Anonymous ID: f360da Jan. 25, 2021, 4:56 p.m. No.12713224   🗄️.is 🔗kun

for those of you who know this shit, yea, heavy huh?, you see it is easy once you know how to do it.


i will give you the proper conclusion. i think.

there is a 3D and 4D language

one is a discussion of emotion or energy

one is a discussion of object

object oriented world

vs energy oriented world


so. how do we have a world that makes sense multidimensionally?

there should be no linguistic discrepency in 3D vs 4D


for you all who are curious, this is how your soul is stolen through language


it collects energy from you

it can be:

physical energy

electromagnetic energy

bio-phontic energy <loosh>




it is okay to have different language

what is problematic is when they are so different that they are saying totally different stuff but thinking they are talking about the same subject?


anyway. it is fine to speak a cultural language that is functional


but if you run around speaking "proper english" to a "global community" without understanding the inherent nature of language.

you are gonna look like a mind controlled person trying to mind control everyone else that speaks a different language

particularly if that person is non-european

if the base of their langauge is more like hebrew, aramaic, or chinese vs glyphs of egypt, maya, rome, europe, etc


east / west

that is all it is

but sometimes western gets confused as "right way"

there is a proper middle path for a global uderstanding


you gotta see

it isn't important everyone adapt some global perspective of their life

but if you are responsible for coordinating anything like business or government on a multinational level

it is probably good to notice a few things about your culture

good to look in from the 3rd person perspective

you can resist or change the perspective

but you cannot outright reject the image that is PERCEIVED by othrs.


it is great to mean well, but you only exist as how you are interpreted.

you are not your intention, you are your impact.

you are both

but you want your intention and impact to be equal.


people say

i want respect

if people ask me what america wants as a nation in regards to foregin affairs

and i say

I want respect

I need to realize I just told them to "empty their vision"

if i don't know that. I can't help articulate…


what is empty?

why am i actually saying "I empty vision"


look at original translation of vision "to see"

now it gets interesting

to sea


"i empty the body of water"

or "i empty sea"


i empty them water

maybe it is a reference to emotion..



I empty to ocean of feeling

I want to clear the sea

i can't explain exactly


it requires all this back tracing

like all the words i type

they mean something to you and I

but if they translate to a different lanfguage

we look like we are just brainwashing eacother lol




I will help you all unless you come up with it quicker.

Hello will be difficult i think.

I can give you a solution though

vowels are special

they don't exist in the hebrew and stuff

the bible has no vowels. anyway

you get Hell-O

O = whole = family


you just said "hell family"

that is a satanic way to say "howdy"

or "hey"

may "hi" would be best

but i would look at "high" or

the glyph in phoenician or egypt

look at the meaning of the letters

it is deeper than the surface

like if a letter is a bird

it doesn't mean that bird

it is more like the behavior of the creature

like L = lion in ancient egypt

the behavior of lion

who are the lion people?

the spinx?



I = vowel

it is spirit to me in a way



i can't remember H

but it is up to interpretation

you will find basic context

and use your mind from there


anyway. under-stand is good too

who is under a stand?

what stand?

why are they under it?

what is a stand?

is that a person standing?

or is that a stage?

Anonymous ID: f360da Jan. 25, 2021, 4:57 p.m. No.12713231   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3256

for those of you who know this shit, yea, heavy huh?, you see it is easy once you know how to do it.


i will give you the proper conclusion. i think.

there is a 3D and 4D language

one is a discussion of emotion or energy

one is a discussion of object

object oriented world

vs energy oriented world


so. how do we have a world that makes sense multidimensionally?

there should be no linguistic discrepency in 3D vs 4D


for you all who are curious, this is how your soul is stolen through language


it collects energy from you

it can be:

physical energy

electromagnetic energy

bio-phontic energy <loosh>


okay i missed someones link. this hopefully was a response to you too. if i missed let me know.

