Anonymous ID: 7944b8 Jan. 27, 2021, 4:36 p.m. No.12736684   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7404

Biden Creates ‘Bipartisan’ Court-packing Commission Led by Democrat Election Lawyer (((Bob Bauer)))


President Joe Biden has begun appointing members of a special commission that will consider expanding the Supreme Court, among other “reforms.”


Some Democrats have proposed “packing” the Court, by expanding the number of justices and filling the resulting vacancies with left-wing judges. The goal is to eliminate the Court’s current nominal 6-3 conservative majority, which Democrats like former Attorney General Eric Holder claim undermines its “legitimacy.”


Biden dodged questions about court-packing throughout the fall of 2020, until announcing his plan to create a commission to study the issue. As Breitbart News reported in late October: “Biden confirmed to reporters in Chester, Pennsylvania, that he would create a bipartisan commission to study reforms to the judiciary, and that it would report to him within 180 days of his taking office in January.”


Politico reported Wednesday that the “bipartisan” commission will be chaired by Biden’s former campaign lawyer,Bob Bauer, a career Democrat operative who also worked for the Perkins Coie firm. Perkins Coie was involved in the Russia “dossier” on then-candidate Donald Trump in 2016, and its election law practice, headed by Marc Elias, led Democrats’ filings throughout the 2020 presidential election and in its aftermath.


Politico added:


Among those who will be on the commission are Cristina Rodríguez, a professor at Yale Law School and a former deputy assistant attorney general in the Obama Department of Justice, who will join Bauer as co-chair. Caroline Fredrickson, the former president of the American Constitution Society, and Jack Goldsmith, a Harvard Law School professor and a former assistant attorney general in the Bush Department of Justice, will also serve on the commission, those familiar with discussions said.


(((Goldsmith))), Politico notes, did not support Trump.

Anonymous ID: 7944b8 Jan. 27, 2021, 4:38 p.m. No.12736711   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"Social Media Companies Want To Defend Biden”: The Scoop CEO Steeve Strange Says He Was Permanently Banned From Facebook After Creating ‘Patriots Against Joe Biden’ Group


If you’re a long-time follower of The Scoop, then you probably know that I, Steeve Strange, am the CEO and Co-Founder of the company.


You may have also heard that my personal Facebook account was permanently banned last week after I created the group ‘Patriots Against Joe Biden.’


Yesterday, during a live television interview with RT, I was asked some questions about why I believe I was banned by Facebook.


The interviewer seemingly attempted to cause me to admit that I was somehow an extremist and guilty of violating Facebook’s community standards.


However, as you will see in the video below, I did not take the bait.


In my opinion, the only reason Facebook banned my account is that the company is run by globalist far-left authoritarians who want to silence prominent conservatives with massive followings, like The Scoop, who are fighting back against their destructive agenda.


CLICK the video below to watch my interview with RT!


And please let me know how you think I did in the comment section – thank you!

Anonymous ID: 7944b8 Jan. 27, 2021, 4:45 p.m. No.12736749   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6837 >>6883

Biden suspends sale of advanced F-35 fighter jets to UAE


Biden administration reviewing Trump-era arms deals, may still approve them, official says.


The US plans to reevaluate the Trump administration’s decision to sell F-35 jets to the United Arab Emirates.


A US State Department official said on Wednesday that the Biden administration “temporarily paused” for review several pending arms sales to US allies, amounting to billions of dollars.


Among them are sales of F-35 fighter jets to the UAE and precision-guided munitions to Saudi Arabia.

US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, addressed the decision to review the F-35 sale to the UAE. Speaking at a press conference at the State Department, Blinken said that when it comes to arms sales, "it is typical at the start of an administration to review any pending sales, to make sure that what is being considered is something that advances our strategic objectives and advances our foreign policy, so that's what we're doing at this moment."

"We very much support the Abraham Accords, we think that Israel normalizing relations with its neighbors and other countries in the region is a very positive development and so, we applaud them, and we hope that there may be an opportunity to build on it in the months and years ahead," Blinken added. "We're also trying to make sure that we have a full understanding of any commitments that may have been made in securing those agreements, and that's something we're looking at right now," he said.


Blinken also addressed the prospects of rejoining the nuclear agreement with Iran. "President Biden has been very clear in saying that if Iran comes back into full compliance with its obligations under the JCPOA, the United States would do the same thing, and then we would use that as a platform, to build with our allies and partners, what we call the longer and stronger agreement and to deal with a number of other issues that are deeply problematic in the relationship with Iran," he said.


