(Bread #1631)
This video was intentionally taken, not by happenstance. Then it was intentionally released as part of that. It was everywhere. It felt like the usual multiple realities were being created, in this case she's sick, she's a sure winner, nobody's coming to her rallies, she's won this, that, and the other state. Gaslighting? But this video is especially weird. Laying the groundwork for a plea bargain based on illness, just in case? Message to the other insiders that she's on her way out or even dead?
Fake? Maybe she'd already died sometime before, and it was time to create a back story to segue into reporting her death, but they decided to keep the ruse going?
...filming her arrest!...
Yes, that might be it, and she was overwhelmed with fear to the point she couldn't walk.
>...the piece of metal that fell out of her right pant leg....
I was all over this when it came out, people came to one or more very good conclusions, but I don't remember them now.