i can prove ancient E.T. blood or a non-homo sapien speeches called neadrathal
still have <REAL WORLD POWER>
the british of the east/west coast american genetic
are not the same as the republic fly over country german
ancient ET blood… duh
okay. in the second map
see all the red in Americas and west europe.
that fucking E.T shit
mayan = egypt = atlantis = brtish
the green color is another hybrid point that occured <afterall the red people
in the last picture you can see
J haplogroup = original hybrid
R haplogroup = later group
Prophet Muhammad Ibn-Abdullah (Krish, Hashim)
The Y chromosome of the Prophet and founder of Islam Muhammad Ibn-Abdullah (570-632) is the haplogroup J1a1b1b1a2a1a1a4a1a1b2 (J-L147.1 *, subclade-L859) (Note 1). This is the result of analyzing samples obtained from two members of the Jordanian royal family. Muhammad is from the prestigious Hasim family of the Clais, a controlling tribe of Mecca, the central city of the Hijaz region in the west central part of the Arabian Peninsula.
Jewish priesthood (descendant of Moses’ brother Aaron, Levi, Cohen family)
Is a Jewish hereditary priesthood (priest) Cohen Y chromosome of (Cohen) house, haplogroup J1a1b1b1a2a1a1a4b1a is a (J-L147.1 *, subclade- Z18271) ( Note 1). This is based on data obtained from a few males of the Cohens worldwide. The Cohen family is a male ancestor of the priesthood (priesthood) who has inherited the heritage, is an Ashkenazi Jew, and is a descendant of Moses’ brother Aaron, and belongs to the Levi tribe. Based on these results, the speculation that “Ashkenazi Jews are not pure Jews but descendants of White Hazars who converted on the way” was completely denied (Note 2) (Note 3) ) (Note 4).
ews are currently understood in two ways: those who believe in Judaism (religions that believe only in the Old Testament but not in the New Testament) (religious groups) or those who have Jews as their parents (ethnic groups). There is. There was a theory that the Israelites at the time when the Jewish kingdom existed were of a colored race, and that the white Jews (Ashkenazim) came from claiming the Jews by the Khazar conversion to Judaism in the 8th century. In the past, the theory that pedigree Jews were only race of color (Sefardim) was dominant, but as a result of research by molecular biology, white Jews (Ashkenazim) have European traits. Although similar to humans, most of their Y-chromosome haplogroups belong to the Middle East origins of ” J1 ” or ” J2 “, and are clearly lineages of male Jewish descendants. Became.