Anonymous ID: 964730 March 25, 2021, 4:53 p.m. No.13298779   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8947 >>9014 >>9138 >>9262 >>9355 >>9403 >>9412 >>9423

Sarah Huckabee Sanders


President Joe Biden’s open border policy is a total disaster and putting VP Kamala Harris in charge will only make it worse. This isn’t complicated - when you invite and encourage people to come here illegally, they do!

Anonymous ID: 964730 March 25, 2021, 4:55 p.m. No.13298786   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8797 >>8947 >>9014 >>9138 >>9262 >>9355 >>9423

Sarah Huckabee Sanders


President Trump was the first American President in recent history to get tough on China. The problem for President Biden is he projects weakness, not strength, and our adversaries like China neither respect nor fear him.

2:24 PM · Mar 25, 2021·Twitter for iPhone

Anonymous ID: 964730 March 25, 2021, 5 p.m. No.13298827   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8837

Babylon Bee


Service Stations Begin Widening Signs In Preparation For Higher Gas Prices

March 25th, 2021 -


U.S.—Service stations across the country have begun widening their signs in preparation for higher gas prices, sources confirmed Thursday.


The wider signs allow for prices up to eight digits long, "an absolute necessity" for the Biden presidency, according to local fuel station franchise owners.


"We're gonna need a bigger sign," gas station owner Amir Wallenfeld said in an interview with a local news station in Los Angeles. "This should get us through the first few years of the Biden presidency, though we're looking for a bigger one should he be reelected in 2024, should he live that long."


"There, that oughtta do it," he said as he updated the price of regular gasoline to $82.89. "Oh, wait, no – sorry, just got an alert on my phone." He then climbed up and added a "1" to the front of the price. "It's a good thing we thought ahead!"


Sources have also confirmed that the national debt clock will be widened to prepare for Biden's coming spending policies.


The bee knows they are deliberatly screwing with We The People

Anonymous ID: 964730 March 25, 2021, 5:01 p.m. No.13298832   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8964 >>9103 >>9189

Ganondorf Calls For Common-Sense Master Sword Control


HYRULE CASTLE—Politician and sword control activist Ganondorf once again made a plea to the people of Hyrule today, calling for common-sense Master Sword control.


"If any kid can just waltz into the Temple of Time and get the Master Sword with just three paltry gems – we have a huge problem in this country," he said, holding back tears. "It is harder to register to vote in Hyrule than it is to get the Master Sword. Mostly, that's because we're a monarchy. But still, the point stands."


"We must get these dangerous assault swords off the streets if our kids are going to be safe once again."


Ganondorf then showed footage of the damage just one assault sword can do. A boy wielding the Master Sword was seen attacking chickens, breaking pottery and stealing the gems within, and cutting down many small shrubberies.


There wasn't a dry eye in the place as the lights came back up.


"Enough is enough," Ganondorf said. "We must end this plague of Master Sword attacks once and for all."

Anonymous ID: 964730 March 25, 2021, 5:05 p.m. No.13298865   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8900 >>8947 >>9014 >>9138 >>9262 >>9355 >>9423

‘Mr. Biden, Why Are You A Total Loser?’ Asks New White House Reporter Ronald Crump


WASHINGTON, D.C.—At Biden's first press conference today, most of the questions were thoughtful and pointed, with reporters asking things like "Why are you so amazing?" and "We demand you tell us your secret to being so incredible!"


But one reporter went further than the others. The reporter, a new CNN recruit, Ronald Crump, jumped up and asked, "Mr. Biden, why are you a total loser?"


"Hey, come on, Jack!" Biden replied. "That's just uncalled for."


"What's uncalled for is how much of a sad, pathetic, no-good failure you are!" Crump replied, twirling his mustache.


"Come on up here, pal, and we'll have a good ol' round of fisticuffs to settle this once and for all!" Biden replied as Secret Service held him back. Finally, a shepherd's crook came from offstage and yoinked him out of there before a fight occurred.


"See? This guy can't even answer a simple question. Sad!" Crump replied.