>>12713013 lb


it is okay to have different language

what is problematic is when they are so different that they are saying totally different stuff but thinking they are talking about the same subject?


anyway. it is fine to speak a cultural language that is functional


but if you run around speaking "proper english" to a "global community" without understanding the inherent nature of language.

you are gonna look like a mind controlled person trying to mind control everyone else that speaks a different language

particularly if that person is non-european

if the base of their langauge is more like hebrew, aramaic, or chinese vs glyphs of egypt, maya, rome, europe, etc


east / west

that is all it is

but sometimes western gets confused as "right way"

there is a proper middle path for a global uderstanding


you gotta see

it isn't important everyone adapt some global perspective of their life

but if you are responsible for coordinating anything like business or government on a multinational level

it is probably good to notice a few things about your culture

good to look in from the 3rd person perspective

you can resist or change the perspective

but you cannot outright reject the image that is PERCEIVED by othrs.


it is great to mean well, but you only exist as how you are interpreted.

you are not your intention, you are your impact.

you are both

but you want your intention and impact to be equal.


people say

i want respect

if people ask me what america wants as a nation in regards to foregin affairs

and i say

I want respect

I need to realize I just told them to "empty their vision"

if i don't know that. I can't help articulate…


what is empty?

why am i actually saying "I empty vision"


look at original translation of vision "to see"

now it gets interesting

to sea


"i empty the body of water"

or "i empty sea"


i empty them water

maybe it is a reference to emotion..



I empty to ocean of feeling

I want to clear the sea

i can't explain exactly


it requires all this back tracing

like all the words i type

they mean something to you and I

but if they translate to a different lanfguage

we look like we are just brainwashing eacother lol




I will help you all unless you come up with it quicker.

Hello will be difficult i think.

I can give you a solution though

vowels are special

they don't exist in the hebrew and stuff

the bible has no vowels. anyway

you get Hell-O

O = whole = family


you just said "hell family"

that is a satanic way to say "howdy"

or "hey"

may "hi" would be best

but i would look at "high" or

the glyph in phoenician or egypt

look at the meaning of the letters

it is deeper than the surface

like if a letter is a bird

it doesn't mean that bird

it is more like the behavior of the creature

like L = lion in ancient egypt

the behavior of lion

who are the lion people?

the spinx?



I = vowel

it is spirit to me in a way



i can't remember H

but it is up to interpretation

you will find basic context

and use your mind from there


anyway. under-stand is good too

who is under a stand?

what stand?

why are they under it?

what is a stand?

is that a person standing?

or is that a stage?

Anonymous ID: f360da Jan. 25, 2021, 5:07 p.m. No.12713347   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3404


To summarize, you speak a universal version of Latin. English is merely written, not spoken.


I am listening.

How do you avoid root etymology of written word?


You sound like everyone else

Which is fine.

There is more to language

But great… now what?

I guess you don't need to worry

if you don't plan on talking to people from other cultures

but that is what I am working on right now

is helping people understand language


and i don't think i should

keep my mouth shut

if i am showing people observations

just "knowing"

isn't the point

i am not giving you profound science based in law

i am sharing simple observations with people who may never had the chance to see them.

Anonymous ID: f360da Jan. 25, 2021, 5:09 p.m. No.12713366   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3390 >>3497

this is my first notes i made on vowels.

I find them effective tool for some kind of grasp on what a vowel is.


i think construction of the shape of the letter indicates it's meaning or reference to being.


familyA = 2 parent lines, one child line = FAMILY A

E = 1 parent line, three child line = FAMILY B


O = Group/Us

U = Otherized Group/They

half of you are like what the fuck is this shit. Anyway. I took egyptian hieroglyphs for the consonants and used the above vowel system.

you can literally dissect any word.

a (family)

n (water)

o (group)

n (water)

Family Water Group Water.

My life is part of the group's life.


g (container)

o (group/us)

d (legs/feet/move)

something to contain/hold/comfort our movements/actions/(behaviors?)


o (group)

n (water)

e (family)

the group give the family life.



h (candle wick)

e (family A)

a (family B)

r (mouth/speak/share)

t (bread loaf)

the possibility of two families sharing conversation and bread.


Interesting articles about language/alphabets:

Anonymous ID: f360da Jan. 25, 2021, 5:10 p.m. No.12713378   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3430


>> but I always scroll right past posts that are long, have goofy formatting while also not using anything close to proper grammar and when people use colored text.


you sound like a progressive in their safe space

just get over your "digital triggers"

Anonymous ID: f360da Jan. 25, 2021, 5:12 p.m. No.12713400   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3426 >>3508
  • you can see at the bottom here, I am questioning if language is in fact even a technology, now i believe it is the most powerful, so you can see how my perspective changed. I want you to see i am not fabricating crap you are gonna read somewhere else. there are all kinds of people that do this type of stuff from different perspectives but for some reason i am the "bad spammer anon" that is "out of line" … i don't really care. i am just making a point. like, why can't i discuss this?


Honestly. I think it is already written about. Just too little research and no cross-field applications. The science stuff is too many big words that say a bunch of stuff I don't understand, but there seems to be some sort of science.

