Anonymous ID: 28bf38 March 25, 2021, 6:07 p.m. No.13299208   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9229 >>9262 >>9355 >>9376 >>9423

A Vincent Van Gogh painting of a Paris street scene fetched 14 million euros at auction on Thursday, only to be put back under the hammer and sell for a lower amount.


Auction house Sotheby's said there had been a glitch with its online bidding system during the first sale of the painting, which had been held in a private collection for more than a century away from the public eye.


The sale of Street Scene in Montmartre was highly anticipated as it was one of the few paintings by the Dutch Impressionist master to still have been in private hands.


The painting received a highest bid of 11.25 million euros ($17.5 million) the second time around. With costs, it sold for 13.1 million euros ($20.3 million).


That exceeded the 5-8 million euros the auction house had estimated for the work, painted in 1887 while the artist was lodging with his brother Theo in the French capital.


The auction took place in Paris with bidding online or by phone from Paris, New York and Hong Kong. The identity of the buyer has not been divulged.


The painting, which depicts a man and woman strolling arm in arm past a ramshackle fence with a windmill in the background, came from the collection of a French family.


Laundry or payment complete

Anonymous ID: 28bf38 March 25, 2021, 6:08 p.m. No.13299220   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9260 >>9290 >>9291 >>9362

'Liberal f***s!': Southwest pilot goes on profanity-laced hot mic tirade against Bay Area


The FAA is investigating


A Southwest Airlines pilot might be in some trouble after being recorded over an air traffic control scanner as he unleashed his fury on the San Francisco Bay Area while taxiing on a local runway, referring to the residents as "liberal fs" and "fing weirdos."


"F this place, goddamn liberal fs," the unidentified pilot says, according to the dictation of the San Francisco Gate.


He adds, "Fing weirdos, probably driving around in fing Hyundais, fing roads and s that go slow as f" and, "You don't have balls unless you're fing rolling coal, man, goddamn it."


The Daily Mail suggested the last comment was "presumably comparing electric-powered cars to traditional gas-powered ones."


The March 12 tirade at Mineta San Jose International Airport was first reported by, and is archived at


A spokesperson for the airport said of the audio, "This communication is very unprofessional, and I have forwarded the communication to the FAA."


The FAA is now involved, issuing a statement saying that they are "investigating communications that an airline pilot made while taxiing at Mineta San Jose International Airport," noting that "the FAA also reported the incident to the airline."


The Gate discovered that the airline in question is Southwest, and the company confirmed that it was one of their pilots caught on the hot mic.


"Our corporate Culture is built on a tenet of treating others with concern and dignity and the comments are inconsistent with the professional behavior and overall respect that we require from our Employees," a Southwest spokesman told the newspaper in a statement. "This situation was an isolated incident involving a single Employee and not representative of the nearly 60,000 hardworking, respectful People of Southwest Airlines."

Anything else?


The San Francisco Bay Area is, indeed, known for being liberal.


The Mail pointed out that a "March 2014 report by political scientists Chris Tausanovitch and Christopher Warshaw titled 'Representation in Municipal Government' ranks San Francisco as the most liberal city of at least 250,000 people in the United States, based on public policy preferences," and "Oakland, another city in the Bay Area, ranks fourth in the same report."


The city of San Francisco's mayor and entire Board of Supervisors are Democrats. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) owns a home in the city, and until just weeks ago, so did Vice President Kamala Harris.


Fucking LEGEND

Anonymous ID: 28bf38 March 25, 2021, 6:21 p.m. No.13299315   🗄️.is 🔗kun

GREAT NEWS: We fought deplatforming — and we won!


I’ve got some good news for a change — we have a major victory in our lawsuit against the cancel culture mob. I think we’ve found a way, at least in Canada, and probably in the United Kingdom and Australia — to use the law to stop deplatforming.


It took eighteen months, but I think it’s really working; we’ve proven the concept.


Let me show you the results, and then let me tell you how we did it — and how you might be able to, also.


