>>12976909 lb
The Vatican's Jesuits invented Futurist eschatology,
Cardinal Belarmine fined tuning it not long after to include "end time" stuff about Israel and another temple,
and "3 1/2 years",
It's no surprise that later 19th century non-catholic Brits began to capitalize on that,
bringing it to the U.S.,
where it caught like wildfire after a non-catholic fellow named Schofield published his "end-time" Bible.
This big,
fat lie,
was then used by the Rothschilds to their advantage to lay the ground work in Palestine,
with the Brits controlling it at that time.
Wonder for whom those non-catholic Brits and Schofield were really working?
not invasion.
if one calls out the falsity of Futurist eschatology,
one is practically called a "heretic".