Anonymous ID: 5857c3 Jan. 31, 2021, 6:58 p.m. No.12785026   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5033


but yea


i am cranky


but look at the top left


it says YAM

in hebrew a double Y is I

so it is A-adam in the garden with 2 energies +/-

it is all about splitting.

cause you start with AE

and A becomes A

and E becomes M and Y

so now you have YAM or IAM

in the garden

and before that you just have n B z

if you see the z n as spins on the B

B is your <heaven and water split- day 2


that is A for adam in the garde


do you see the Y and the M

those are <alterationsor <splicing> of the atom/adam


so you have YAM

YM impacted A

and gave us a snake and the fucked up marker on chromosome 17


look at the haplogroup Q, it has an abnormality on the 17th chromosome

and it makes them grow legs on their head






anyway look below YAM in the garden


before A got to it , it was just energy.


so you have


Z energy spinning the B <you see 2 bubbles to represent 2 atoms or adam and even.


and then on the other side


you see N

Z is a N just spun


so their is a <spin<counter-spin> on the letter B

A B = C <CAIN> the snake


all decendants of C are 0101010101

it is IO system

and you are rooted in a binary dichotomy that falls back to ONLY 2 BITS

you can have a 32 bit system

but you only have illusion


you have 16 choices on one side you know are bad

you have 16 choices on the other side and you want to know which ones witlll get you to heaven


well all 16 choices only have one root binary choice. on/off


everyone is on/off and from there….



welcome to 2021

Anonymous ID: 5857c3 Jan. 31, 2021, 7 p.m. No.12785048   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5071 >>5087


you see

on the left were


it is




those are <pre-fall>


on the right.. you have the <landingof the <splicing> people from other solar systems impacting our bloodlines


so the other star systems

originaed in the garden as energy forces

but were cast out elsewhere

and returned to splice us up as beings instead of energy.

Anonymous ID: 5857c3 Jan. 31, 2021, 7:04 p.m. No.12785071   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5097


the further a <beinggets away from the original source in which the nergy started


the more disconnected and fucked up it becomes


look at arcturians, those are ancient reptiles but they don't behave the same way as the dracos.


the dracos are the the cains of artcutians and the sirians are the able


now they are both arcturian



you got shit


in the solar system

in the galaxy

and in the universe


the closer it is, the more based it is


the advanced beings watch there children kil eachother in the name of whatever


the <4Dancient dragons from the original splicing of Jesus.

those are much different than these pharoahs and zuckerbergs you get in 2021


they were the fucked up children of teh arcturians that went way out in the universe to conquer



Anonymous ID: 5857c3 Jan. 31, 2021, 7:06 p.m. No.12785097   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5148



Eve is from your binary star Nemesis


Eve would not be Eve and there would be no 3D you if she would have never listened to that damn snake.


but here is what you are missing


it was just adam

the <snakespliced <eve>

with the genetics of our binary star system



you say hold on right


it doesnt say that the Lord made a sun


he said let there be light


he did make the earth

but I dont see 2

nemesis is a dead planet


and there <propertiesare different.

Anonymous ID: 5857c3 Jan. 31, 2021, 7:14 p.m. No.12785200   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5248



I think Atlantis sunk and Noah built a boat to carry on the bloodline that is highlighted in the bible.


I think Atlantis sank and some of them flew away or were rescued.


Others went into the earth maybe? or was that the land of the lemurian ancestors the insects?



i think a flood happened


You can see in this image the other figures from the bible who matches up with the <mechanicalprocess of cell division and human reproduction.


anyway. check out those other names and look why it might be important


to note,,,, who is / is not…. part of the <properline of the Bible.


everyone worries about ET and shit splicing illuminati


but you all got spliced up in the garden by the snake


it as A adam and B eve

and the snake came along and you get C


everyone on earth descended from C is operating on an opposite binary system than everyone descended from ABLE. so


it actually goes back further cause you have to deal with pole flips


rh -/+ isnt always relevant


it doesnt make you evil

it makes you <contingentupon the relative energy field of your environment

Anonymous ID: 5857c3 Jan. 31, 2021, 7:19 p.m. No.12785270   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5318


the other thing i would note


is look how the left side is <pre-fall>


and then the beings come back on the right side of the image as L and X


this is Lemuria and Planet X splicing our shit up


so they were part of the garden as energy

and came back to garden as beings

and literally spliced Lemur and Monkey


all kinds of little twists and turns


but what is critical for most people is just figuring out the basics


like if someone needs to know about rh+/- relationships on a







level specifically I can help


but it gets confusing when

the best thing to do is figure out

that you can just figure things out with math


god literally said go forth and multiply


just do it

[x, ^, +]


once you start to understand the math of the bible you can tell yourself anystory about creation you want to know about


it just takes time to dissect

and everyone has big questions

or they say they know all the answers


and it isn't that easy


i can answer basic stuff

but nobody is gonna get to the bottom of it til the whole world is <calculating the number of the beast>

