>Does anyone know what it is?
Literally in the months long process to try to write "my beliefs" to defend my own "freedom" of religion in a court of law, which has already defied numerous Constitutional Amendments.
The Truth is, a person like myself should NEVER have had to do this, because the court who failed to abide by the Constitution no longer has any authority what-so-ever over me.
Breech of mother fucking contract.
The truth is, they are still trying to extort moar fucking money out of me, after depriving me of my ability to make fucking money in the first place, while leaving indefinite restrictions on my life, which require additional moneys I cannot make in order to resolve.
All because the parties within the government who have long been doing wrong, do not want to admit to the FACT that they blatantly defied the Constitution on NUMEROUS occasions and wronged far MANY moar than just myself in the process. So, since these fuck-twats wanted to play the dindu-card, rather than even bothering to acknowledge the MANY wrongs of the past, the created a fake "pandemic", by exploiting the very ignorance they TRAINED into society, but purposely fucking up the education system SO BAD, that humanity is this fucking retarded to the point where they don't even understand the basic concepts about how their own body's immune system works and how it's being weakened by those who fully intend on mass-murdering significant portions of the population by generating such a ridiculous amount of fear and stupidity all over the mother fucking common mother fucking cold (and flu) season that people endure every mother fucking year since who the fuck knows when, since it has been going on far longer than we've practiced the imperfect practice of (potentially poisonous) seriously flawed pharmaceuticals.
Anywhooo.., the mother fucking masks our weakening our mother fucking immune system (which they keep fucking trying to make people forget all about to get them to be test subjected to these new "vaccination" trials) and increase our risk of several other far more serious conditions including, but not exclusive to, pneumonia.
What else did the 1918 "Spanish Flu" have in common with today? Lots and LOTS of stress!
Which is why they bombard you with fear porn all the mother fucking time, every goddam mother fucking day. The longer a person endure stress, the weaker their body's immune system gets. On top of the increased risk of the masks. On top of the false positives intended to create additional fears and policies and mandates explicit on intent to strip us of every one of our Constitutional and God-given Rights. On top of the fact that they literally MURDERED people just to pad these stats further. On top of the fraud, no less upon that.
So, yeah. The purposely been stressing everyone out, and totally caused a bunch of mother fucking problems, to create more problems, to continue to basically do whatever the sick fuck they want to with us and our loved ones, including but not exclusive to innocent children.
If y'all can't find any mother fucking truth in that to rally round, the fuck else we gonna do?