Stock Anon here. There are VERY FEW good hedge funds. But there is one D.E. Shaw. How do I know this? They bought 5% of Kodak after POTUS45 discussed that Kodak will be the new pharma maker of the USA. Obviously (((they))) have been trying desperately to keep the price of KODK down. Flash forward to GME. Point72 is the evilest hedge fund in hedge world run by that faggot Steve Cohen who had to turn his twatter off after Portnoy (who is also faggot) got his vagina all dry moisted. Portnoy of course is a side show and sold all of his GME like gigantic pussy!
So back to our story. I sent D.E. Shaw and email telling him to buy a BIG STAKE in GME out of principal to fuck Point72. Anons send D.E. Shaw some emails telling him the same thing General Thing if any of you read the book When Genius Failed about Long Term Capitol Management. Those faggots got destroyed because the other faggots figured out they were short and started buying. I am telling D.E. Shaw to do the same thing!