Anonymous ID: 056a5d Jan. 27, 2021, 4:48 p.m. No.12736769   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6799


You appear to be a real person, not a bot…help me with something. I had a strange episode even for me (RVanon)….


Is/are there some posts anywhere that show photos of people at the "inauguration" having brown business envelopes? I am going nuts …I swear I saw a succession of photos and the header was "people at the inauguration got envelopes too"….was I lucid dreaming? did I wake up and surf the net? this isn't the usual way I see things.

Anonymous ID: 056a5d Jan. 27, 2021, 5:04 p.m. No.12736930   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6974 >>7044 >>7274 >>7307


Bullshit. I slomo'd (.05) the inauguration and what I saw at first was the appearance of Biden being saluted by military. Then I got to studying the film footage and VOILA. Real military are always required to salute two things. ALWAYS.


The flag in motion (during anthem too) and the president (aka CIC)…no exceptions.) So what they did was when the color guard carrying the flags exiting the top level all military up there stood and saluted the flag as the color guard marched out. HOWEVER with very rapid camera cuts.edits flashing between them saluting the flag to Biden it gave the appearance that they were saluting Biden. That was VERY hard to catch I had to frame by frame.


There is literally no footage of any real military saluting Biden. The only times there were salutes was at Arlington and because of the "uniforms" it is impossible to tell they were real. They couldn't have the guys NOT wear overcoats that covered the non-existent ribbons and medals. They couldn't put ribbons and medals on them because that's stolen valor and a federal crime. They were being presented as real military not actors playing a part in a movie, so no can do…thus they just put them in overcoat uniforms.


Pic related is a REAL USMC 4 star. Sitting on the damn "lawn". Despite the cold weather he's not wearing an overcoat and he didn't salute anyone.


If you were ever military you were taught in basic the etiquette rules, form, etc for salutes. AND how the flags should be carried when in motion, when anthems are played and the role/function of the color guard and presenting the colors. (flags).


Body doubles were used for all ex presidents/wives at Arlington.The Biden family / Harris, appeared to be the only non doubles there.


If anyone has the full mp4 of the three presidents (the one where Obama turns into a weiner)…I have the weiner clip but need to compare those presidents to arlington.


Masks are useful. Obama's double does a good job copying his body language but there's nothing he could do about the missing axe wound on Obama's head that shows even when his hair is grown in because hair growing in the axe wound is darker.

Anonymous ID: 056a5d Jan. 27, 2021, 5:07 p.m. No.12736965   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7323


Where tf did I get that? LOL I did slomo the inauguration from beyonce to parading the colors and although I wasn't looking for Bernie I could swear….I didn't see him in the version I saw.


My theory is there were at least 15 pool cameras taking different shots/close ups and each outlet took that footage and made their own "copy" of the inauguration.


WTF was that. LOL I don't even know how that leaked in. q-research isn't on my phone.


Strange, even for me. Was I picking up on some troll thing?

Anonymous ID: 056a5d Jan. 27, 2021, 5:12 p.m. No.12737011   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7092


>climate push sounds just like her ‘Green New Deal’

Well it should considering in Millie's undercover zoom vid re their Sunrise investigation one of the women recounts being sexually assaulted by Biden. The women all discuss what to do. They decide not to go public but to "leverage" the sexual assault and keeping quiet about it into "getting BIden to include green new deal agenda in his platform".


A few weeks later Joe started talking like Greta.


Doesn't anyone remember this?

Anonymous ID: 056a5d Jan. 27, 2021, 5:17 p.m. No.12737071   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7106 >>7150


I know…and not a single salute and one dude spat. They only have two choices here.


Either the NG people caught on that clip (taken by someone in the motorcade in back seat)….are ACTORS or Biden is not president of anything.


Also pic related lefttard sees that and starts rage posting demanding they be punished. Which, I can assure you, had they been real military, they would have been.


What should have happened was the typical commie attack operation where they start examining for patches, state insignia…etc to ID which units did this, demand their command be expelled…you know, the usual song and dance….but crickets.


