Anonymous ID: bf0c17 Jan. 27, 2021, 4:03 p.m. No.12736239   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6313

>>12734269 (lb)


Serious question: Given the epic failure that has been 3.5 years of writing scripts to divide people by their 'group' failing to influence anything or anyone of substance to 'respond' in the way you hope, what makes you believe it will magically work today?


The only rational explanation for repeating the code is that you are typing what you are typing solely to give another person or party the 'ammo' they want to justify their attacks on the Q research board by 'reporting' a story that you would not ironically try to convince everyone here is the 'wrong' story.


The fake news uses posts like yours to trick normies and newfags into perceiving this board as a source of a 'threat' akin to a fourth reich.


Surely with your 'educated' insight into the secretive and highly sensitive understanding and awareness of a world wide network of social control, surely you must know that by intentionally repeating that divisive code DESPITE the fake news telling normies 'see? our story that you should view Q research and Anon posters here as 'thinking like' psychopathic genocidal murderers is true!', signals that you either don't care about how your writings here are being exploited by fake news to believe what you would say here you don't want anyone to believe, or, you KNOW that's what they are doing AND YOU ARE OK WITH IT.


You claim to want to stop crimes and deaths and evil and all the rest, but if you KNOW that what you type here is being used an excuse to ATTACK THE BOARD AND THUS RISK YOUR OWN MESSAGE NOT GETTING OUT, what do you really think Anons will eventually learn as a significant consensus?


Even if WHAT you say is true, wouldn't a serious person seek to spread knowledge that disarms enemies rather than arming them, by accepting the fact that fake news is gonna fake, if they don't their entire foundation of economic and social self interest collapses so the prudent course of action is to practically expect and adapt to fake news going to fake based on what you say.


Is it not fake news msdnc lamestream media who are the loudest 'anti-fascists' who would SUCCEEDA in tricking impressionable people aha those are your real targets by your division code.


The ultimate target are people who trust fake news' story that they should perceive you and me and other Anons here as akin to thinking like and finding affinity with and becoming 'associated to' an anti-anti-fascist uprising to 'counter' the anti-fascist uprising.


Communists specialise in 'praxis', i.e. violence?


Fascists specialise in 'ideological propaganda' that inverts reality of humanity?


Same ultimate source of THAT COMBINATION?


Body and Mind of gullible are the targets?


What I am saying here in reply to you isn't supposed to be as 'important' as the fake news attacks on us being trusted as justified because look everyone, there's division code on the boards. That's the 'proof' isn't it?


What happens when you can't attack a source?