>Nancy Piglosi
>Infuriating AF
Funny how the Dems can find all kinds of money for their pet projects but not a dime for the American people.
>right - no foreknowledge of the questions…
Would be funny if someone fucked with his earpiece telling him what to say exposing the delusional old pedo fuck.
Are the dem politicians and their families along with some RINOs the main procurers of the missing and trafficked children?
Because that wouldn't surprise me.
>Shouldn't they unload it to take the weight down?
Maybe that is not an option considering the cargo?
If Heels Up meets the requirements to be President like anyone else in the world does, then why not?
Fuck ya!
>like if you divide 1.3 trillion by 200 M Adult Americans……how much money would we each get after borrowing from ourselves to pay ourselves?
So you're in favor of putting illegals in $400 hotel rooms, providing meals, etc. while veterans sleep on the street?
You are such an asshole!