Anonymous ID: ec17c5 Q Research General #16869: Evergiven Moved 17 Meters? Patriots In Control Edition March 28, 2021, 10:33 a.m. No.13315824   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5856 >>5910 >>6239 >>6390 >>6462 >>6463 >>6565 >>6566

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Anonymous ID: ec17c5 March 28, 2021, 10:33 a.m. No.13315828   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5853


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Anonymous ID: ec17c5 March 28, 2021, 10:35 a.m. No.13315836   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>13315120 UK private health insurance company calls Corona vaccine "experimental treatment"

>>13315126 Guise? "S-U-E-Z" equals "Z-E-U-S"

>>13315160 Pope: "The devil is taking advantage of the pandemic"

>>13315171 History lesson, Aug 5, 2015: Evergreen resumes service to Iran

>>13315203 Repeat: Biden's bold new plan "to get our kids to market swiftly"

>>13315182 GRAHAM on 2A: "I own an AR-15"

>>13315157, >>13315188, >>13315189, >>13315211 The Truth is Simple. Lies are Complicated.

>>13315206 Australia hit by cyber-attacks

>>13315209, >>13315224 JET RIDDLE Flight MH370

>>13315304 Mitt Romney receives JFK Profile in Courage Award

>>13315324, >>13315342 Suez Canal, an alternate route so this "never happens again". Under construction since 2005.


>>13315379 Ever Given Update and the March 2021 FULL WORM MOON

>>13315380 Etymology of the word "Ever"

>>13315424 Regent University Election Integrity Conference

>>13315452 Sen. Schumer holds press conference on gun control (video)

>>13315467 Egyptian President "Prepare For All Scenarios" To Refloat Megaship

>>13315503 Armenian prime minister says will step down in April

>>13315512 Suez canal: The grounded Ever Given cargo ship ‘moves 17 metres’ as hopes rise for it to be re-floated soon? Seventeen?

>>13315519 US Special Forces announce 1st-ever diversity and inclusion officer

>>13315520 San Francisco is launching a pilot program that will guarantee monthly income for artists affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.

>>13315524 NEW POLL: 57 percent disapprove of Biden's handling of gun violence

>>13315607 Pure Marxism: Democrats to Target Patriotic Americans as ‘Domestic Terrorists’… …in New Bill – “Security Clearance Improvement Act of 2021

>>13315618 For the keks!

>>13315629 Major cyberattack targets Australia. TV Channel broadcasting disrupted and Australian Parliament devices and email system also targeted

>>13315637 , >>13315683 Isn't the tide highest during a full moon?

>>13315642 Biden - The Unfit President

>>13315647 Forget the ship at Suez Canal: An Evergreen truck was spotted blocking a Chinese motorway - #SuezCrisis

>>13315746 Suez Canal [Scare] necessary event [mirrored] (decode) (video link)

>>13315755 Prayer Warriors are Real Warriors. The Battle is about Good vs Evil.

>>13315758 Michel Foucault, intellectual godfather of 'woke' ideology, was a pedophile rapist

>>13315816 #16868


#16867 TBC

Anonymous ID: ec17c5 March 28, 2021, 10:35 a.m. No.13315838   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>13313519 , >>13313524 , >>13313529 ALICE Evergreen Line Tunnel Complete (Video)

>>13313523 Updated dough to fix error in bread #16864

>>13313746 PF reports

>>13313549 Dan Scavino - MARCH MADNESS tweet

>>13313575 Bald eagle populations soaring across US, feds say

>>13313738 Judicial Watch Sues for Hillary and Huma’s Egypt Emails (Mar 4)

>>13313775 Colorado Republicans elect new leadership, look to the future

>>13313656, >>13313778 Evergreet - Ever Given's sister ship - to divert around Africa (satellite data)

>>13313779 Local Sydney channel confirms 'cyber attack' forced live programming off the air - Russian hackers??

