I think it is a boat called the Jasmine, registered to Cal-Western Boat Company/Marine Film Yacht Services. Looks like the domain/company is now gone, but wayback machine has it. Still digging on this.
Cal-Western Yachts/Marine Film Yacht Services
Alamitos Bay Marina
205 Marina Drive, Gangway #1, Slip #16
Long Beach, CA
Contact Information:
Marine Film Yacht Services
Cal-Western Yachts
P.O. Box 440
Sunset Beach, CA 90742
Hi(gher)-res pic - https://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-o/11/99/34/cd/alamitos-bay.jpg
Wayback link - https://web.archive.org/web/20140517163510/http://marinefilmyachtservices.com/
'Prince of Wakes seems like quite a demotion': Fans poke fun at the Royal Family Instagram account for misspelling Prince Charles' name after Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's bombshell interview'
The Instagram account is tasked with sharing official photos of the Royal Family
A story was shared about the Prince of Wales' visit at the Jesus House church
But the post wrongly referred to Prince Charles, 72, as 'the Prince of Wakes'
Its from the 9th of March, thought it would have already been posted, but seemed potentially related to POTUS "misspelling" of Wales/Prince of Whales tweet.
A bit more to add, while it appears that the company closed down, they filed to dissolve the company in 2015. (pics 1 + 2)
It appears that they were taken over/bought out by another umbrella type company called Uninational. https://www.uninational.com/ - however the initial company registration back in 2001 was by a JM Otis, he appears to now be working with/for Uninational - pic4
'My sister is no monster.' Ghislaine Maxwell's family launches website protesting her innocence and detailing her jail cell conditions as she prepares to appeal her thrice-rejected bail application
The family of Ghislaine Maxwell has launched a website in support of the British socialite, insisting she's 'no monster' and protesting her innocence, as she awaits trial on charges she procured underage girls for billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.
The site, realghislaine.com, went live on Friday, weeks before Maxwell is scheduled to appeal her thrice-rejected application to be freed on bail.
Img source was from Google Earth desktop version.
Ref 2847, stars and undiscovered…
Searching for 2847 +astronomy did give me this, there is a galaxy designated UGC 2847 (Also known as PGC 13826, Caldwell 5 or IC 342).
" Although IC 342 is bright, it sits near the equator of the Milky Way’s galactic disc, where the sky is thick with glowing cosmic gas, bright stars, and dark, obscuring dust. In order for astronomers to see its intricate spiral structure, they must gaze through a large amount of material contained within the Milky Way.
As a result IC 342 is relatively difficult to spot and image, giving rise to its intriguing nickname: the ‘Hidden Galaxy.’ In the Catalogue of Named Galaxies, IC 342 is called Stellivelatus Camelopardalis (star-veiled galaxy).
In 1935, Harlow Shapley found that it was wider than the full moon, and by angular size the third-largest spiral galaxy then known, smaller only than the Andromeda Galaxy (M31) and the Triangulum Galaxy (M33)"
>the ‘Hidden Galaxy.’
>star-veiled galaxy
https://keckobservatory.org/media/the-universe/ (← had to include that one)
Was March 2015, have to watch the 3d buildings on GE though, though don't seem to recognise the year changes, hotel still shows on the 2020 pics.
Was just trying to recreate the Q pic in GE, think there are 2 more points I can identify.
One is the US Veterans Affairs Dept - 5901 E 7th St, Long Beach, CA 90822, the other is 2 water towers just behind and to the right. More interesting is what is slightly out of frame of the LBP pic. A giant blue pyramid - more accurately, the Walter Pyramid.
>The Walter Pyramid, formerly known as The Long Beach Pyramid, is a 4,000-seat, indoor multi-purpose arena on the campus of Long Beach State University in Long Beach, California
Map link (Pyramid is slightly to the NE) - https://www.google.com/maps/@33.7780951,-118.1189117,941m/data=!3m1!1e3
Nice vid, thanks Anon. The parking lots certianly do look dark in the LBP pic, for reference they do look considerably closer in colour to the E pacific highway than the previous parking lots. Tbh though rainfall could effect the colour etc. Also appears that the parking lot renovations were completed along with the demolition of the hotel (complete hotel demolition before parking lot finished), however the LBP pic "appears" to show something still standing at an offset from the parking lot (new buildings are in line).
Will just add that none of these coincide with Rubys fire, 2016, which is way outside the parking lot renovation/hotel demolition. see >>13361338