Pls read Revelations everyone, this is the end of the line. I still have some hope, but we need to prepare for the worst, save yourselves and your families if you can. God help us all
I need some Whitepills
Whitepills are truth that gives hope
hmm interesting theory, I find it more likely it's a dedicated autist with good intentions but ultimately flawed. One should never force things, but then again that's how many /pol/acks became redpilled in the first place, it was stormfront force redpilling us back in the day. Of course we know weren't the good guys by no means, but the JQ pill is very real and truthful, and a very necessary one
*We know nazis
I like that you capitalized the W, personally I don't capitalize the j, I will however capitalize the A in Ashkenazi or S in Sephardic being ethnic designations, never the j though as I consider it a evil religious designation coming from the phar*sees
Heh, that's pleb tier. I had gruesome nightmares for years, I overcame by overcoming my fear of death and fighting back at anything it throws at me with my mortal shell being of no consequence. Nothing makes you feel more alive than waking up after a nightmare filled night of shooting zombies and winning