Bakers are heroes.
I'm already multi-tasking, sorry.
okay. i know. it is a problem
i don't think black people are bad though. i think humans are naturally a part of whatever environment they are raised in. it is just hwatever, you do what the other people around you are doing, that is life. but it is easy to get caught up in an activity that is USUALLY harmless or has no PHYSICAL victim. It doesn't mean you can steal, but it doesn't mean you are VIOLENT either. stealing a car doesn't make you prone to murder. what if you are firing a gun in the backyard? it is <coolto do that. i can understand. if it was legal, i might feel like shooting a gun in my backyard sometimes too. anyway. it could land on someone or whatever. i dunno.
i dont have answers here. i got plenty of problem,
I don't know if this person is still following the board
but my heart goes out to that anon.
The destruction of our society has been going on a long time.
Don't think it has just been in the hoods.
It has been EVERYWHERE.
Sex and drugs and violence were groomed into the youth.
Growing up means you want to take on adult understanding.
It is hard for a parent to tell a kid to be patient
when it is flaring up all around him/her.
I grew up in a nice family, in a nice neighborhood, with nice schools.
I was shocked at what my friends were doing at 13 years old.
Liquor came out of daddy's cabinet and to the party.
Long walks were taken in the dark.
I assure you, it was a fight to preserve my own dignity.
Boys were aggressive towards girls.
But those boys had learned from men's magazines.
They hated their innocence and needed to be like a man.
Girls were themselves aggressive, wanting to be women.
This didn't happen by itself. It was groomed into us by people more clever than us.
What happened with the tobacco industry, being blamed for selling to the younger age customers among the claims __
happened with the movies, with TV, with commercials on TV…
It looks like FREEDOM but it is a degradation of maturity.
I know many have regrets of what they did when they were younger.
As we see with Judge Kavanaugh, those things have a way of keeping people out of the public eye. Anyone who aims to alter their plans, will get looked at closely, and targeted for those regretful things.
My point is
don't think it was easier for middle class kids. It wasn't.
We have all been trapped and targeted like fish in a barrel.
The real trick is
making it your priority to get to a place where you can breathe.
Get to a safe and friendly place and rebuild yourself.
Find good people.
Do good things.
Rebuild you sense of who you are.
Build your pride and dignity again.
Those things come with accomplishments and learning.
You will know when you have REALLY earned your manhood.
Peace, brother.
first part is copy/paste and didn't reflect it
it was a post
after the scrolling line break is my answer
Try to keep your hands clean.
I mean, don't let your hands have unkindness of any sort on them.
Hold them the hell back when you are triggered or hurt.
This builds inner strength.
I had to find it all out on my own.
Dad may have been around but could never understand.
Society has moved too fast to keep up with it,
It has been a Perfect Storm, like the movie.
After seeing what BAD things to do the world
there is just some point where
you don't want any part of it.
Society isn't worth living in if
no one has common rules and civil behaviors.
We aren't dogs.
We have to push back at BAD.
BAD hurts everyone.
So, what is GOOD?
keeping your hands clean