At publishing time, Crump had calmly climbed up the stage and began answering questions for the next three hours, claiming it was "out of habit" from an old job he used to have.

Anonymous ID: 964730 March 25, 2021, 5:19 p.m. No.13298931   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8947 >>9014 >>9138 >>9262 >>9355 >>9423

Lin Wood

[25.03.21 11:22]

To succeed in controlling America, communism must take away our human rights recognized and guaranteed in the Bill of Rights. Remember, these rights are bestowed upon us and are NOT granted by the government.


If we are governed by officials elected in an unlawful and dishonest election, you can toss our Constitution out the window.


Look around. What is happening to the right of free speech, freedom of religion, freedom to peacefully assemble, the right to redress grievances, the right to bear arms, the right to due process (notice of charges and opportunity to be heard), the right to counsel of your choice, the right to confront accusers (without allowing them to hide behind masks), and the right to a trial by jury before impartial peers?


I believe nefarious actors in our country, including the active involvement of the Deep State and Globalists, have planned and allowed communism to seize our government without firing a shot.


How do we return our country to its founding principles?


The first and essential step is to remove from government ALL officials supposedly elected to office in an unlawful and dishonest election. Then an honest election must be held - voter ID, paper ballots, and inked fingerprint verification.


Then and then only will the communists be defeated and our country be returned to We The People.


Do it community by community. State by state. As Jarrin Jackson says, “Live Local.”


Fight back non-violently. And Fight Like A Flynn. Never lose hope and never give up.

Anonymous ID: 964730 March 25, 2021, 5:20 p.m. No.13298935   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Lin Wood

[25.03.21 15:33]

Partial transcript from Xi - Bribes discussion:


Bribes: “I was in the United States Senate 120 years ago.”


Xi: “You don’t say.”


Bribes: “Over 50% of the Republicans in America support me.”


Xi: “Wow. Now that is impressive. Only about 30-40% support me. I am working to get my numbers up. What are you doing to increase yours?”


Bribes: “I am going to solve the gun issue by dealing with infrastructure.”


Xi: “Say what???”


Bribes: “Oh, never mind.”


Xi: “No worries. I don’t pay any attention to what you say anyway.”


Bribes: “Who is you?”


Xi: “Come on, man.”


Bribes: “What does that mean?”


Xi: “Come on, man, I will show you to the stairs. The meeting is over. I have learned all I need to know. Good luck.”

Anonymous ID: 964730 March 25, 2021, 5:22 p.m. No.13298959   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9014 >>9138 >>9262 >>9355 >>9423

CNN Bleeds 45% of Audience in Just Five Weeks


Barely two months into the post-Trump era, news outlets are indeed losing much of the audience and readership they gained during his chaotic presidency. In other words, journalism’s Trump bump may be giving way to a slump.


After a record-setting January, traffic to the nation’s most popular mainstream news sites, including The Washington Post, plummeted in February, according to the audience tracking firm ComScore. The top sites were also generally doing worse than in February of last year, when the pandemic became a major international news story…


The most deeply affected network is CNN. After surpassing rivals Fox News and MSNBC in January, the network has lost 45 percent of its prime-time audience in the past five weeks, according to Nielsen Media Research. MSNBC’s audience has dropped 26 percent in the same period. Fox News — the most Trump-friendly of the three networks in its prime-time opinion shows — has essentially regained its leading position by standing still.


Trump himself famously predicted that the mainstream media would suffer if he didn’t occupy the Oval Office, predicting as much all the way back in 2017. “Newspapers, television, all forms of media will tank if I’m not there,” Trump said then, ““because without me, their ratings are going down the tubes.”


During Trump’s four years in office anti-Trump viewers tuned in to major news stations at record numbers for what became dependably negative coverage of his administration. According to one study, 92% of the coverage of Trump at major news outlets was negative.


The lack of enthusiasm for his presidency was not lost on Trump, who consistently slammed most mainstream networks as “fake news” and the “enemy of the people” during his time in office.