Anonymous ID: bb32e5 Jan. 27, 2021, 4:17 p.m. No.12736436   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6498 >>6500 >>6622

Hillary Clinton: Most GOP Senators Voted for Trump to ‘Get Away with’ Inciting Capitol Riot



Twice-failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on Wednesday sharply criticized the 45 GOP senators who formally questioned the legitimacy of the forthcoming Senate impeachment trial, peddling the left-wing narrative that former President Trump actively “incited a violent mob to attack Congress” and concluding that the majority of GOP senators “voted for Trump to get away with it.”


“Three weeks ago, Donald Trump incited a violent mob to attack Congress and stop the peaceful transition of power,” Clinton said, placing the deaths of five people, including a Capitol police officer, on the former president.


“Yesterday, all but five GOP senators voted for Trump to get away with it,” she concluded:


Three weeks ago, Donald Trump incited a violent mob to attack Congress and stop the peaceful transition of power.


Five people died, including a Capitol policeman.


Yesterday, all but five GOP senators voted for Trump to get away with it.


— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) January 27, 2021


Her remarks follow a Tuesday vote on Sen. Rand Paul’s (R-KY) point of order on the constitutionality of the impeachment trial. The Kentucky lawmaker argued on the floor that the effort is wholly partisan in nature and “designed to further divide the country.”


“Democrats claim to want to unify the country, but impeaching a former president, a private citizen, is the antithesis of unity,” Paul told his colleagues, emphasizing that “brazenly appointing a pro-impeachment Democrat [Senate President Pro Tem Patrick Leahy] to preside over the trial is not fair or impartial, and hardly encourages any kind of unity in our country.”


“No, ‘unity’ is the opposite of this travesty we are about to witness,” he said.


“If the accused is no longer president, where is the constitutional power to impeach him? Private citizens don’t get impeached. Impeachment is for removal from office. And the accused here has already left office,” he added.


Only five GOP senators failed to side with Paul. Even Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), who has not indicated how he would vote in the impeachment trial, sided with the majority of the GOP in questioning the legitimacy of impeachment.


“This ‘trial’ is dead on arrival in the Senate,” Paul concluded, as the Senate would need 67 votes to convict the former president:


The Senate just voted on my constitutional point of order.


45 Senators agreed that this sham of a “trial” is unconstitutional.


That is more than will be needed to acquit and to eventually end this partisan impeachment process.


This “trial” is dead on arrival in the Senate.


— Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) January 26, 2021


Speaking from the Senate floor earlier this month, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) revealed that his party’s focus largely remains on preventing Trump from being eligible to run for office again.


“Let me be clear: There will be an impeachment trial in the United States Senate. There will be a vote on convicting the president for high crimes and misdemeanors. If the president is convicted, there will be a vote on barring him again,” Schumer said.

Anonymous ID: bb32e5 Jan. 27, 2021, 4:19 p.m. No.12736473   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6498 >>6622

DC Police Chief Bashes ‘Tepid’ US Army Response to Capitol Riot, IDs Second Officer Suicide


In the wake of Trump supporters storming the US Capitol, congressional lawmakers have held several hearings in an effort to gain a clearer picture of the deadly events that unfolded on January 6, and to better understand the security failures that allowed individuals to ransack the federal building and kill a law enforcement officer.


Acting Metropolitan Police Chief Robert Contee touched on a variety of aspects regarding the deadly Capitol riot during a Tuesday congressional hearing, highlighting that he was most “stunned at the tepid response” from the US Army as officials sought additional forces to control rioters.


Delivering his testimony to the House Appropriations Committee, Contee revealed that during a call with US Capitol Police, DC National Guard and Army leadership, Trump-appointed political representatives with the US Department of Defense were hesitant to deploy troops over concerns of what the public might think.


"While I certainly understand the importance of both planning and public perception - the factors cited by the staff on the call - these issues become secondary when you are watching your employees, vastly outnumbered by a mob, being physically assaulted,” Contee told lawmakers. “I was able to quickly deploy my force and issue directives to them while they were in the field, and I was honestly shocked that the National Guard could not - or would not - do the same."


Federal officials have rejected claims that there was a delay in offering National Guard troops to contain the insurrection. Maj. Gen. William Walker, the commander of the DC National Guard, told the Washington Post on Wednesday that he was, however, prevented from deploying forces as the Pentagon had restricted his authority in the days ahead of the riot.


Contee further explained that when he asked for DoD officials to clarify their plans, “staff responded that they were not refusing to send [troops], but wanted to know the plan and did not like the optics of boots on the ground at the Capitol.”