>>13313793 Colo Supreme Court: Dems speed-reading of bills violated state constitution

>>13313818 The Federalist: Federal Appeals Court Rules Trump’s Bump Stock Ban Is Unconstitutional

>>13313835 75 Silicon valley leaders oppose Newsome recall

>>13313840 Biden admin waives background cks on border caregivers, alarming child welfare experts

>>13313842 China Hits US & Canadian Officials With More Counter-Sanctions

>>13313849 UK Corona deaths fall to lowest Saturday figure in six months

>>13313850 Iran, China sign strategic long-term cooperation agreement

>>13313890 Alabama Shakes drummer facing child abuse charges

>>13313937 Expert says Biden admin will impose new regs on meat industry

>>13313958 Illegal migrants now being flown out from border - Gateway Pundit

>>13313959, >>13313972, >>13313972, >>13313989 Lin Wood: Always a great feeling to have Lt. General Mike Flynn by your side; more LW.

>>13313965, >>13314028 Thousands Of Animals Packed On Ships In Suez Canal Backup

>>13313971 Top muh Russia propagandist pushing for rules to silence opposing voices on the Net

>>13313981 American Thinker: The January 6 Prosecutions Hit a Speed Bump

>>13314026 The death toll from a building collapse in Cairo Egypt has risen to 18

>>13314029 DJTjr: Dems Want to Take Your Guns— But They Want Them for Themselves

>>13314057 Human trafficking going-on's in Coquitlam, BC

>>13314082 7:00pm EST "Firearms and the Fight to Save the 2nd Amendment" (vid)

>>13314093 Americans Needed Durham Report Last Year, Not Now

>>13314129 Egypt's president orders preparations be made to unload Ever Given's cargo if refloating fails

>>13314145 Rising Violence In Philadelphia Leads To Calls For DA Krasner’s Ousting

>>13314152, >>13314145 Rising Violence In Philadelphia Leads To Calls For DA Krasner’s Ousting

>>13314273 Biden Nominates Sen. Manchin’s Wife For Federal Commission

>>13315791 #16866

Anonymous ID: ec17c5 March 28, 2021, 10:35 a.m. No.13315839   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>13312737 , >>13312755 Walmart and human trafficking?

>>13312738 #BoycottCocaCola

>>13312740 The shocking ways billionaires, highly profitable companies hide their money

>>13312747 Liberalism is destroying America. (video cap)

>>13312765 When do you need a plumber?

>>13312768 CNN calls the murder of a Pakistani American by carjackers an 'accident'

>>13312788 , >>13312828 There is ZERO chance that Hunter Biden will face anything resembling accountability from our Dept of "Justice" (Just Us)

>>13312804 Fakenews is trying to divide America by race and gender

>>13312829 Dan Scavino - Invest in America

>>13312838 Why isn't the Fake News declaring a Pakistani American murdered in a car jacking an 'asian hate crime'? They want to divide you by race and gender

>>13312873 Romanian Lung Doctor Formulates Covid Protocol That Cures 100% of Patients

>>13312885 Media Cabal Propaganda Minister Jen Psaki and EVERGREEN

>>13312904 Venezuelan opposition leader Guaido infected with China Virus

>>13312939 , >>13312971 Is Cabal Puppet Biden buying Cabal Puppet Senator Manchin's loyalty on filibuster vote with a six figure handout?

>>13312958 Cabal Puppet RINO Sen Graham on border crisis: When Biden team says 'this is a Trump problem, they're lying'

>>13312966 The “China Lab Manufactured Corona Crisis” and the War of “The Super-Rich” against the Earth’s Citizens

>>13312989 Richard Citizen Journalist posted this pic and two others: “Great things happening. Good night from DC.

>>13313002 The end won't be for everyone. That choice, to know, will be yours. Q749

>>13313013 Define Evergreen. When do you call a plumber? Q3316

>>13313035 Vatican getting chummy with communists….how nice, like when they welcomed the Nazis

>>13313036 Bono and Penelope Cruz, lend their voices to animated vaccine campaign - Free Doughnuts and Hollywood with a side of Bono. Why?

>>13313118 ‘Somebody else is supposed to be doing it': Trump says he may visit US southern border soon

>>13313167 This Week in Campus Insanity Vol. 37

>>13313174 Whistleblower: Pornhub (pornography video internet site) Tells Content Moderators Not to Report Child Porn to Authorities

>>13313200 Great Night Shift meme

>>13313207 Flashback: Obama ordered the FBI to remove 500,000 pedophiles from the National Instant Criminal Background Check System

>>13313226 Biden Cabal ordering RINO delegation to DELETE photos of children crammed into overcrowded facilities - they refuse (distraction? look here not there?)

