Anonymous ID: ca7166 Feb. 20, 2021, 6:04 p.m. No.13012756   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2776 >>2782



>>13011710 "Kelly Loeffler lost her senate re-election campaign but she has about a billion reasons to smile.

>>13011741What are patterns?

>>13011748 Joe Biden’s NatSec and China Policy Directors Served As Fellows At Chinese Communist Party-Funded Center.

>>13011751 Columbia professor: I do heroin regularly for 'work-life balance'


>>13011768 Russia Sends Requests to New US Administration to Start First Contacts

>>13011781 was investigating the lesser keys of solomon that keeps getting posted here

>>13011789 What does this mean, post won't go through

>>13011794 Broomfield Police dept posted more debris photos

>>13011815 Mitch Big Mad


>>13011860 New Jewtube Banner

>>13011871 BTFO Nazis

>>13011891 Cross-country from Travis AFB, a Lockheed C-5 Mercury just landed

>>13011918 ON READY

>>13011942 EYES on -Movement at white house 7:18pm est

>>13011952 16567


>>13011961 Q is a shadowy military intelligence figure who recruited Trump for the presidency

>>13012019 United Airlines jet engine bursts into flames midair over Denver, drops debris into yard

>>13012032 Texas Democrats issue stern warning to their own party over embrace of far-left immigration policy

>>13012046 Planefags on alert


>>13012053 U.S. Attorney In Western Missouri Submits Resignation

>>13012095 How many fellow Qanons are going with me to DC on March 4th to back up the REAL President?

>>13012120 OPS STANDING BY

>>13012150 #16571


>>13012190 Is the white / silver gate next or is it the red gate?

>>13012196, >>13012248, >>13012266 Acting Energy Secretary David Huizenga

>>13012280 Is Griddy price gouging during this storm?

>>13012290 60 minutes episode tomorrow Q hit piece


>>13012330 Imagine a pool of water, enormous, that a small group of controllers manipulate with different chemicals and conditions.

>>13012335 More on White House Movement tonight around 7pm

>>13012372 Talberg is twatter friends with some Senior Biden advisor


>>13012397 the constant non sequitur methodology doesn't really make you seem mysterious.

>>13012402 Chilean Earthquakes are rocking it tonight

Anonymous ID: ca7166 Feb. 20, 2021, 6:23 p.m. No.13012889   🗄️.is 🔗kun





>>13012445 Niger Votes in Presidential Runoff to Usher in First Democratic Transition

>>13012460 ON READY

>>13012465 Cruz Apologizes For Fleeing the Storm?!?, 3519


>China’s Cyberwarfare Attack On 2020 US Election Tied To Mitch McConnell’s CCP-Connected Wife Elaine Chao

>>13012478, >>13012653

>Q, Beware the 'farm'ers here.


>UK could declare Brexit 'water wars':


>Anybody else trusting the plan? (-o7)


>The USSR was the first state to recognise the Kingdom of Hejaz and Nejd and incorporated territories


>Election was stolen by .666 votes

>>13012642, >>13012683




>Gov. McMaster calls for review of SC’s power grids, agencies ready to comply


>Is the Baker on crack?


>Lighting up the night! (M240’s and .50 cal)


>Nearly 100,000 in U.S. Died from Coronavirus in Biden’s First Month in Office


>Why do they want the destroy the Texas power grid?




>Texas Blackouts Spark First Lawsuit; AG Vows Prob


>Sen. Inhofe Documents Clinton’s Culpability in #Chinagate


>Prof. Carol Swain: Left targeting K-12 after 'destroying' higher education


>China’s Cyberwarfare Attack On 2020 US Election Tied To Mitch McConnell’s CCP-Connected Wife Elaine Chao


>Watch Ashleigh Shackelford. All white people are racist. White people are born into NOT being HUMANAnd you will always be racist.



>The moment when SIRI is more honest than Q.


>add spacing betwwen the text notables seemed to work for 505 server long post error


>China’s Cyberwarfare Attack On 2020 US Election Tied To Mitch McConnell’s CCP-Connected Wife Elaine Chao


>UK Schools selling out to Beijing


>Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell Attends Election Night Gathering


>Who are these optics for? Not the public.


>I figured out about FLIES


>bad notables are bad for the aggregator at

>>13012827 Nigel Farage: UK Schools selling out to Beijing

Anonymous ID: ca7166 Feb. 20, 2021, 6:24 p.m. No.13012896   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2897





>>13012445 Niger Votes in Presidential Runoff to Usher in First Democratic Transition

>>13012460 ON READY

>>13012465 Cruz Apologizes For Fleeing the Storm?!?, 3519

>>13012471 China’s Cyberwarfare Attack On 2020 US Election Tied To Mitch McConnell’s CCP-Connected Wife Elaine Chao

>>13012478, >>13012653 Q, Beware the 'farm'ers here.

>>13012501 UK could declare Brexit 'water wars':

>>13012519 Anybody else trusting the plan? (-o7)

>>13012583 The USSR was the first state to recognise the Kingdom of Hejaz and Nejd and incorporated territories

>>13012601 Election was stolen by .666 votes


>>13012644 Gov. McMaster calls for review of SC’s power grids, agencies ready to comply

>>13012671 Lighting up the night! (M240’s and .50 cal)

>>13012696 Nearly 100,000 in U.S. Died from Coronavirus in Biden’s First Month in Office

>>13012702 Why do they want the destroy the Texas power grid?

>>13012707 #16572

>>13012721 Texas Blackouts Spark First Lawsuit; AG Vows Prob

>>13012725 Sen. Inhofe Documents Clinton’s Culpability in #Chinagate

>>13012760 Prof. Carol Swain: Left targeting K-12 after 'destroying' higher education

>>13012471 China’s Cyberwarfare Attack On 2020 US Election Tied To Mitch McConnell’s CCP-Connected Wife Elaine Chao

>>13012768 Watch Ashleigh Shackelford. All white people are racist. White people are born into NOT being HUMANAnd you will always be racist.

>>13012773 The moment when SIRI is more honest than Q.

>>13012776 add spacing betwwen the text notables seemed to work for 505 server long post error

>>13012822 China’s Cyberwarfare Attack On 2020 US Election Tied To Mitch McConnell’s CCP-Connected Wife Elaine Chao

>>13012827 UK Schools selling out to Beijing

>>13012813 Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell Attends Election Night Gathering

>>13012844 Who are these optics for? Not the public.

>>13012847 I figured out about FLIES

>>13012838 bad notables are bad for the aggregator at

>>13012827 Nigel Farage: UK Schools selling out to Beijing