I now have a signed apology from the owner of two theatres that cancelled two book signings I had scheduled back in October of 2019 for my book about Justin Trudeau called The Libranos: What the media won’t tell you about Justin Trudeau’s corruption.


I was scheduled to do a book launch in Edmonton and then in Calgary, at these great independent movie theatres.


So I signed a contract with these theatres do to my book signings there, and I paid the whole rental fee in advance, and I was excited about it.


But then, about a week before my book launch, a left-wing Twitter mob started threatening the theatre owner — they wanted to cancel my book-signing!


So I called up the theatre owner to reassure him, and I told him I’d hire some private security at my own expense just to make sure there was no problem and to put him at ease.


The owner, Mike Brar, told me in thirty years he had never cancelled a movie and he didn’t expect to start now.


But finally, when the day of the book signing came, and we all showed up — the theatre doors were locked and were kept us out.


So I did my book launch on the street outside!


Well, fast forward to today.


Let me read his letter to me, which you can find on the website


Mike: apology accepted. And I really think he means it. I just don’t think he had ever been treated that way by the mob. You know how cruel people can be on the Internet.


Leftists know that wouldn’t work on me. So they picked on an immigrant entrepreneur, and scared him to death. What a bunch of bullies. What was so gross is that some of the mob were professors and staff at the University of Alberta. How awful is that — professors banning book launches. That’s disgraceful, frankly.


But like I say — what could I do? The doors were closed; the contract wasn’t honoured.


Now, as you can sort of tell, I sued Mike Brar and the two theatres for breach of contract. I had paid him in advance, he took my money and he scuppered the whole evening. I don’t like it, but I can understand it, and I really do accept his apology and the other parts of the settlement that I’m not at liberty to discuss.

Anonymous ID: 28bf38 March 25, 2021, 6:23 p.m. No.13299331   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9336 >>9355 >>9423

Former Idaho university professor, Black Lives Matter spokesman, arrested for defacing Lincoln statue


Efforts to cancel Abraham Lincoln, the 16th U.S. president, have accelerated following the death of George Floyd last summer, with proponents of Black Lives Matter claiming that the president who promoted the 13th Amendment, ending slavery throughout the United States, did not do enough for black people.


On Tuesday, a Black Lives Matter activist in Boise, Idaho, was arrested for allegedly vandalizing a statue of the Republican president. Terry Joe Wilson, 37, was arrested after a warrant was issued last week.


The Idaho Statesman reports that Wilson, formerly an adjunct professor at Boise State University and who has been described in local media as a Boise Black Lives Matter chapter spokesman, was identified as one of the suspects in the vandalism incident, which occurred in February.


“Police responding to reports of vandalism discovered the bronze statue of Lincoln in Julia Davis Park — known as 'Seated Lincoln' — vandalized with feces, paint and signs,” the Idaho Statesman reported. “Parks and recreation staff were able to clean the statue, which was not permanently damaged.”


The Boise Police Department said that the suspect fled from officers when he was first approached. When police tracked him down a week later, he was found in possession of a firearm, marijuana and drug paraphernalia.


“Officers chased after Wilson and were able to stop him and take him into custody, at which time Wilson was found to be in possession of a firearm, marijuana, and drug paraphernalia,” said a police press release. “Wilson was taken to the hospital and was medically cleared before being booked into the Ada County Jail.”


Wilson has since been charged with several misdemeanours, including injuring monuments, ornaments, and public improvements, resisting and obstructing officers, possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia, the Idaho Statesman reports.


A quick glance at Wilson’s Instagram page shows him ranting against “fascist Donald Trump and neoliberal Joe Biden,” and expressing support for Black Lives Matter.

Anonymous ID: 28bf38 March 25, 2021, 6:25 p.m. No.13299342   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9355 >>9423

Barack Obama


VP Biden on Afghanistan: "We are leaving in 2014. Period."

12:05 PM · Oct 12, 2012