As a former law fag, I was giving some thought to what happens to EO's and Bills passed by Congress, when it is revealed that they were either not legitimately elected, or have committed treason against the United States? I don't believe that there is any mention in the Constitution, or statutory law, i.e., the Federal Codes.
My thinking is, if they were not legitimate for either reason when said EO's and Bills were passed/signed, then the EO's and Bills (Laws) are null and void. This would theoretically include any EO's and Bills signed by Barry Hussein Soetero, such as the Affordable Care Act, and DACA. Once the true POTUS, Donald J. Trump, is back in the WH, he could simply issue a proclamation, after all of the evidence proving 2018 and 2020 Election fraud, and treason by 99% of Congress and 7 out of 9 of the USSC Justices; stating that all of the above are null and void for the reasons given herein.