Anonymous ID: 1e6953 March 13, 2021, 9:29 p.m. No.13201667   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1689

>>13201614 (pb)

I believe the subject of "gay" is at the minimum 2 fold. Parasites YES…but also crossed wires in nature. I've seen da gay in most animals in my life from time to time. Penguins are the most notorious (kek) gay critters. That being said, gay is against nature because nature is efficient. Nature has her way..the LAW of NATURE says…born, thrive, reproduce. Gay is opposite of "reproduce" a natural crossed wire….NATURAL LAW has replaced the Law of Nature…gay is natural (a wire crossed) it is INDUCED (via abuse…when a child is taught "desire" in the "wrong direction" See Milo for example..having his natural sexual age-appropriate curiosity abused by a priest..who may or may not have introduced the parasite….to him anally.


There is no black and white here. Understanding ourselves, our bodies, and nature is NOT political.

NATURE intended things to go one way…and via our arrogance we supplanted the law of nature with Natural Law.

I do NOT believe any homosexual should be punished, or suffer but at the same time I do NOT think they should be raising children…for two reasons. Homosexuality is not NATURE but it can be NURTURED…via abuse or 'this is normal". No, nature is "normal"…lions cannot reproduce by male lions fucking only male lions. NATURE is what it is. We have forgotten that humans ARE nature. Natural Law is a stain on the world.


We need to understand let people be how they are, but have clear lines….children should NOT be taught that homosexuality is "nature" it is not.


ANYONE that uses their religious ideals to attack people for homosexuality should be cancelled IMMEDIATELY. In my life I've helped many many people. Never ever ONCE, ever have I worked with a same-sex attracted person who was NOT sexually abused. NOT even once. NOT once.


So NATURALLY gay does exist…but those people should NOT be given access to children, it should NEVER be punished or attacked but neither should it ever be taught as normal.

NATURE tells us what is NORMAL. Crossed wires exists across all species, it's a fuckup…not anything to celebrate….and parasites can INDEED drive homosexual behavior in men.


THUS if you're like this guy and cannot figure why you are driven to seek anal penetration and don't feel "gay is you"…then figure it out.


And parents if you let your children have access to naturally abnormal behavior teachings in school? Fuck you. FUCK you very much. Muslims shut down teaching da gay in the UK…very quickly…and yet you acquiesce…head down..and keep sending your kids to be swerved.

Anonymous ID: 1e6953 March 13, 2021, 9:58 p.m. No.13201811   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1821

>>13201384 (pb)

>SOME point Frodo was at least told where the fuck to go in something more than a vague "a place beyond the boundaries of the shire".

The ring and knowledge came to Frodo because he was chosen and accepted the mission. He always knew he wouldn't survive. How many people would accept that type of mission.


You're butthurtness is not helping. How far would ANY of this have ever gotten if Q charged in like a bull in a china shop and said HEY yo...everything you believe isn't true? SOMETIMES you have to show them.


If you're smelling farts instead of roses? That's on YOU bro.


EVERYONE here beLIEves in different thing. The UNITY is ending the control mechanism. PERIOD. You got people on here sucking Wilcox. Icke, Goode, Greer dick....people who would literally shut down if you told them Jesus isn't coming back and your religion is a meme, people who LIVE for, hang on to every word out of LARP Charlie Ward, Simone Parkes, Wayne Willott...well-meaning good hearted but STUPID AF people.


How do you gather up all that GOOD energy and aim it in a direction to help ALL of us?


Not by telling them stuff their brains cannot comprehend, by destroying those beLIEfs they are so heavily invested in. If Q came out and said nope to aliens, off flounce that group of beLIEvers, if Q came out and said the Bible is a plagiarized LARP meant to CONTROL and manipulate put together by the CHOSEN but stolen from much more ancient make themselves the heroes...people literally will do ANYTHING for Israel, can't get elected dog catcher in the US unless you suck Israel's dick.


HOW do you get around that without LYING?

YOU need the energy and general good hearts to work FOR can't get that by blasting away everything they hold dear.


YOU sir...have a very very dark future. I don't envy you.

Anonymous ID: 1e6953 March 13, 2021, 10:04 p.m. No.13201846   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>He already came and saved us. Our sins paid for on the cross. He will collect what is His, I will gladly go with HIM. do realize there's a "rapture" plan...right? I do hope the good guys stop that....but my advice matter what you see in the sky, go back inside and wait it out.


It doesn't matter what you believe. it only matters what is true.


But IF you insist, there's no one to blame. The key is to get you to go WILLINGLY....there's nothing about lying to you to accomplish that.


Just sayin'.

Anonymous ID: 1e6953 March 13, 2021, 10:15 p.m. No.13201898   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>13201374 (pb)

>ever since I was a child I have had the feeling that I can prevent accidents or serious events from happening, just by altering some circumstance, however small.


