Bextual Rites,
to prepare a child for
their future w out their
parents, give them
th life meant for that
is th word Tatooine in South
East Asia, Goliver in South
America, Tenssen in Europe,
Gweedle in Russia, Teller
through out Europe,
for th tenth plague of Egypt,
possibly th blood on th lintels
had to do w blood on th two
parents, just a guess, th blood
would naturally be exposed
on th children by common
touching, possibly th top
lintel which means th father
of th house, possibly a thing
done in Egypt to this day,
is there that plague one day
per year, Jews who go to
Egypt, if they don't know
th practice do they lose their
children, this possibly spurring
th practice in Sparta to do
Blood Rites on their sons,
to this day, if a single woman
in Egypt, if she don't put
lamb's blood on her lintel,
herself, will she lose th ability
to bear a child,
if ppl are in Egypt at th coming
of that plague, if they act inappropritely
do they bring that plague home
w them, is it already across
many other parts of th earth,
th Great Wall film w Matt Damon
w that a telegraph of a similar curse
in China, maybe Russia too,
th reason they try to cut out
th free world,
just a guess, is it related to
exposure to gold,
true Autists know sh like non
others, know their tits & ass
when all others get straight cock,
when there is no bread or
water to be found for others,
autists drink wine, I gotta be right