"But we are a long ways from that point," Blinken continued. "Iran is out of compliance on a number of fronts. It would take some time, should it make the decision to do so for it to come back into compliance and time for us then to assess whether it was meeting its obligations. So we're not there yet, to say the least."


The F-35 sale came soon after the UAE and Israel signed a peace and normalization agreement mediated by the Trump administration, known as the Abraham Accords.

Though the warplanes were not officially part of the Abraham Accords, UAE officials said soon after the agreement was announced that they hoped it would help the US approve their longstanding request to purchase F-35s.


Who benefits?

Anonymous ID: 7944b8 Jan. 27, 2021, 4:50 p.m. No.12736784   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Malka Leifer faces first court hearing in Australia over child sex abuse charges after extradition from Israel


Malka Leifer has made her first appearance in an Australian court, as child sexual abuse charges against the former school principal were formally presented.

Key points:


Ms Leifer's lawyer says she has "significant mental health issues" and "strict religious beliefs" that require special arrangements

He did not apply for bail but asked for her to be transferred to prison as soon as possible

The case has been adjourned until a committal mention on April 9


The Bail and Remand Court in Melbourne heard the 54-year-old would face 74 charges of child sexual abuse.


Ms Leifer, who was extradited from Israel and arrived at Tullamarine Airport about 9:00pm on Wednesday, faced the court in Melbourne via video link.


She is undergoing a 14-day quarantine at an undisclosed location.


Her lawyer, Tony Hargreaves, said there were "significant mental health issues for Ms Leifer for which she required a number of different types of medication".


"The prison authorities are, or should be aware, that Ms Leifer has very strict religious beliefs so special arrangements will need to be made for her to comply with those religious beliefs," Mr Hargreaves said.


"She's in the custody of Victoria Police and there simply aren't facilities to properly accommodate her."

No application for bail


Mr Hargreaves did not apply for bail on behalf of his client, who sat with her head bowed in her hands for most of the brief hearing.


She was dressed in a white jacket and wore a disposable facemask, along with a traditional headscarf.


Ms Leifer did not respond when the Magistrate asked if she could hear the court proceedings. Court staff then confirmed the audio and visual links were working at her end.


Mr Hargreaves requested she be transferred "to a prison as quickly as possible" for his client's mental health.

Sexual assault and family violence support lines:


1800 Respect National Helpline: 1800 737 732

Sexual Assault Crisis Line Victoria: 1800 806 292

Safe Steps Crisis Line (Vic): 1800 015 188

Men's Referral Service: 1300 766 491

Lifeline (24-hour Crisis Line): 131 114

Relationships Australia: 1300 364 277


Prosecutor Phil Raimondo said a hand-up case brief would be provided to Ms Leifer's defence team by February 26.


The case was adjourned to a committal mention on April 9, with Ms Leifer to be remanded in custody.


The alleged victims in the case are Dassi Erlich, Nicole Meyer and Elly Sapper — three sisters who attended the Adass Israel School in Elsternwick while Ms Leifer was headmistress.


With the court proceedings occurring remotely, the Magistrates' Court sat mostly empty.


Prosecutors and defence lawyers spoke remotely, while the three sisters also attended the hearing virtually.


Pedo Jewish School Principal

Anonymous ID: 7944b8 Jan. 27, 2021, 4:53 p.m. No.12736811   🗄️.is 🔗kun

COVID-19 Made People Smuggling More Dangerous and Expensive


Tighter border restrictions imposed in response to COVID-19 have pushed migrants and refugees further into the hands of smugglers who have upped prices and been forced to choose more dangerous routes, according to a recent survey.


Migrants and refugees also face increased hostility toward migration, xenophobia and barriers to repatriation, leaving many stuck in a foreign countries. (Source: Wikimedia Commons)Migrants and refugees also face increased hostility toward migration, xenophobia and barriers to repatriation, leaving many stuck in a foreign countries. (Source: Wikimedia Commons)These trends pose a greater risk to migrants and expose them to exploitation and longer journeys in dangerous environments like sealed lorry containers or small boats. More than 70% of migrants surveyed in Niger, Malaysia and Tunisia reported that smugglers are using more dangerous paths.


“Nowadays some smugglers in the country of origin provide personal loans for migration journeys and that money sometimes needs to be paid back in double or with higher interest,” a Bangladeshi migrant interviewed in Malaysia told the Mixed Migration Centre, MMC, which collects data on migration.


The MMC survey interviewed migrants and refugees from West Africa, North Africa, Latin America and Asia, many of whom described greater difficulty accessing smugglers despite the increased demand.


