Bouncing an idea on the board. Just spitballing.
Every stock below a certain price is non-cabal.
Every stock above that is cabal.
What's that price, though?
Bouncing an idea on the board. Just spitballing.
Every stock below a certain price is non-cabal.
Every stock above that is cabal.
What's that price, though?
>>13040818 (pb)
See, this is the shit I'm talking about.
Dude. You know? So it should be obvious. It's a casino, and you can set the difficulty level with your investment strategy. Go easy mode, and get 401k. High risk, high reward investing might pay off. But in all reality, it's a rigged casino game, and the house still controls the outcome if it's especially damaging to them.
Our economy is a casino game that they play against each other.
You've gotta be a sick, twisted son of a bitch to think of shit like that. That's why all this is so hard to figure out. You've got to be made of the stuff of pure evil.
Crazy theory #2:
Every penny trump collected in his Casino was donated, and that's why the coverup on the taxes. It'd be the biggest tell of all.
Folds on the shirt are different. One photo wonder it is. Dude's talented, but we already knowed dat.
>what about all the Mexicans and blacks?