That is merely butterfly effect. It's wise not to alter..the entire reason we're in this particular fuckup is the unintended consequences of trying to switch the timeline by altering things. Newton's Third Law.

False, spirit, intelligence and honesty do NOT go hand in hand. Once a person is motivated to produce by money? All good things go out the window. See what big money rather than "exchange of goods for services" did to medicine? Point taken?


>This sloppy scat is inexcusable.

KEK...the dark ones are tryna drag shit out a bit longer for the blind.


Which PAYTriot is pushing that bullshit? Trump's name was on the memo line...he's not authorized to sign this yet another SWERVE away from the truth? many will have their "hopes" dashed once again because they're FOLLOWING fake shit on the Internet.


I do not fucking need Trump's signature on a damn check to know that no matter whatever the fuck else is happening, that parasite ridden Biden is not captain of this ship. PERIOD. THIS bullshit is for the blind.


When Q said "these people are stupid" did you think he only meant THEM? NO---Q meant "all ye, like sheep"..ALL YE...not all ye republicans, or all ye pedos, ALL YE like sheep....who, without their shepherd cannot manage to maintain a fucking flock.

Anonymous ID: 1e6953 March 13, 2021, 10:34 p.m. No.13201987   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2013


LOL a bit "backward" and middle ages…she could have just left off the feeds on sperm shit. Parasites drive behavior so they can spread…nature.


I think "same sex driven" people have multiplied by millions when we left off our habit of deworming ourselves and our kids every few months. My parents used to get lined up with ALL the kids and dosed with pine tar spirits, kerosene (real) cod oil…castor oil.."clean out those pipes…now, despite even MORE incursion of animals into our living spaces, we don't do that anymore. It's 10/10 head in the sand that family pets are likely the source of most sickness. I get ill seeing people let their dog dash in from rolling around in whatever in the yard…then crawling up onto bed with the kids. KEK once you start studying vectors, life cycles and animal behavior you'd 10/10 change the way you interact with "pets". either IN or out…not in and out. Even if you deworm the dog, how does that kill the fluke eggs stuck to his fur after he had a nice roll in a raccoon turd? Cats? I would never, ever ever allow a cat to go in and out. If you MUST have a cat in the house, keep it INDOORS. NO in and out.


But you won't because the "Crazy Kitty" parasite tells you, NAY forces you to let it out.

Anonymous ID: 1e6953 March 13, 2021, 10:48 p.m. No.13202045   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2059 >>2342 >>2347


>The average human is

full of parasites. Treating the pet internally kills internally…but eggs stick to fur…and so it begins. Parasites literally cause cancer because they're in your body snatching up your nutrients and shitting. They also carry their own diseases. SOME parasites love carbs/sugar. Beer gut? Obesity? how can an obese person be malnourished? What happens when you don't eat or fast without FIRST finding out if you've got creatures? The starving critters migrate from the alimentary tract where they've previously happily munched away….1 female round worm (ascaris) lays 250 eggs. Sure you can kill the adults…what about the eggs? With horses all we do is focus on killing adults by deworming every 3 months.


Vector, lifecycle is VERY important and don't count on a damn western lab or doctor to help. I had one lady put a live one on top of a turd…still wiggling…sent sample to lab? Lab report? "nothing to see here". Many such cases. Another lady did a nasal wash (the kind with pressure and jar?) and there were worms in the jar…doc said impossible, she put them there.


Good luck….they've zero interest in curing you.

Anonymous ID: 1e6953 March 13, 2021, 11:15 p.m. No.13202106   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2315


Again. depending on vector, lifecycle and species there is NO single cure for everything. Identify creature, then study lifecycle and vector. Eliminate vector then study particular remedies for specific creatures. IF you can't ID then rotating to cover all possible species and life cycles is important.

to ID

1/4 RAW pumpkin seeds a day while mesh strainer pooping. The seeds paralyze their jaws and they let loose and you shit them out. Capture, ID. If you cannot ID them…rotate…

Quassia 2 weeks

Wormwood 2 weeks

Black walnut 2 weeks

Magical Chinese doctor powder mix, 2 weeks

rest, poop, check rinse and repeat.

If you cannot ID them (and that's happened) then the rotate….you can study on chemical killers like abendazol, tribendazole, ivermectin, MMS, prazantiquel, Fenbendazol…etc…those things can be had if you know where to poke about. The lady I had with the sinus cavity creatures? Her doc gave her 1 pill to shut her up. She's dead. NEVER ever ever trust a western doctor to deal with parasites, ever. You'll need to learn how to correctly dose HUMAN with small animal stuff…do a quick search on curing cancer with antiparasiticals. The body surrounds/captures, encapsulates the worm shit as a foreign body..tumors? HELLO. Even leukemia is often a parasite misdiagnosis. If I got diagnosed with leukemia and I had a dog, I'd insist on a PET scan and to eliminate Erhlichosis.