While the survey responses varied regionally, reflecting differences in smuggling economies, some notable trends appeared: out of 1419 respondents, 47% reported increased difficulty crossing borders since the beginning of the pandemic, around half of those surveyed reported an increase in smugglers’ prices and 37% cited a greater need for smugglers - a sentiment observed at a much lower rate in Asia.


Human smuggling is distinct from human trafficking in that smuggling involves a mutual agreement between two willing parties or entities, while human trafficking implies some sort of coercion, threat or abduction. In some cases smuggling can still be exploitive or even lead to human trafficking, but the majority of smuggling does not, according to the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime, GI-TOC.


Senior Analyst for GI-TOC, Lucia Bird Ruiz-Benítez de Lugo, described human smuggling as existing on a continuum, and cautioned against classifying all smugglers in the same way. While some smuggling groups are organized criminal enterprises, others are loosely affiliated entrepreneurs and not all human smugglers are violent toward migrants although survey respondents in North Africa and Malaysia were more likely to identify smugglers as perpetrators of violence.


Bird advocated that a complicated problem required nuanced solutions.


“A criminal justice approach to what is a development in migration challenges are not going to be effective and possibly pose disproportionate harm to the low level and marginalized groups who are themselves involved in smuggling,” Bird said.


Migrants and refugees also face compounding factors of increased hostility toward migration, xenophobia and barriers to repatriation, leaving many stuck in a foreign country, hostile to their presence with no means to continue on or return home.


“We essentially have a worsening humanitarian emergency across a range of places in the world, which means that more and more people need to move and are losing their livelihoods,” Bird said. “It’s just logical that while they can’t move legally they will use smugglers.”

Anonymous ID: 7944b8 Jan. 27, 2021, 4:53 p.m. No.12736816   🗄️.is 🔗kun

California Confirms $11 Billion in Fraudulent Unemployment Claims


On Monday, the California Employment Development Department (EDD) announced that up to $30 billion dollars of its unemployment claims could be fraudulent since last March—with $11 billion dollars already confirmed.

Anonymous ID: 7944b8 Jan. 27, 2021, 4:54 p.m. No.12736823   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Biden’s UN Ambassador Nominee Defends Past Praise of China


President Joe Biden’s nominee to become ambassador to the United Nations on Wednesday faced questioning over her past praise of China’s communist regime.


Linda Thomas-Greenfield, speaking at an event in 2019 put on by the communist-supported Confucius Institute network, spoke positively about China, telling the audience that the country has invested in Africa in a number of ways, including railway projects and other infrastructure development.


Africa would not benefit from competition between the United States and China, she added, saying the United States could “learn from China and its recent success on the continent.”


“Ultimately, the future is about Africa and its people. The U.S. should be focused on building a strong partnership with Africa which is based on shared values of peace, prosperity, sustained economic growth and development, and a firm commitment to good governance, gender equity, and the rule of law. I see no reason why China cannot share in those values. In fact, China is in a unique position to spread these ideals given its strong footprint on the continent,” she said.


During her confirmation hearing on Wednesday, senators pressed Thomas-Greenfield over the speech. Chairman Jim Risch (R-Idaho) said the biggest issue “was the lack of acknowledgment of the malign activities of China.”


The nominee told senators that she has a long track record of acknowledging those activities and expressed regret for accepting the invitation to speak at the Savannah State University Confucius Institute.


Thomas-Greenfield also said she was “surprised” that the institute was involved in activities in Georgia high schools and elementary schools.


Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) later said he has believed for a long time that the biggest threat to America is China and said he’s growing concerned about that he described as a pattern among Biden nominees “of consistently moving towards and embracing the Chinese Communist Party.”

Anonymous ID: 7944b8 Jan. 27, 2021, 4:56 p.m. No.12736835   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7023 >>7082



IDF Chief Of Staff Requests Over $1 Billion To Prepare Strike On Iran


The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) will request an additional NIS 4 billion (about $1.2 billion) for its budget this year, the Yent news site reported on January 26.


According to the site, IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi demanded 3 billion in order to finance a possible strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities. The additional amount is the is the bear minimum required by an Air Force estimate to prepare for the “Iranian threat.”


Yent expected Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Benny Gantz to back Kochavi’s demands. The commander has already begun preparing blueprints for a possible strike on Iran.


In a livestreamed speech at the Institute for National Security Studies think tank’s conference, Kochavi acknowledged that the IDF is drawing up fresh operational plans to strike Iran’s nuclear program.


