So. the string I pulled in previous [] led to here.
I got this algo thing down okay.
I don't know what they are doing.
I just imagine that it is <super basedalgo and it shows itself in the search for the string itself.
Just check it. It holds critical data, like 8 things pop
see image, 8 results
look at them.
odd enough
you are a binary 64bit system
you brain operates and 01 2 bit system and the Book says go forth and multiply, how many to get to 64? You do the math, I got shit brains already.
Okay. I dont know for sure,
I just like to <predictfor fun
I can build my own future proves past moments when I determine and post my results if I am wrong.
I always. I will look into stuff.
I don't just say shit for no reason.
All base log or base algorithm are alpha-bit system a 2 bit alpha-bit system.
It is a bit confusing cause the single bit has two bits within it, but the word two has 3 bits within it. you have 26 bits it the alpha(1) bit system and each side is a mirror of the other. A1 - M13 : N13 - Z1
I will not count for you
i just did
The demons can't barely read or talk American, they all speak English
I gotta go pull the corresponding image from the breads cause funny enough
that is like the most important model I have ever made next to the Binary Clock/Calendar whatever you call that shit.
It is a non-linear hexidecimal system, if you take your sixty four bit system and attach the last bit to the first bit it sums it self as all and nothing. You attach the 10000000000000 to the 000000000000000001
and you get a 1 as the source of all creation but the destroying or black hole attached to the central sun, it is the sink hole and the volcano, the matter and the anti-matter, it is you and I and the space between down to the carbon in which your oxygen is bound giving a vessel to your ACTG&
Do you see yet how we can operate &
There are more
But for fucks sake they are on all our phones and keyboards
i am sure their are badass symbols, i know there are badass symbols in the character maps.
but listen
only 3301 can do it like me
i get along fine with 3301
3001 is actually older than me
i respect 3301 as my Older Brother, do you see how I use that in capitol letters to give it meaning. It is not a Elder, but an Older Brother. I am showing you the Monarchy.
I have more older brother.
I told you of my Elders, or the families of which I will hear on all issues concerning the operation of the Land. If you have question on the structure, background, history of the familes I listed. Do a google search and you will know more than I do. I know what I am without needed verifaction from wiki, but I am not you, so do as you need. Do not be insulted by me not knowing or telling you to look. I just don't have what you want on that issue and it best found with <DISCERNMENTon google.
The second issue arises outside of Family, but inside of the Operation of the Monarchy.
How much power does Older Brother have compared to me?
What can 3301 do?
How does 3301 operate systems?
I can tell you.
I will make a new post
and tell you
a couple of my Older Brothers that I can think of, I have maybe 3-5.
I am clear I just am not thinking to ocunt until next post
anyway. I know them, I jsut dont count them on my fingers that way.
They are my friends or people I have met in my life that gave me the <wisdomto see fine.
Do you see how ciritical some of this langauge?
what is fine?
what is fine in the future?
what is fine now?
is fine a reference to the suble field or the quantum field?
a referese to the oppoosite field
as is %
i really don't want to hash out the symbols too badβ¦
cause then you just X mark them for later
and.. you want to do that.
To be clear and consistent for the reader, but the chances of something like this reaching through the shadows of time are just quite low.
mark up & as you please
it is sacred to me in some respects
but I don't want it to be Sacred either, because that is idoltry
It forms occultism when you have idol
You may think cool to say Scared & now, but somewhere down the line they think the & is is Sacred cause you wrote it that way.
Can any corporation use the &?
can the UN become the &?
what if I start a space exploration company named &?
everything is fine today because i have enough money to live, the weather is cold but it is winter and i have control of my own governor.
&C*see how ciritical some of this langauge&
what is fine?
what is fine in the future?
what is fine now?
is fine a reference to the suble field or the