Right, it's a matter of perspective.
-Patriots watched the steal happen
-Patriots set the tone for the steal with lawsuits out the ass, and much pushback from social media and Trump haters ensued.
-Patriots setup a perimeter around DC (hard to find, but there's evidence the troops weren't put there by DC mayor or Biden so that leaves who?)
-Biden administration went "Warp Drive" with all their initiatives, and the border and fumbling vaccines, and shootings/gun grab, race relations media frenzy, etc.
-Somehow, we still actually have a fucking stock market?
-No seriously. How do we still have an economy?
-Checks had Trump's name on them
-Troops were almost poisoned by the people being held in DC by the troops
-They actually budgeted hotel rooms for illegals while troops sleep on the floor/garage
-States rebelling against COVID mandates from CDC
-All this, in reality, is being carefully monitored/controlled by white hats, else, Russia, China, and every other nation in the world would have already made landfall on our shores, and taken over the USA (redroom/blueroom scenarios dictate this should've already happened under Biden's inefficient "leadership").
Biden's live, BTW. Already can barely speak without fucking up.