>cannot rightfully be deprived…
…without due process
If the HANA launch was like a 'moonshot' for the company they must have hired their engineers from Negro American Space Society of Astronauts, NASSA.
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XPCzckUcYY
Jokes aside, SAP is in the same big date & AI business as amazon, google et el. I attending a SAP presentation a couple of years ago about a project in San Palo Brazil where HANA is connected to a live data feeds from 1000's of security cameras across the city. Based on facial and license place recognition and travel patters of everyone, they claimed the system could quickly identify suspects when crimes happened and could also predict who was GOING TO commit a crime. The predictions where supposedly filtered out to the cops on the street to look for and watch the pre-crime suspects.
This company uses facial pictures to identify genetic disorders. It used as part of the screening process at medical centers. They claim its very effective.
https:// www.fdna.com/