>Wilma was bangable. Not that other piece of shat.
Betty was better.
You again? Every Bread?
All those congress and senate of monkeys are fighting for their lives.
They know what happens with their treason when they lose.
pic related.
>true story – as i am scrolling down the monkey picture starts coming into view and i thought it was a picture of Obongo
>Since the Military is the only way, assume these will go nowhere?
>Askin for a fren
Logic says they will have to fail, so that the Courts can be declared non-functioning. Only then can the Military take Jurisdiction.
So, yes.
And [they] know this, so that's why they're only determining to hear the cases or not on the 19th, and leaving the actual dates for a possible trial as early as October. Buys them time to thouroughly fuck up the Country, and still keep the Military, and Patriots, at heel.
Now you're alluding to a 3 year Delta? I wasn't. Yeah, that could be construed, however I'm not holding my breath. I'm just here to shit-post and maybe add something of value while I wait for some fuck-nuts who wants his/her brains blown out to come kick my door in.
>Using free speech that is literally posted on the ATF website is gonna get us de-platformed!!!
>Literal retards.
No, there are literally hundreds of other Boards on the Internet to talk about Weapons, Builds, etc. You choose to bring that here, when this Board SPECIFICALLY denounces Violence.
(You) are the retard, and it is (You) that is glowing here. Your 80% lower Bait is, while legal, a controversial subject, and in here, designed to bring heat upon Anons and this Board.
Be gone with that shit. Seriously.
Your IP Address and MAC Address are logged, whether you know it or not.
Nope. Not at all. Just smart. And I believe in keeping things compartmented where they belong.
You should do the same.
I'm not going to argue with you any further shill. You've been warned by several in here. Continue at your own risk.