if i were a judge id be known as hangin tom
Alternative and pseudo‑medicine
Quackery is the promotion[1] of fraudulent or ignorant medical practices. A quack is a "fraudulent or ignorant pretender to medical skill" or "a person who pretends, professionally or publicly, to have skill, knowledge, qualification or credentials he or she does not possess; a charlatan or snake oil salesman"Since it is difficult to distinguish between those who knowingly promote unproven medical therapies and those who are mistaken as to their effectiveness, United States courts have ruled in defamation cases that accusing someone of quackery or calling a practitioner a quack is not equivalent to accusing that person of committing medical fraud.
To be both quackery and fraud, the QUACK (caps added) must know they are misrepresenting the benefits and risks of the medical services offered (instead of, for example, promoting an ineffective product they honestly believe is effective)
Nice cabal double talk for we can throw anybody under the bus who dares to infringe on our goldmine, the healthcare profession and all the cottage industry surrounding it.
We can be a Quack and get away with it, you cannot.
Allopathic medicine (all the regular health services we know today) are not 100% wrong. Much is wrong with it, but not 100%. To be fair this is not all their fault as it is just one cog in the unrighteous NWO system. About 200 years ago all other medical practices except Allopathy were essentially cut out.
Allopathic does accel in surgery, first aid, emergency medicine things like that. If you combine what allopathic medicine does well with some of the other alternatives then you might have something. As it is health care is a uncoordinated, uncooperative system. Funny enough each of the alternatives also kind of think they are the best and make fun of everyone else. So blame to go all around. Another major problem is the gargantuan pharm industry as Trump has pointed out. Health care is a Major money making machine, your health as not only their last priority, but worse, will harm you if it suits them.
The real heart of the problem does not lie in the health care system at all. Real health can only occur when Mother Earth herself is healed. It is a big circle jerk otherwise, practicing medicine is really annoying once this fact is known. All the medical services in the world will do nothing as long as we live in such a polluted unrighteous world. Air (breath), Water (drink), Earth (eat), exercise/sleep/emotional well being (society as a whole in how it conducts itself). ALL is messed up, souls in Form are just a reflection of Earth life itself.
That said there is one beautiful health discipline that is near and dear to my heart, it transcends all the other medical disciplines and that is Homeopathy. Not the remedies that you get at the health food store for individual ailments, but Constitutional Homeopathy. This is not a stand alone for health care, but an integral part. Our three states of health are physical, physiological and emotional. Emotional is the deepest and most important level.
The World Health Organization warning against using homeopathy.
WHO against it, so right there you know to be for it.
Definition: Constitutional homeopathy refers to the treatment of a person as a whole, including past and present symptoms. When accurately implemented, homeopathic constitutional care can elicit a profound healing response.
When the anunnaki created us they used all kinds of different genetic material from the plant, mineral and animal kingdom. The signature of this genetic material is within each of us. Each of us has a particular plant, mineral or animal signature in us, besides the standard human signature we all share. If one knows their Constitutional Homeopathic signature it can be a remarkable experience. Many after knowing their remedy say it feels like coming home. Knowing ones remedy helps a person to understand themselves on a much deeper level, as well as it can help loved ones understand you better, and visa versa.