Anonymous ID: 5857c3 Jan. 31, 2021, 7:22 p.m. No.12785296   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I can just tell you this


DJT has a mutation in a very strange part of his brain that is… not up for debate, but the information is a bit over my head


until i can grasp….


just cause he has a mutation there

some mutations are positive

some mutations are negative


i need to determine who shares this mutation

Anonymous ID: 5857c3 Jan. 31, 2021, 7:26 p.m. No.12785337   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5370

you alll think i am kidding


if you know how to read it


as show bloodline divisions from the beginning to the end


you realize the alphabet holds our entire genetic code



but WHAT ABOUT N Z = ?



other stuff huH?

n and z are energy

and those are the alpha omega of the back side of the alphabet

A - M

Z - N

it is a mirror



this is cool shit when you figure it out\


all the "little script" and extra lines that are put on english letters


those are bloodline branches that can be recognized ifyou are crazy like me and spend time thinking the letters are all real important


i started putting this together years ago and things are ….


not making sense

they have been making sense

but now i got the math

and plugging in the pieces

to drive the data

i am missing

is good

Anonymous ID: 5857c3 Jan. 31, 2021, 7:29 p.m. No.12785373   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5392 >>5408



you can follow jesus all you want


but without being able to dissect the bloodline and have a clear shot of a DNA test from Jesus…



have fun


there is only one way to know


cause the false prophet…. always misleads


if you dont want to learn about genetic profiles and how to do this yourself


well, someone else willl always be informing you of who jesus really is.


cause i bet it… is up for debate


i bet jesus has a few followers

and anti-jesus has millions


until it switches more

Anonymous ID: 5857c3 Jan. 31, 2021, 7:31 p.m. No.12785392   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5409



and it is only for the few


if you dont want to know then dont


but the most important thing you can do fro the Lord is protect the bloodline of his son


i cant tell you this more clearly

jesus will hide his blood in humanity

where nobody knows

the Lord will help carry the blood for the next time.

but… nobody is going to tell you where the <grailis going

if you can't track the bloodline

and teach your kids to track the bloodline


who will track teh bloodline?


who will protect christ the next time?


or is this the end of the world forever and ever?

Anonymous ID: 5857c3 Jan. 31, 2021, 7:32 p.m. No.12785409   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5463 >>5515


I already know


that is why i am preparing you

to see the DNA


and understand how to trace it back to the beginning


you will have a Cain Jesus

you will have an Able Jesus


the pattern just repeats itself on both sides of the IO OI bit system

Anonymous ID: 5857c3 Jan. 31, 2021, 7:36 p.m. No.12785463   🗄️.is 🔗kun


i kinda think magdalene line is going to show up like jesus


it will be a white girl from indiana

she knows the bible well

her dad was a preacher for a small church

but she could argue with the mormons all day and tell them stufff


but. she may be the anti-christ

and that is fine

anti-christ just misleads people with the bible

christ tells people the hard truth about the bible


people like the anti-christ cause the anti-christ doesn't tell people they are sinning to much

christ tellls people they sin

and people dont like it

so they deny him

and cast stones



i will know that the real one is real

and people will choose not to do the DNA work themselves

they will listen to other people <do the researchon the DNA themselves


and it will be debated

as to who the proper bloodline is


until ya die


unless you use the math and multiply to count the number of the beast


then it all goes away

and you keepo your mouth shut about what you see in those models.


it shows you where jesus is

it shows you where jesus is going


but i aint gonna sit here and do that for you


if you can't read and invest sometimes in teh secrets of language and calculating the bible



oh well

it is for the few not the many i guess

Anonymous ID: 5857c3 Jan. 31, 2021, 7:40 p.m. No.12785525   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5551 >>5570 >>5584

If anyone wants to help figure this out


I need to know about the DYZ19



and also what is going on inside the DYZ19


it is like

a section of DNA

that is SUPER compacted

like the DYZ19 is the second-most compacted part of the genome

there is a part more compacted inside of DYZ19

but i need to know more about DYZ19

than i am picking up reading


i know what it impacts

but why

is it bad good natural


what other species or people in history had a mutation in DYS19?

