is anybody watching the niggerball? i don't own a tv. i've got hopium coursing through my veins that arrests will happen on live national broadcasts.
>you're attracting demons.
no u. demons only have power if you give them power. think about something else or just do what i do - actively disbelieve in them, and you're safe.
i mean, if you want to get technical, fucking a prime teenager doesn't make you a pedo. joe absolutely is a pedo, but that infographic doesn't prove that.
>subliminal programming
when you're educated about the programming tho, it doesn't really affect you because you can see it for what it is.
>What do you think why our kids are fucked up
a valid concern. parents should educate their children in whatever way they see fit to prepare them for the world and for these attacks against them.
now that is a really beautiful ass
trying to explain the difference here is like trying to explain the difference between hebe, ephebo, and pedo here. they don't care and will almost immediately jump to emotional arguments.
oh, i didn't mean my comment as an insult. i only meant it was entry level stuff. having said that, there are a lot of newfags here who might not already be aware of the jewish threat.