>>13201614 (pb)
I believe the subject of "gay" is at the minimum 2 fold. Parasites YES…but also crossed wires in nature. I've seen da gay in most animals in my life from time to time. Penguins are the most notorious (kek) gay critters. That being said, gay is against nature because nature is efficient. Nature has her way..the LAW of NATURE says…born, thrive, reproduce. Gay is opposite of "reproduce" a natural crossed wire….NATURAL LAW has replaced the Law of Nature…gay is natural (a wire crossed) it is INDUCED (via abuse…when a child is taught "desire" in the "wrong direction" See Milo for example..having his natural sexual age-appropriate curiosity abused by a priest..who may or may not have introduced the parasite….to him anally.
There is no black and white here. Understanding ourselves, our bodies, and nature is NOT political.
NATURE intended things to go one way…and via our arrogance we supplanted the law of nature with Natural Law.
I do NOT believe any homosexual should be punished, or suffer but at the same time I do NOT think they should be raising children…for two reasons. Homosexuality is not NATURE but it can be NURTURED…via abuse or 'this is normal". No, nature is "normal"…lions cannot reproduce by male lions fucking only male lions. NATURE is what it is. We have forgotten that humans ARE nature. Natural Law is a stain on the world.
We need to understand let people be how they are, but have clear lines….children should NOT be taught that homosexuality is "nature" it is not.
ANYONE that uses their religious ideals to attack people for homosexuality should be cancelled IMMEDIATELY. In my life I've helped many many people. Never ever ONCE, ever have I worked with a same-sex attracted person who was NOT sexually abused. NOT even once. NOT once.
So NATURALLY gay does exist…but those people should NOT be given access to children, it should NEVER be punished or attacked but neither should it ever be taught as normal.
NATURE tells us what is NORMAL. Crossed wires exists across all species, it's a fuckup…not anything to celebrate….and parasites can INDEED drive homosexual behavior in men.
THUS if you're like this guy and cannot figure why you are driven to seek anal penetration and don't feel "gay is you"…then figure it out.
And parents if you let your children have access to naturally abnormal behavior teachings in school? Fuck you. FUCK you very much. Muslims shut down teaching da gay in the UK…very quickly…and yet you acquiesce…head down..and keep sending your kids to be swerved.