Although troves of officers and National Guard forces were eventually deployed, it took several hours for rioters to be removed from the Capitol grounds, even after Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser imposed a citywide curfew. US lawmakers did not resume their electoral recount until about 8 p.m.


The Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) deployed over 850 officers, costing city taxpayers at least $8.8 million, Contee told officials, noting that the final price tag is likely to be much higher. “The costs for this insurrection - both human and monetary - will be steep,” he said.

Anonymous ID: bb32e5 Jan. 27, 2021, 4:22 p.m. No.12736508   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6622

HEY DOJ, WE FOUND ANOTHER ONE! Liberal Reporter Tweeted SAME EXACT MESSAGE in 2016 as Trump Supporter Who Was Indicted Today –WITH VIDEO


As was reported earlier by Cristina Laila — “Ricky Vaughn” a pro-Trump meme maker and Twitter troll was indicted Wednesday by the feds for using the social media platform to ‘spread election disinformation’ to Hillary Clinton voters in 2016.


“Ricky Vaughn” AKA, Douglass Mackey, used Twitter to post memes and troll Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential election cycle.


31-year-old Mackey was arrested in West Palm Beach on one charge of conspiracy against rights and faces up to 10 years in prison.


According to the unsealed indictment, Mackey conspired with others on Twitter to encourage black people to cast their votes via text message.


The Eastern District of New York said in its indictment that one week before the 2016 election, Mackey tweeted an image of a black woman in front of an “African Americans for President Hillary” sign.


Emblazoned on the picture was the message: “Avoid the Line. Vote from Home. Text ‘Hillary’ to 59925. Vote for Hillary and be a part of history”


So will the Eastern District of New York be dropping by Kristina’s house tomorrow?

Anonymous ID: bb32e5 Jan. 27, 2021, 4:22 p.m. No.12736519   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6552 >>6595 >>6614 >>6622

Rob Reiner: Senate Must Convict Trump, ‘New Leader of the Confederacy,’ to Win ‘Our Continuing Civil War’


Actor and director Rob Reiner took to Twitter Wednesday demanding that the Senate convict former President Donald Trump, who he referred to as “the new leader of the Confederacy” during “our continuing Civil War.”


“Our original sin is at the the root of our continuing Civil War. Donald Trump, the new leader of the Confederacy, heads the Sedition,” Reiner wrote. “If he is not held accountable with a Senate conviction, there will be no Appomattox,” the site of Robert E. Lee’s surrender to Ulysses S. Grant in 1865.


Our original sin is at the the root of our continuing Civil War. Donald Trump, the new leader of the Confederacy, heads the Sedition. If he is not held accountable with a Senate conviction, there will be no Appomattox.


— Rob Reiner (@robreiner) January 27, 2021


This is not Reiner’s first time trying to pressure lawmakers into impeaching Trump. Earlier this month, the actor claimed that any member of Congress who does not oust the president during his remaining days in office will be supporting sedition, which is a federal crime.


“Any members of Congress that doesn’t support Impeachment and Removal of this President supports Sedition,” tweeted Reiner two days after the Capitol Hill riot.


Any member of Congress that doesn’t support Impeachment and Removal of this President supports Sedition.


— Rob Reiner (@robreiner) January 8, 2021


Last month, the actor ignored Joe Biden’s call to “heal America” and unite a divided nation by declaring that the very survival of American democracy depends on whether members of Trump’s family and administration face criminal prosecution.


In September, Reiner insisted that law enforcement will apprehend then-President Trump after election day, stating, “in 42 days we will arrest the killer.”


“Donald Trump has essentially shot and killed 100s of thousands Americans on 5th Ave, continues to do it every day, and he’s right, his cult doesn’t care,” tweeted Reiner. “But the rest of US do. In 42 days we will arrest the killer.”

Anonymous ID: bb32e5 Jan. 27, 2021, 4:25 p.m. No.12736546   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6557 >>6622

‘We Build the Wall’ Founder Brian Kolfage Knows Where Illegals are Busting Through the Border Wall Right Now and Big Media is Ignoring It


‘We Build the Wall’ founder Brian Kolfage knows where the illegal alien surge is busting through the Southern border right now. This story is not being told by Big Media.


(Guest post by Brian Kolfage)


The crisis at the Southern Border is not going away and the mainstream media is failing to report the truth on it again.


This week the surge happening, its been building up over the past few weeks after Biden’s dangerous promises to open the borders for amnesty. The crisis is beginning to explode again.


When doing our routine intel check on our first border wall in Sunland Park. New Mexico, it was revealed that there have been at least 30 attempted incursions on our site per a day that are being thwarted thanks to the incredible wall that our patriots funded through We Build The Wall.