However, like many fields, there isn't "fringe" applications. I dont bother much with the expert stuff, just too much of a learning curve. I just try to understand things in my own way.

somehow it all relates though. how is language a technology. how is the technology used as a weapon against us. like MKU programming, propaganda, etc.

i could list tons of websites, but the best thing is to find someone around here that knows more than I do about the issue.



it is all about syntax (sin tax) - I will give an example.

syntax organizes symbols(the letters in the word)

so the vowel organizes the consonant

or does the consonant organize the vowel

that is how the sintax changes.

who is taxed in the statement

there is a big different between

he gave it to me

he give it to me

because that a/i switch.

note, both could be read as past tense.

at the end of the day it is still math though. it is about what equals what or what is greater than or less than something else. c0ns0n>nts >nd v0w<ls. i dunno. just fucking around really. there is something to this though, just don't know where i am going with it.

but it has to deal with the symbols called letters of alphabits that make up the language used to enslave us with stuff like project mockingbird.

words in general, hide the true meaning of what is being said with the symbols. sometimes. when it is important.

c is a shift, a change, a (ch)

but a c with a shift added is an S.

an S is 2(c)

why do you need a double shift

shifty shit. slithery language uses the letter S.





The thing is words that are more "complex", meaning to me right now, 3 syllables or more. The big words are used to be civil, intellectual, educated, articulate. all this shit. right. but really it just hides the true meaning of the ROOT of those words.

There are too many characters/symbols in them to truly understand what is being said. each word needs to be dissected and formed into a sentence of its' own.

Some are okay and done for a reason, but some just hide what is really going on with the glyphs.

no need for big words. all i am saying. it confuses what people are REALLY saying. right now is a time of division, the language just becomes a prison. gotta keep destroying it is my guess.

wish i could come up with a good example, but i would think it is a imbalanced word. one with alot of vowels or alot of consonants.

like book is balanced. or is balanced balanced? what is the proper balance between vowel and consonant, not equal it seems. so book is imbalanced, it is vowel heavy.

changing it to a brook would help even it out a bit. how is a book like a brook. they sound similar, they are spelled alike. it is not a matter of if they are related, they are definitely related in my opinion, the only question for me is how are they connected.


Is language a technology?

Anonymous ID: f360da Jan. 25, 2021, 5:14 p.m. No.12713426   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3510


> but the best thing is to find someone around here that knows more than I do about the issue.


oh look. i was looking for someone with more information.

i didn't find it.


i know people do "quantum language" stuff on the web. this is unique

find my material

find me someone analyzing the shape of vowels to determine meaning…

i might consider stopping my spam

Anonymous ID: f360da Jan. 25, 2021, 5:17 p.m. No.12713461   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3539


my bad

i get caught with IDs

i just see messages and start responding

i rarely see other posts you made


yea. i think this is super dangerous technology

and i am just helping to do my part to release the tech!

as they say

language info is part of declas i guess

in a way

i think it is super important

i don't have any language teaching

it is more just like


"do you see what I see"

but I do like colored text

i do use it for a reason

for the intended reason


you may not like it

but i don't want some things lost in the flow of reading

i want you to stop

it is like part of it

i could just reinforce




or i could just "make red" or "make purple"

if it is used arbitrarily

or for attention

it is a bad thing

but if used right, i think it is okay.

Anonymous ID: f360da Jan. 25, 2021, 5:52 p.m. No.12713874   🗄️.is 🔗kun


i got this

fuck maritiem law cause it is all based on the fake language

you can win strawman but you must prove you have a culture separate than america

the best way to show that, is to showcase that your english has a different syntax than everyone else.

if your grammatic syntax is definable and distinct from the rest of the country…

you have a case

strawman isn't something you learn the laws of

it is something you must understand

cause you know deep down

you did not sign the social contract

and that court does not have authority

people say it

they think it is great

learn all about it

but it is more than words and laws you file in a court when they charge with driving with no license

i am not saying you

i am just saying strawman crap in general

it is good people look

but most "strawman enthusiast" cant explain to you one thing..

and i guarantee the government has a good answer.

Why don't the laws apply to you?



i have tried

i have my own glyph system based on my conceptual understanding of each letter/glyph


i am sure you get it, but yea, each letter does not have a "translation" like people want. it holds a concept or multidimensional understanding of a the letter/glyph


i just did these to help me see what observations i Would make if i spelled words and looked at the pictures instead of the letters.