Learned helplessness, that 15 minutes you trust the 3rd leading cause of death in the US with YOUR health without looking for yourself…welp…can't help.


Some people have taken up to a year to eliminate ALL of them because varying lifecycles, eggs, and inability to completely change their diet.

You can't starve them out, never ever starve them out, they'll leave the alimentary and go hunting elsewhere….you've got to cut off what they LOVE. Sugar, carbs….

Anonymous ID: 1e6953 March 13, 2021, 11:20 p.m. No.13202123   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>13200848 (pb)

>I won’t, but when they attack my Constitutional right without it then I will be left with nothing. The people in my family who trust Trump and their doc and they die I will be left with no one.

>It isn’t a bright future, nor the rule of movie I would enjoy.

THen take the time to explain to them WHY Trump appears to support vaccines. IF he came out against them the howling would be extreme and drown out and possibly fuck up the plan. IF they further insist then it's ON THEM. The only person you can "save" is yourself.

tl;dr don't blame Trump because your family is brain dead. I have been refusing calls since the inauguration. Everyone wants ME to tell them and I'm NOPE….everyone has to decide for themselves and I'm not wasting my breath explaining what is easy to fucking see if you LOOK..Biden isn't president. PERIOD. The media was FAKE NEWS before and suddenly you believe it? AMAZING how many people can't pluck the lie from BOTH these headlines.


This place is literally comedy central now. 5 years of FAKE NEWS and not believing a word the media said…suddenly turns to kvetching over every word the media says.

Anonymous ID: 1e6953 March 13, 2021, 11:24 p.m. No.13202132   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2221 >>2249 >>2289 >>2302 >>2309 >>2314


Watch the water


Pedo island pedo island pedo island…PEDO PEDO PEDO….and that's all you see. Forget the pedo…Island. WHY? The "jaffa" haven't a clue WHY. They hear and obey, they feed the money whatever they need to gain access to the money. They'll send in their "servants" to marry the money they don't already own.


WHO are "the 'people' in the dark shadows, people you've never heard of"..what is it that they seek?




Maria? (clever move….VERY clever move)

Haiti? (oops that earthquake tho…"unintended?" consequences")


24°42′20″N 77°46′9″W


Putting them in GITMO….the irony. SO close and yet….

Anonymous ID: 1e6953 March 13, 2021, 11:31 p.m. No.13202148   🗄️.is 🔗kun





>>This retarded mossad clown tries to attack Q again

It is only your butthurt egos responding. You know he's MOSSAD, always has been and yet you waste your energy kvetching. KEK I can't WAIT until you retards find out how many of your favorite hopium dealers have been mindfucking you.


This place is now a chink/jewjisju circle jerk. You can FUCKING SEE Biden is not president but your NPC programming is so damn strong the only thing that will comfort you is Q tossing it's dick back in the ring and THAT is NOT going to happen.


Remember when you idiots fell apart over ECW's Vanity Fair interview? Each and every word (meant to keep everyone off balance) that falls from every mouth sends you into spasms of kvetch.


NO ONE KNOWS what is happening and that's a fucking GOOD thing. The harder you try to figure it out the way you used to with Q clues the worse things are going to get for you.

Anonymous ID: 1e6953 March 14, 2021, 12:01 a.m. No.13202227   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2233 >>2242


>they take an oath to the CONSTITUTION,

It's NOT about a "side" you are most correct. It's about the rule of law and preserving the Constitution.

General Miley tho….what happens with the people who took an oath to preserve the Constitution wipe their asses with it?


Just curious.


Also do you believe Joe Biden is president? Why, or why not?

Anonymous ID: 1e6953 March 14, 2021, 12:16 a.m. No.13202260   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>congress critters to not become official until they take an oath to uphold the Constitution also

Have the incoming done so? Who swore them in? Usually the VP does this, right? That's when Joe got most of his titty tweaking done…right in front of everyone.


Do you believe Joe Biden is president? Why or why not.


Anonymous ID: 1e6953 March 14, 2021, 12:34 a.m. No.13202307   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>13201772 Arab League’s Claims About Persian Gulf Islands Rejected

Suddenly people are interested in claiming islands. KEK.


>Trump put his signature on stimulus checks because he was presidebt.

>Biden isn't because he is not presidebt.

Trump's siggy was on the memo line…and they're able to swerve Joe not doing the same by claiming Trump's ego….however it is true, this is just another signal. Biden isn't president….The signature legally endorsing the transfer of funds is on the right :D. See, POTUS is saying…Creepy Joe isn't president….planned.

