell

with a bunch of cranky people coming down for drugs

and I am not allowed to smoke cigarettes or use a cell phone.


Okay. it sounds stupid. I know

it is an excuse and a legit one for people who want to get sober

fuck it

i will sit in my house and manage

not everyone is capable like me

i know it sucks to come down

i just do it

like a champ

a pro



if you just let the drunks smoke their cigarettes and use their phone while they are trying to get off drugs, if that would help more people, why not?


common sense to me

it sounds whiny from the inside when you are bitching about cigs and getting help


i don't need help

i am just reporting

that i think it okay

for addicts to smoke and use phones

in america

they aren't trying to quit smoking

they are trying to get off crack

so you force them into double whammie

and they worry

that the drug addict will communicate with <drug peopleon the outside


get real america

get the drunks their phone and cigarettes and nice place to detox where there is wifi and more than one televison


put in a couple computers and people might look for a job while they are in there

-they say <people fight over computers>


figure it out,. not my problem

your logic sucks

you figure it out or i will get in there and do it myself eventually



another dumb thing

they make the <detox patientsdo all the cleaning of the kitchen and living areas


i get it

but detox people are puking and pooping and doing all kinds of gross stuff

they don't need to be doing cleaning for anyone after that nasty shit

find a maid

it is society

you gotta take care of the problems

even when it sucks

and you aren't responsible

everyone loves st jude and they love st. homeless detox just as much

just $1 a day and you won't have to see mentally ill homeless drunks on the street corner begging any more!

i was in detox and them woman attached her tooth to the doorknob and slammed it too rip it out


come on america.

Anonymous ID: d37332 Jan. 25, 2021, 4:28 p.m. No.12712843   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2972


hmm. I would like to start tracking this..


is tik-tok the outer edge?


i wonder if there is a site that does tik-tok virility.


i got shit to do

i dont have friends

or tik-tok

does it have like a feed?

but what i really want

is does it have a trending thing?

Anonymous ID: d37332 Jan. 25, 2021, 4:32 p.m. No.12712920   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2950 >>2981

let me tell you

silence is so much better in english

cause of how loaded the whole thing is

if i say to someone

who is translating my english


"I want respect"


that is a command. Respect me.

not quite, but check it

not what you think.


It literally says "I empty Respect"

so. wtf is respect? you gotta look it up too

but you see what i mean

people translate and they think you want me to empty my respect..


see above, critical observation

english is backwards




From Middle English wanten (“to lack”), from Old Norse vanta (“to lack”), from Proto-Germanic wanatōną (“to be wanting, lack”), from wanô (“lack, deficiency”), from Proto-Indo-European *h₁weh₂- (“empty”).

Anonymous ID: d37332 Jan. 25, 2021, 4:34 p.m. No.12712950   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2965


okay. this is funny. but it is not


English - "I want respect"

translates to

Old English - "I empty vision(?)"

vision is interpretation of "to see"


From Middle English respect, from Old French respect, also respit (“respect, regard, consideration”), from Latin respectus (“a looking at, regard, respect”), perfect passive participle of respiciō (“look at, look back upon, respect”), from re- (“back”) + speciō (“to see”).


From Middle English wanten (“to lack”), from Old Norse vanta (“to lack”), from Proto-Germanic wanatōną (“to be wanting, lack”), from wanô (“lack, deficiency”), from Proto-Indo-European *h₁weh₂- (“empty”).

Anonymous ID: d37332 Jan. 25, 2021, 4:36 p.m. No.12712965   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2993


you are brainwashing people


if you tell someone in that can translate right


I want respect


you just tried to E.T. brainwash them.


you just said


"I empty your sight."


okay. I don't know how that shit happens.

i call it a syntax issue

the syntax is broken.

Anonymous ID: d37332 Jan. 25, 2021, 4:37 p.m. No.12712993   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3013 >>3022



but it gets real confusing in translating peace.


cause one language is saying

"i want live with family, no other"




the english says

"i empty your vision"


but both people are saying the word

<I want respect


in their own culturally contextually appropriate ways.


it breaks down though.