Anonymous ID: d0b7a1 Jan. 27, 2021, 3:34 p.m. No.12735946   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6058 >>6196 >>6217

>>12735899 lb

It is someones responsibility

The food supply of a nation is critical

It isn't Monsanto's responsibility or the farming communities responsibility.

It doesn't matter who is at fault.

The problem needs to be reconciled or this nation will be unable to produce food for their people.

Okay America.

This is 101 of having a civilization.

Do you even think about it?

Anonymous ID: d0b7a1 Jan. 27, 2021, 3:45 p.m. No.12736058   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6116 >>6133


my animals are smart

i can tell you something neat


have you ever heard of this?


okay. I will share the teachings of my teacher with you. I found it interesting.

It also helped me learn that maybe I could tell my dog how I felt by <believingit is possible to <manifest> a smell in my hand. A smell that I can not detect or see, however, my dog interprets just fine…


Do you think my dog could be .. <smart>?


If I was looking for something in my house… like my marijuana..


Could I… ask my dog for help, if I showed him the smell associated with my need.


Like a piece of clothing used to search for a human.


Would you believe it if I told you I think my dog helps me find things I lost?


He goes to it or near it

I seem to find what I am missing

He doesn't hand it to me

But I seem to get pretty damn close

maybe i am nuts

but this is where I picked up on the "possibility"

my teachings are much deeper than how to train my dog lol


if I can… hook you on an interesting chapter.

maybe people ill check this book out

it is full of crazy synchronicity and coincidence


a saint doesn't want their picture taken. it steals the soul.

Could a trained guru avoid the capture of a camera?

Do images of this phenomena exist?

Check out the image.

Google "invisible baba"


a conspiracy or a hidden truth?


quote from the chapter:

Years later I understood by inner realization how Gandha Baba accomplished his materializations. The method, alas! is beyond the reach of the world’s hungry hordes.


The different sensory stimuli to which man reactstactual, visual, gustatory, auditory, and olfactoryare produced by vibratory variations in electrons and protons. The vibrations in turn are regulated by “lifetrons,” subtle life forces or finer-than-atomic energies intelligently charged with the five distinctive sensory idea-substances.


Gandha Baba, tuning himself with the cosmic force by certain yogic practices, was able to guide the lifetrons to rearrange their vibratory structure and objectivize the desired result. His perfume, fruit and other miracles were actual materializations of mundane vibrations, and not inner sensations hypnotically produced.5


Performances of miracles such as shown by the “Perfume Saint” are spectacular but spiritually useless. Having little purpose beyond entertainment, they are digressions from a serious search for God.

Anonymous ID: d0b7a1 Jan. 27, 2021, 3:47 p.m. No.12736083   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I do believe

You can manifest

If you allow it.

You have to be allowed.

If you are constrained.

By the belief of others.

You cannot create

on their behalf.

you see?

Anonymous ID: d0b7a1 Jan. 27, 2021, 3:50 p.m. No.12736116   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6146


oh i started that rant

cause it is weird

i am sure other people notice the same stuff in their creatures

my cat whines when my dog is out of food and leads me to his food dish

–i fill the dogs food bowl and she shuts up


my dog whines when the cat wants in or out

–i can't hear her, but the dog gets my attention.

–I let the cat in or out and the dog shuts up

Anonymous ID: d0b7a1 Jan. 27, 2021, 3:54 p.m. No.12736146   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6167 >>6226


Do you think animals change vibrations like humans?

Does the vibration of nature change?


Are the animals conspiring with each other now?


It was years ago when I started noticing the emergence of all these videos with different species of animals interacting in strange ways.

It has almost become normal cause everyone just says "how cute, that lizard climbed up on the dogs back and is taking a ride around the house"

everyone says "cute"

but wtf

did they just start doing that?

is that new?


it may just be cameras and more exposure


nature will express itself to the photographer for a breathtaking image if that image will reach a broad audience

nature will live in a cage in a zoo if they can bring you the wisdom to preserve their species

nature will give to us

nature will sacrifice

but we ought respect

the cycle

the life


u r


R u?


mother sauce [5] Why?

Anonymous ID: d0b7a1 Jan. 27, 2021, 3:56 p.m. No.12736167   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6204


just a thought

"mother sauce" is not rhetoric

there is a common thread here

haven't looked

just <foodfor thought.


The most common group of mother sauces in current use is often attributed to chef Auguste Escoffier[2][3][4][5] as presented in the 1907 English-language edition of his seminal cookery book Le guide culinaire (A guide to modern cookery):[6]


Béchamel sauce: White sauce, based on milk thickened with a white roux.

Espagnole sauce: Brown sauce based on a brown stock reduction, and thickened with brown roux. Ingredients typically include roasted bones, bacon, and tomato (puréed and/or fresh).

Tomato sauce (sometimes "Tomate" or "Tomat"): As well as tomatoes, ingredients typically include carrots, onion, garlic, butter, and flour, plus pork belly and veal broth.

