Article says Strasbourg!
>how can an obese person be malnourished?
Yes, by eating shitty foods, which is typically the case.
Tons of fast food shit is not healthy and you will get sick, you may at the same time get fat as well.
>As it did 5 or 6 days ago when the fire happened.
Yes, it's exactly that same fire.
At least the article mentions some of what was hosted on there, which is interesting.
Oh plus tons of sugar == very bad
tons of sugar == not healthy
tons of sugar == malnourished
Avoid sugar, especially industrial shit like the US high fructose corn syrup AT ALL COSTS.
Frutose by itself from fruits is okay, but also bad when you get too much of it.
Also avoid fruit juice if you can and instead eat actual organic fruits.
Fruit juice from supermarkets is most of the time 100% shit, because they add additional shit sugar on top of it.
>KEK. November 4, 2020 at 3:02 am, signed, sealed and delivered
"The swamp was deeper than we thought it was"
keks in plug pulling