And MNR too.
Don't forget them.
Keep using Twatter for the feelz.
I like the psychology of some MAGA voices saying you suck Trump.
Total failure.
No more admiration without results.
Swamp's not drained.
Elections have more fuckery than ever.
It's a results based world - Trump said so in his books.
>A man is worth nothing without his word.
Trump gave his word that he'd drain the swamp.
Trump gave his word in early '20 that Election Integrity was important to him.
>US mil needs to get off their ass and correct the attack on US soil
Considering who is POTUS now I'd say the military is the only way.
>Muh Feelz
Losing is losing.
It was a nice break from the drudgery for 4 years.
The military is the only hope now.
I like the psychology behind it, yes.
MAGA needs to take stock and quit hero worshipping in order to be a force moving forward.
Too many thought Trump'll fixer.
Nope, gonna take We The People to do that.
Swamp not drained under Trump and Election fuckery worse than ever is the truth.
Subject to change should developments retroactively change these things.
But, unwise at this point not to plan for otherwise.
You finally made it through, but you forgot to include your bonafides.
Make it count next time.
If there is a next time.