What's Good Night Shift??
/We/ In Here
What's Good Night Shift??
/We/ In Here
I'm all ears Anon, and I think you are on to something here. I'll go read your posts.
Trauma and the resulting dis-eases it creates, is THE Health Crisis of our time. All the other efforts to optimize our health as Americans will fail if we don't all address, educate ourselves about, and work to do our best to heal Trauma in ourselves and each other.
>cause you don't need to be in a blast zone or a war to get PTSD.
Not even close. And childhood PTSD, which I think most everyone has to some degree, is the worst you can have. It keep the brain and other systems from growing right, so you don't develop correctly as a Human.
Worth noting the studies on what circumcision does to the brain.
If people weren't traumatized from youth, we wouldn't need to fake "health care" monster we have now. You are right that the branch needs to be cut off and die, I am suggesting we go for THE ROOT, and drop the whole wicked tree.
>Birth is a traumatic event
Not according the neuroscience it's not. There is no damage to structure or function because of birth, and their IS because of having your dick chopped up.
Please keep going and proving my point while you bring attention to the cause. Thank You!!
In order to accept this, I need evidence that the brain is IMPAIRED or DAMAGED by the birth process, because I don't have any sauce for that.
I am sure that indeed, birth is more of a traumatic event than "dying" is, but I can't hold a position of it being a truly "traumatizing" event until I see evidence of damage or alteration of the brain and/or brain patterns.
Great topic though, let's talk about what matters and it'll all work out.