Anonymous ID: 5857c3 Jan. 31, 2021, 7:45 p.m. No.12785570   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5592 >>5609


You see this DYZ19 is DJT defining quality that ends his <linefrom continued comparison with other descendants.


Why does Donald descend through these families of the <Gbloodline?


What is this DYZ19?


How did a mutation in DYZ19 in the life of Donald change him from his parents into him.


was it for the better or worse?


it is NON-FUNCTIONAL DNA highly compacted and hard to read it



i have a notion


Are these compacted, non-functional segments of DNA related to base <morality>?


These regions are composed of highly repeated sequences of non-functional DNA: DYZ1, DYZ2, DYZ3, DYZ17, DYZ18, and DYZ19.

Anonymous ID: 5857c3 Jan. 31, 2021, 7:49 p.m. No.12785594   🗄️.is 🔗kun




you are barking up the tree

with shit i can read all day


you got anythign to say about that?


i know what a y chromosome is


did you know the first Y chromosome in a living male came from another being?


Adam did not have a X chromosome


where did he get it? Eve is spliced with a snake already


how was eve made with an x if adam had no x


i dont think it all started in babylon


i dunno

you got anything besides comon knowlodge?

did you look at my images or posts?

or you are just saying worthless shit to feel smart?


am i missing something?


i am looking at 100s of Y chromosomes nad X and their relations to outspcae and shit


do you know anyting

or just bugging me about

the place you

say it all startrs


why dont you go type in




and figure out you like in a culture

of satanists


if you knew

you wouldnt waste my time

with facts

about where iit all starts ..

Anonymous ID: 5857c3 Jan. 31, 2021, 7:54 p.m. No.12785640   🗄️.is 🔗kun


just plug it in and try

that is all i can tell you

take any word

and plug in the formula and do the math

watch what you find

sometimes it takes a minute for the calculation to complete

it depends on how <complexteh word is

start with easy stuff



1 = A

13 = M

13 = N

1 = Z


split all two-digit numbers and apply [multiply, xponent sign, and addition] repeat pattern until you get down to a single digit.


when you start noticing the <binary natureof most calculations

you will want to see more.


everything is dark/ligh



all else is illusion about IO OI


keep it simple

plug in the numbers

and observe phenomena

then explain it


i can't tell you the phenomena

i just know it is insane

that it works

that every work you plug in

is related to anotyher

and you can start multiplying owrds

i dont do numerology

i study patterns

and was … blown wide open when i realized that it was all a USB drive from the Lord stored with critical data about life on Earth…

Anonymous ID: 5857c3 Jan. 31, 2021, 7:55 p.m. No.12785660   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5673




this is donald

but you need to find out more

you can tell me all day you know eveeryhing from just R1b


but it doin't work that way

you can know <mostr1b

but there are always <exceptions>

and i think god likes to sneak jesus back in through… diferent miraculous mechanisms

Anonymous ID: 5857c3 Jan. 31, 2021, 7:57 p.m. No.12785673   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5682


You need to review revelatiojns carefully


search for all points where the Lord says I am the alpha and the omega


look for his talking about <countingthe number of the beast

he doesnt say point it out becaues of a symbol on the wall of their house


he doens't say go forth and reproduce

he says go forth and <multiply>


you need to <READ IT RIGHT>

to get the whole story


people are missing the <LITERALwords.

Anonymous ID: 5857c3 Jan. 31, 2021, 7:59 p.m. No.12785682   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5699


it seems impossible the Bible is a calculator for all things human and inhumane


but it is


it is the <perfectword of god


not just kimda alright stuff that a dude wrote down

Anonymous ID: 5857c3 Jan. 31, 2021, 8 p.m. No.12785699   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5717


i started doing this thing

and everytime i googled a calculation


it turned up as some <angel number>


whatever the numerologists are doing to get <angel numbers>


i was doing the same thing ,,

but my method is WAYYY better

than what they are doing



i dont do numerology or horoscopes


i do science


the letters in teh bible are science

Anonymous ID: 5857c3 Jan. 31, 2021, 8:01 p.m. No.12785717   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5730


I do the Lord too


but i kinda think

if i show everyone how badass

and perfect

alll the science and math of the bible is


they will have no choice

but to humble themselves before a masterpiece they cannot comprehend;

Anonymous ID: 5857c3 Jan. 31, 2021, 8:02 p.m. No.12785730   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I dont think you have to help someone get huimble


you just set them on a path


and the Lord takes care of teh rest


i just try and spark interest

and point where i found it


have fun!