This is the sickest most disturbing video I have ever seen in my entire life. These people are fucking demons. This is real Sodom and Gomorrah and honestly I don’t know why Jesus hasn’t come back to save this horrific fucked up disgusting planet of ours. I fucking hate human beings
You idiots explain to me how a successful Political coup d’état, NO JUSTICE even up to the highest court in the nation, rampant censorship, minority mob rule, Rampant racism against white people, allowing schools and parents to brainwash our children to either see themself as a perpetrator or a victim while abusing them via sex education, corporate Marxism, COVID BS, Vaccine BS, climate change agenda to rape Americans of more taxes and destroy our use of Fossil fuels and Coal, illegal immigrants flooding our borders, child trafficking back on the menu, selling out to China and every known enemy of the United States in broad daylight, fighting to come after our guns after false flags have been launched upon unsuspecting people…. This isn’t all the hell that has already been at least within 60 days of a fake president running this country is winning
I’m fucking sick of this shit! What’s next please showing up to confiscate my guns? Because that means I will literally be killing people and probably die myself. That is where our country is headed. We live in a tyrannical totalitarian dictatorship. And if you don’t see this then you’re fucking blind. If any plan was going to come to fruition it needs to happen now otherwise it’s going to be far too late to get this country back. I fear it’s too late already.