Hurling threats must be a fambly thang. "I'll eff your shit up." Seriously mediocre men who know it inside, and have chips on the shoulder. They skeered.
Hurling threats must be a fambly thang. "I'll eff your shit up." Seriously mediocre men who know it inside, and have chips on the shoulder. They skeered.
>>12977830 DJT set up the satanists to take the blame when it collapses. Believe he and the white hats are prepared to take us to the new white hat system. It had to end; why not set up the creeps? They are stupid and they deserve it.
The silver market looks to be on the very edge of blowing up. This will end the old system, no matter who is in charge, or pretending to be in charge.
They did a skit long ago, when Ross Perot was active. Don't remember who played Perot, but the skit was he offered money if the other guy would let Perot ride him around like a pony. Refused, but then the money offer is raised, and the guy goes on his hands and knees and gets ridden around the stage. Hilarious stuff.