>>13235918 PB
Anon I want this video but it won't DL
Is it this one? https://fox17.com/news/local/watch-three-new-videos-show-moments-of-impact-from-nashville-explosion
>>13235918 PB
Anon I want this video but it won't DL
Is it this one? https://fox17.com/news/local/watch-three-new-videos-show-moments-of-impact-from-nashville-explosion
Cast Ro = House of Red
lordy those are some massive eyebags
I didn't notice and not feeling discouraged TBH.
No baker drama pls. We have bigger shit to worry about
>>13235918 pb
anon posts picture of Nashville attack on our nation's critical infrastructure that is new to me. May benotable
>>13235894 pb
>Yes, the Roosevelts,
>including later his younger cousin.
>Who was Teddy's handler?
>Gifford Pinchot.
>Pinchot was the forestry and natural resources Fauci of his day.
>Gifford's brother, Amos,
>is the one who started the Progressive split to divide the Republicans,
>and then created the actual Progressive Party.
TY anon
>>13235585 pb
>What's going on in Bolivia does anyone know.
>Conflicting signals.
>UK establishment scum are pro-Anez
>but leftist "commondreams" says muh "far right"
>Others call Anez "US backed" in 2019
Want to ask this again.
He thought he received information from God.
"Sir" ridley scott (bbc) just used him as a simple magic negro in alien IIRC?
Muh nice guy that gets killed early for sport?
Like how Kubrick used the cook in the shining.
Aww let's all feel sad for the nice spiritual black people killed by the evil monster. Fucking brainwashing
May have been a decent guy himself but he was just used by the establishment in the standard ways
Alien is a big deal.
MU-TH-R 182 model 2.1 terabyte AI Mainframe/"Mother", the ship-board computer on the space ship Nostromo, known by the crew as 'mother,'
Venus. "Mother tells us the sun is coming up in 10 minutes". Sigourney. Weaver Hall.
>June 2016 mainly HRC crimes media leaks how Comey will handle MYE - But look at 2nd to last paragraph
Sorry I dug - it's not "akshally" that interesting cleveland "the Q" is the place where the conventiopn was held.
>The federal government has granted companies like Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability if something unintentionally goes wrong with their vaccines.
If it was approved you'd have the vaccine court which is secret, but only 1-5% of ppl even report adverse reactions because PEOPLE ARE FUCKING CATTLE AND OUR RULERS HAVE MADE THEM THAT WAY
>>What's going on in Bolivia does anyone know.
>anon posts picture of Nashville attack on our nation's critical infrastructure that is new to me. May be notable
want this videoโฆ.
Have hints been left in this Matrix since the last time?
NO datefag, NO!
No, fuck (you).
Haha you fag
>With all the ancient boomers clogging up the roads during rush hours, I tend to agree. Anything to get traffic moving again.
Fuck you bill hicks
People age you fucking dick
Georgia is run by the enemy, so that may be a good sign?
>Maybe they take length of the cachpa and just flood it with random alphabet sequences.
Nope. Brute force is not how it works.
It's clearly BO or Jim. This breaking the captcha started with the infamous 8bit/BO "fuck you" thread
The initial image was Jim/fucking hotwheels
It's 8bit/BO/Jim.
It's people directly connected with the board
>Kansasโ Republican Senate majority leader arrested for DUI after allegedly fleeing officerโ
GOOD. Kansas GOP fucked Kris Kobach in 2018 with fake election.
Very similar to 2020. Like muh they voted democrat. Bullshit. Like NH 2020 voted EVERYTHING REPUBLICAN IN MASSIVE NUMBERS but "voted Bidan"
How fucking naive would you need to be???? Literally asleep!
Kris Kobach got fucked in 2018
Gave up SOS also.
Justice for Kris
>Dominic Raab
the symbol is that scum try to attract attention and dominate your brainspace. like phillipine duh rothschild
>And still I think with fix'ed length it is more possible to break it.
That you didn't study passwords before
we have 2500 extra ISPs
duh Jim.
The spammer uses tor. Those tor outlets look like "ISPs" to the unique ISP counting software
Many tor nodes banned now, is how I know
Hair is nothing when matching people