Anonymous ID: 40ced8 Jan. 27, 2021, 8:46 p.m. No.12739161   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>12735944, >>12735963, >>12736085, >>12736462 Vice Feeling The Grip ~ AAAAAND, HERE WE GO AGAIN WallStreetBets and Gamestop: Reddits Lingering White Supremacy Problem & How Trumpism explains the GameStop stock surge…Jesus H Christ these people are stupid.


One of our excellent writer anons have to write a wide ranging article how message and image boards work. We need to get it out to everyday people to prove to them not everyone that communicates in a forum are anarchists. If that was the case then FB is main progenitor of these conspiracies, but they in fact allow it. We are not filled with anything they are misrepresenting, most of all it’s free and protected speech of anything we want to talk about, it can be God, money, theories, newest military equipment, specious identity politics etc. They are making normal people afraid to participate on a group forum. what were all the government employees doing on the government dime but plotting a strategy of a duly elected president?


Writer anons, if you write they will come, but be sure to send them to Reddit or some other forum. Kel! Just like at 8kun there are 100s of different like minded boards and they have shills along with all the board. The subjects are diverse and wide and this cancel culture and blaming white peoples for everything is insane since all the executives and writers are mostly white.


Btw the asshole saying anyone investing in GME would be investigated and charged for trading this stock by the SEC, That’s bullshit because it would have had to be insider information, which it wasn’t it was based on publicly released information and it was an investment strategy, I can buy and sell stock all day long as long as I didn’t base it on inside info from someone that works in the industry. But you don’t see the likes of Pelosi, Feinstein, Burr, Loeffler, Perdue, McConnell etc. going to jail for investing in industries based on the government secret info on COVID and or anything else. Even the fact that regulators want to stop everyday traders doing the same as big wall street guys just smacks of his bad our society is.


We need to fight back against this maligning of everyday people communicating and coming together as a group to make money, and fight back against the sheer lies that these stupid conspiracy theory peddling journalists are dishing out like pablum up regarded and frightened retards.

Anonymous ID: 40ced8 Jan. 27, 2021, 9:15 p.m. No.12739515   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9551 >>9560 >>9571 >>9602 >>9769

Guys this is great and funny, but kind of informing

I am friends with a person in the alternative spiritual communities, I knew one person and this person has a lot in this community as friends and contact, they put me on this =email chain==. They put me on the email change and previously one on the group asked me about DJT months ago, which shocked the hell out of me. I told the person everything I know and think. I joined the email chain and I've had a lot of fun, and the people are cool.


What I found out, is a lot of these people have many, many circles of influence, and I had no idea their reach. Each one of them have hundreds if not 1,000s of connections. Well, they all love DJT, including the women, they love his Macho nature and especially saving the children from child and sex trafficking. When they put me on email it was for sharing info on what we know currently and sharing instantly.


So, I get this email the other day from someone that has 1,000s of people that follow them; and they send out about 50 messages via her website and email daily. The email (I can't find it right now, but will post when I do) at the top of saidI just received this from a friend that is a WH source. Well, I just happened to have read an anons "theory" that morning on the board before going to work, it was a very plausible well thought out theory about what was happening.


I realized that they were being fed false info, and I responded immediately and told the person, this is not a person from the WH or a source from the WH, this is a theory from an anon on the board and I doubt any of us are a WH inside source (although it’s possible). I said to be careful of what you believe, and what you send out that might misrepresent the truth. And if you want to know if it's accurate I'll give feedback. I also stated, all of us who are on the board and what we discuss are theories, investigations, ideas and discussions and if it's proven, only then is it true. When we have proof it's definitive.


I personally have sent some of anon’s exceptional theories and info out from the board, but I always make sure I say it's from investigations, theories, thoughts, ideas, etc. and they are only to be considered theories, ideas and data points that might come to a final conclusion of being true.


BTW some of the people from this community, say they lurk on the board, but would never post, it’s too intimidating…kek, which is true! I really like these good and kind people they are really heart felt and they feel a calling for mankind. So, the point is people are viewing the board, reading things and may be making up a "source”, but they are quoting anons and the tremendous truth and power of our board.


I’m glad we have an influence on people waking up, it may be the one thing we did to save the entire world! The Hive Mind will save the world. Love you guise.


Anyway, we are all the news now, like really!