“In general, none of [our enemies] want to initiate anything against us. All of their actions — almost without exception — are retaliatory to our actions, not actions that they’ve initiated. And when they decide to carry out [an attack], they experience difficulties and decide to abandon their ways of acting,” Kohavi said. “And the most important thing, we do not now see — at least for now, this can change — that any of our enemies or any of the countries surrounding us that we categorize as belligerent plan or want or is considering initiating a war or a large-scale operation against the State of Israel.”


Kochavi filed his plans for an attack on Iran last Spring as Iran was reportedly boosting its uranium enrichment efforts by developing more advanced centrifuges.


While Israel claims that Iran may soon be able to build a nuclear bomb, what Tel Aviv really fears is the return of the US to the 2015 nuclear agreement under the Biden administration. An Israeli strike on Iran will not only lead to the collapse of the agreement, but would also drag the entire region into a dangerous military confrontation.

Anonymous ID: 7944b8 Jan. 27, 2021, 5:35 p.m. No.12737263   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Schumer’s Dark Money Group Increased Election Spending by 825% in 2020 Cycle


Schumer-aligned Majority Forward gave nearly $60 million to Democratic Senate candidates


A dark money group aligned with Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) ramped up its anonymous election cash by 825 percent in the 2020 cycle, filings show.


Majority Forward, a nonprofit with ties to Schumer's Senate Majority PAC, pushed $57.4 million into super PACs that helped Democrats regain the majority in Congress's upper chamber. The vast sum far eclipses the $6.2 million it funneled into election activity in the 2016 and 2018 cycles combined. The nonprofit does not disclose its donors, making it difficult to identify who provided the funding to back Schumer's efforts.


Majority Forward's election cash spike was made possible by a record-breaking fundraising haul from mid-2018 to mid-2019, when the group received $76 million in anonymous donations. That same year, it passed tens of millions to other left-wing nonprofits for its primary purpose of bankrolling voter engagement. Its largest donation was $14.8 million to America Votes, which later found itself under investigation in Georgia for allegedly sending ballot applications to non-residents.


As Majority Forward propped up outside voter efforts, a large chunk of its election-related cash—$47.8 million—went to Schumer's Senate Majority PAC, according to FEC filings. Both groups are led by J.B. Poersch, a Schumer ally, and share personnel and office space. The nonprofit passed millions more to the North Star super PAC, which opposed Sen. Dan Sullivan (R., Alaska), and the Lincoln Project, whose cofounder recently left the group for having "inappropriate" sexual conversations with young men.


Democrats have long assailed the influence of "dark money" in politics while quietly outpacing Republicans in its usage. According to the Center for Responsive Politics, in the 2020 elections $326 million in dark funds benefited Democrats while $148 million benefited Republicans. Schumer's allied groups have used dark money while he and other leaders, including Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D., R.I.), have set their sights on forcing right-leaning groups to make public a list of their donors.

Anonymous ID: 7944b8 Jan. 27, 2021, 5:36 p.m. No.12737265   🗄️.is 🔗kun

SWAMP: Biden Bro Boasts of Links to POTUS in Law Firm Ad


President Joe Biden’s brother Frank promoted his family ties to the White Houde in an advertisement for the law firm he advises.


CNBC describes the text of the Inauguration Day advertisement:


“The two Biden brothers have long held a commitment to pushing environmental issues to the forefront; the president-elect has vowed to rejoin the Paris Agreement and wants to set ambitious greenhouse gas reduction targets, for example,” the ad in the paper says.


“My brother is a model for how to go about doing this work,” Frank Biden says in the ad. “One of his central tenets is that one should never question another man’s or woman’s motives or assign blame to them. That way, you avoid creating a disparity that prevents any kind of coming together. You can of course question someone’s judgement, and that’s what we’re doing by bringing this to court.”


The ad suggests that the firm hired Frank Biden due to the “Biden reputation for and motivation to engage in philanthropic, social and environmental issues that presented themselves.”


Frank Biden serves a non-attorney Senior Advisor for the Berman Law Group, based in Boca Raton, Florida. The advertisement ran in the Florida-based publication, Daily Business Review and focused on the firm’s suit against sugar cane companies.


Frank Biden maintained in a statement that he “has never used my brother to obtain clients for my firm.”


“Our firm has long been involved [with] this lawsuit. Social justice is something I have been involved in for years,” he added.


After CNBC reached out to the co-founders of the firm as to whether or not “Frank Biden will be continuing to use the Biden name in future ads while his brother is president,” the response “did not provide answers to those questions.”