Anonymous ID: 1e6953 March 14, 2021, 12:39 a.m. No.13202324   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I don't think it would. If you study parasites you'll see that Malaria and tapeworm are 2 different types. Like a fetus is the literal definition of parasite. :D MMS might kill them all tho. (herxing from parasites tho…holy death wish).

Anonymous ID: 1e6953 March 14, 2021, 12:46 a.m. No.13202351   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2354 >>2364


>Q hasn't delivered yet.

KEK. November 4, 2020 at 3:02 am, signed, sealed and delivered. Knots take TIME to unwind. The show is "world-wide" and since show only has ONE ending at ONE time, coordination is important. The shot WILL be heard around the world when, and ONLY when, all the "stars" align.

Anonymous ID: 1e6953 March 14, 2021, 12:54 a.m. No.13202375   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>MSM junkie can be ignorant of actual news.

It's ALL MSM or haven't you sorted that yet? Unless you feed both sides you may have a meeting of minds. Fox isn't stupid. They feed the right at night, feed the left during the day. Right left, left right….I'm dying on how they're making Markle expose herself. It's hysterical. Subtle too subtle for most. "Archie's" first words

Crocodile, waffle maker, HYDRATE, stay safe (a given if you're gonna crocodile and hydrate)…..and his "mother" talking endlessly about Roast chicken…and "Archie" has a "rescue chicken house".


The left right thing caused me to remember…the "markle" is right handed….kek which is a problem with the Markle on the beach. Subtle signals…at least borrow a kid that isn't already online.

Wicked wicked sense of humor.

Anonymous ID: 1e6953 March 14, 2021, 1:03 a.m. No.13202399   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2404


>"The swamp was deeper than we thought it was"

I think that was the fly in the ointment. HOW big….and even with "knowing" there's zero way to predict ALL possible outcomes. They were never just going to give up and go away…Newton's Third….the whack-a-mole has lasted longer than anticipated. I originally thought, and said, end of Feb…but when The Queen moved the Markle review date back to 31 March I knew sum ting wong. That is the day she'll be stripping Markle's titles and the drip dropping of sauce on that bitch is starting…that interview was HYSTERICAL. They're making her wear different sized moonbumps so that it's OBVIOUS….and pretty soon people just won't be able to pretend the long con didn't happen. She's part of all of this. HER mission? Whew. Stop Brexit get racism raging in UK. End the monarchy which is a cultural icon that binds the commonwealth…a slight hindrance to the EU and NWO.

Same reason the KIKE Bolsheviks murdered the Romanovs. Can't give the peasants a rallying point.


(Personally I'm just dying to watch all the "lizard people" paytriots DIE on that cross). They can't seem to wrap their brains around the fact that if what they believe is true, Markle never would have made it down the aisle. :D

Anonymous ID: 1e6953 March 14, 2021, 1:05 a.m. No.13202407   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Yes, by eating shitty foods, which is typically the case.

And when you're full of parasites….sucking whatever nutrition they can from you, you eat more and more…and more of what the parasite craves..carbs, sugars….and they suck more and more and you eat more and more….

Anonymous ID: 1e6953 March 14, 2021, 1:15 a.m. No.13202434   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I LOVE this meme. She was so grateful for his help that she gave him an unprecedented honor. And boy did he help. KEK I would LOVE to be a fly on the wall….Trump made sure that NYC baby shower was wired video/sound. Markle was so arrogant she had the shower PINK….when the attendees were anybody and everybody with a link to baby purchases.

I can just hear Liz cackling, well Donnie, we cut her off a kid, now what? (They'd previously cut her off the surrogate…so Markle tried to source one).


If you look at the history of Sussex title and the whole wedding etc? That old gal is salty af and holy shit the KEKS. She may not even legally be married to Harry because she thinks they got married 3 days before….(there's a WHOLE UK specific legal thing on that). Queen literally trolled her at Common Wealth by staging the surrogate outside the Church…when Markle saw that she about shit the bed.


SO many funny funny things. She made her get married on the day Anne Boyln was beheaded. Made her drive to the wedding in the same limo that drove Wallace Simpson to David's funeral. "GIFTED" them FROGmore COTTAGE (not the house…she gifted Markle the staff quarters) right near Wallace's grave. The history of that title tho…..OMG…SLAM. Red headed Archie Duke of Sussex got the axe for marrying without permission.

Markle held onto that moonbump frantically trying to get a kid until the Daily Fail ran an article about how the Queen might need to have her doctors intervene as Markle was nearly 10 months pregnant and as a "geriatric" pregnancy it's dangerous to go overdue so long and the risk of pre-eclampsia is very high and so dangerous to mother and baby. Markle "delivered" that kid in two days. KEK.