Velouté sauce: Clear sauce, made by reducing clear stock (made from un-roasted bones) and thickened with a white roux. Velouté is French for "velvety".

Hollandaise sauce: Warm emulsion of egg yolk, melted butter, and lemon juice or vinegar.

Anonymous ID: d0b7a1 Jan. 27, 2021, 4 p.m. No.12736204   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6231



hmmm 3 have a roux [fat and flour]

1 pork

1 bones

1 egg


it tracks to 1500 turkey

but i am sure you will get a better look at it here: kurds are something… but i don't know. if i see kurds doing something different than 1people i take note though. the culture is not really… the same arab. like 2 arab cultures.



Mirtoxe is another type of roux consumed in breakfast mainly by Kurds.

Anonymous ID: d0b7a1 Jan. 27, 2021, 4:02 p.m. No.12736231   🗄️.is 🔗kun


okay. i didn't find anything in english about a mirtoxe of the kurds.

i found something and translated it


some stuff just isn't in english

i made tamales right finally after translating a spanish message board lol

fresh frozen maza, not the dry flour crap

e-z fix

everyone uses masa flour

gotta go to freezer section.

Anonymous ID: d0b7a1 Jan. 27, 2021, 4:06 p.m. No.12736281   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6289

i can't explain every twist and turn


but if you all see things coming through the news


that don't quite make sense

and want me to offer a take

on what I think is happening

based on my perspective from inside the mockingbird

and their statement… that comes through the telephone game. you lose something in translation

so maybe i can help make more sense of a article or statement.

Anonymous ID: d0b7a1 Jan. 27, 2021, 4:10 p.m. No.12736342   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6349 >>6424


i am looking for something called the long tongue


but i found this


i think split tongue is reference to english and stuff, not being a liar

but maybe they equal

cause white man is a liar

if you speak like the white man you lie

you are a sell out or traitor

you speak their tongue


Anonymous ID: d0b7a1 Jan. 27, 2021, 4:12 p.m. No.12736370   🗄️.is 🔗kun


i will find long tongue

it is from this book

a good writing

from a white dude

fascinated by indigenous "magic"

Anonymous ID: d0b7a1 Jan. 27, 2021, 4:16 p.m. No.12736433   🗄️.is 🔗kun

i stumbled on this. i told you i don't like to be infuenced by ideas of "what should be"

but when i find my "organic truth"

reflected in literature

I will share here.

a shaman is probably a cultural word used by the indigenous

i am not a shaman

or a guru

i don't exist

i am invisible


but this information about shaman in trance and what the function is, seems relevant to my last couple weeks here in this state.



The shaman cultivates a neural map based on symbolic external cues in his environment and current cultural worldview vocabulary2 as a cognitive shearing agent3 from which to catapult his awareness through various potential experiences of himself. The shaman should be familiar with mysteries of being: universal truths hidden in plain sight (Moshe Feldenkrais’ ‘elusive obvious’) that others fail to recognize; he finds the mundane impenetrable, needling infinite depth into and from the most minute and regular of moments. Outward or inward, the deeper he goes in one direction, the further he falls in the other, such is the nature of the reflexive universe of which he is a connected part.

Anonymous ID: d0b7a1 Jan. 27, 2021, 4:19 p.m. No.12736469   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Okay. Nothing is wrong.

It is normal

I am dreaming a new America into existence.

A new Republic.

I have a vision for you.

The military intelligence people seem to like it.

I am your doctor.

Just relax America.

You are experiences shock potentially.

If you are not experiencing shock yet.

You will.

When gravity sinks in.



Everything is okay.

Everything is normal.

The science is documented.

I have the wheel.

I am not going to crash the Empire or Planet.





Before embarking on what ways a shaman achieves his magic, let us explore why anyone would ever want to be one of these fellows, and how the role came about. In some ways, it’s like the role of a director of motion pictures: when it comes down to it, everyone else’s job on a movie set takes care of every possible responsibility, so a director really has no job, no role. Yet, he is the single most important voice and vision in most pictures. He is not actually literally in the picture, but influences every part of it; he is like the wind that can’t itself be seen except through the leaves it blows about. He is the vision that actively if invisibly manifests itself by virtue of inherent magnetism, the surrounding community like iron filings, drawing into place magically. He is a manifester, a mediator. He stands alone. He takes the risk, and the blame. He sees visions, and uses the grammar of dreams to formulate a transmissible myth. He is a storyteller, of the tale that wags the dog (his community). He is the messenger that is the message. He gains power only through the tacit consensus of his people, and yet he has thereby ultimate power over them. He probes his subconscious so they don’t have to (only thing is, in delivering the performance, he’s probing and influencing theirs). The magicians of cinema wield a wand made of holly wood (it’s true, look it up), and in so many ways, they are the precise correlate, in quite different trappings, of the prototypical, primal madman shaman.