It's a bug.
OMG - flash from the past.
Toast Cincoeve
There are times I feel like Dori
"Just keep Swimming:
some sort of FBI is essential. Every state has a state one; so even just for coordination. Not even mentioning federal crimes.
air traffic no. I checked last night yes when all the refeulers/transports left on the path to the EU yes.
Tonight normal.
local city using scramble on scanner.
Last time they did that a high level elected official was arrested.
Agree to disagree.
LMFAO a bug
Always make new accounts even if new computers needed to separate business and home.
As your mind did when you discovered what salary meant.
I don't think punishing the basic investigators will help anything just hurt.
I need sauce on this!!! When was the previous? When did it expire? When were actions taken?
Basically did Meuller Break the Law?!!!!!!
I fought this fight and saw the video of it change directory and go land on the red truck
Go back I posted it and the link
I am using:
It is a Bug from now on instead of Squirrel!!!
I need sauce on this!!! When was the previous? When did it expire? When were actions taken?
Basically did Meuller Break the Law?!!!!!!
congrats that is the first thing I have opened a new window for other than Harry Crumb and Planefagging.
The crux - Spies used to prosecute
The 2017-2018 Special Counsel investigation is a "criminal" investigation.
The 2016 FBI investigation was a "counterintelligence" investigation.
12 replies 296 retweets 510 likes
23h23 hours ago
Without use of the FISA Title-1 warrant, Robert Mueller's corrupt team of political activists would have been forced to go to federal court under Title 3 and request all of those search warrants on individuals/suspects/targets.
9 replies 316 retweets 524 likes
23h23 hours ago
In order to get those search warrants, Mueller's team would have needed to show probable cause why the warrants were necessary. This is the ordinary process within going to any federal judge for such matters (ie. Title 3 search warrants) under DOJ authority.