They just went dark. No twitter rampage, no doxxing, just…never mentioned it again.

Anonymous ID: 056a5d Jan. 27, 2021, 5:22 p.m. No.12737132   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7156


NOPE…the thing goes all around his head both sides.


look for yourself. I checked everything before I decided that was a double. Read everything, studied multiple photos. You?

Anonymous ID: 056a5d Jan. 27, 2021, 5:26 p.m. No.12737174   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I posted and reposted and reposted Millie Weaver's undercover (ala Project Veritas) investigation into Sunrise and their access to school kids and how they're training them. 3 videos, no one gave af. BEFORE the election.


It was shortly after those three videos got posted that Millie got arrested and that shit show started. then AJ fired her.


The Sunrise stuff was disturbing af, seriously disturbing. dividing kids into groups of who can risk arrest and who can't teaching them how to be arrested….and there was footage of a zoom call and they discussed how to leverage this woman's sexual assault into a deal.


I don't know why no one bothered to watch them. I tried. I was horrified by what they're doing in the schools.

Anonymous ID: 056a5d Jan. 27, 2021, 5:33 p.m. No.12737245   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yeah it goes all the way around. I read several "medical opinions" and in general th consensus was he had some kind of brain surgery, however his scar looks nearly identical to the scar a good friend of mine has. His head is always shaved so there's NO missing it. I've seen it countless times. When I ask about it ONE time (this is a GIANT of a dude…6.6 280 pounds of terror) and he told me…..

>be South African (something something in military…he's very closed mouthed but I kinda know so won't say more re his position)

>something happens in Rhodesia.

>go to Rhodesia


>get head cleaved open by an axe.


That's the story, the ONLY details…actually was machete something tribal nigs carried in Rhodesia.


He could be lying but based on other things I know about him which would not be wise to repeat due to (still on the job)….that's likely true. He got his head cleaved open.


The scars are almost identical. I thought Obama's scar was more jagged and irregular not nice tidy lines a surgeon would make. Just like my friend's head scar which is jagged/irregular.


Anonymous ID: 056a5d Jan. 27, 2021, 5:37 p.m. No.12737276   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Get on over here and make your own board. You won't be bothered. HOWEVER that fUNGUS asshole can delete shit apparently without repercussions. Maybe make threads on this board so far the only shit deleted from here are repeat breads and KP.


Don't gaf who hosts this place or if it's a honeypot. You guys aren't breaking any laws.


Beware the bugposters tho. They're trying some chink shit to trick you since GMC is doing such a good job.

Anonymous ID: 056a5d Jan. 27, 2021, 5:42 p.m. No.12737330   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I only took a still of the Space Force flag. Even getting this was difficult at .05 because the camera work was so damn fast. They were UP a level from Biden and when the Color Guard moved out all the real military up there stood and saluted. BUT the fucking cameras mere fractions of a second then switch. It did look like they were saluting biden on the reel. But they weren't.


Those Marine door guards….I think the "voice" salute the marines was on purpose put in like the "hunter biden plea deal voice" in Biden's presser. Biden didn't move to salute the Marines, and the voice was put in as a troll.

Anonymous ID: 056a5d Jan. 27, 2021, 5:49 p.m. No.12737386   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I watched WP feed and again misinformation here. Each network did their own camera edits of the pool footage. The girls are not missing anywhere. That's the camera rapidly flipping between perspectives and wide/narrow fields again all done to confound. However it's certainly been food for the OMG missing people well poisoners. Not once in my frame by frame review did any one disappear.


I have a LOT of cuts during the oath. Here's just two of them. Please note I exclusively used the WP feed although I've seen bits of others that had scenes in it my version did not.


Also the fireworks "show" was shot on Feb. 19th and played the 21st.

Anonymous ID: 056a5d Jan. 27, 2021, 5:51 p.m. No.12737405   🗄️.is 🔗kun


How tf do they know what race anonymous people on the Internet are? KEK /pol/ is nowhere near "white". That; funny. Maybe reddit is white, are there pics?