>>13313229 Big Dig - Rusnano is a government owned joint stock company established as a $10BN Private Equity and Venture CapitalevergreenFund

>>13313234 Evergreen Marine Corp. resumes service to Iran. The Taiwanese company has authorized the 335-meter Ever Legion to call Shahid Rajaee port, which is in the southern Iranian province of Hormozgan.

>>13313240 , >>13313248 Gulftainer Scandal Connects Obama, The Clintons And The Media

>>13313280 The Kevin Spacey Foundation shut down its UK operations in 2018 “in the wake of the sexual harassment and assault allegations against Spacey,” Variety reported.

>>13313312 , >>13313318 Shady Biden Port Deals

>>13313271 , >>13313291 , >>13313298 , >>13313364 Fake News labels adverse facts about China Virus vaccines 'extremism' and people who talk about them 'extremists'

>>13313273 The Great Barrington Declaration – As infectious disease epidemiologists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing China Virus policies

>>13313325 New evidence shows US government and the American Scientific establishment involved in cover up of China Virus covid-19s origin

>>13313346 , >>13313352 , >>13313360 China's cyberwarfare attack on 2020 US election tied to Mitch McConnells Chinese Communist Party connected wife Elaine Chao

>>13313359 Anon report - Just remember this today, if you got nothing else from my posts…

>>13313365 Human Trafficking Chambers openly being sold...


>>13313411 Anon theory - There is the possibility that EVER GIVEN is blocking another vessel caught up in the string of ships in the canal that is the real target.

>>13313440 MEET Dr Udo Ulfkotte, the former German newspaper editor whose bestselling book exposed how the CIA controls German and World Media (video)

>>13313443 #16865

Anonymous ID: ec17c5 March 28, 2021, 10:36 a.m. No.13315844   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>13312347, >>13312536, >>13312552, >>13312579 PF Reports

>>13311942 To commemorate the perfect Q_Research Thumbnail

>>13311970 Ghislaine Maxwell’s Attorneys Seeking Original Photo Of Accuser With Prince Andrew And A Pair Of Cowboy Boots

>>13312032 Joe Biden, Media Claim Georgia Law Prevents Giving Water To Voters In Line. That’s Not True.

>>13312036 Biden's DHS Head Guts the Homeland Security Advisory Council, Fires Almost Everyone

>>13312051 Kremlin, over 2,000 buildings go dark for Earth Hour in Moscow

>>13312304, >>13312347, >>13312530, >>13312311, >>13312530, >>13312530, 3 yr DELTA TIDAL WAVE INCOMING. BUCKLE UP. (Cap 0:45)

>>13312333 If these are dumbs or bunkers or what they are??? Had to go back a bit in my files…but not sure this was a Q post or a Q(like) post…


>>13312415 Trump confirms he WILL visit the border in the next few weeks after 'being invited by the Border Police': Blasts Biden for undoing his 'Remain in Mexico' policy

>>13312478 STRINGERS, What Are Bulkheads & Stringers on Boats?

>>13312479 "Ahoy! It's a Ship Show: Codemonkey edition"

>>13312494 Marjorie Taylor Greene unleashes on Biden for border surge, gun control (2 hours)

>>13312528 @1BCT10MTN Trigger time on #FortDrum! Swift and bold #FindAWayOrMakeOne

>>13312561 Your Tax Dollars at Work: Biden’s Illegal Migrants and Fake Refugees Are Being Flown Out Across America – 40% of McAllen, TX Air Traffic Now Migrants


>>13312594, >>13312607, Hostage situation at Oklahoma city jail (8 min)

>>13312603 Federal Reserve meetings next week

>>13312610 Lin Wood. "I have been very vocal in stating that child sex trafficking/pedophilia is the real pandemic in the world.

>>13312611 Suez Canal Authority Hopes High Tide, Strong Winds Will Help Re-Float Megaship Tonight

>>13312633 #16864

Anonymous ID: ec17c5 March 28, 2021, 10:36 a.m. No.13315846   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>13311563 PF Report

>>13311189 WHO Top Official, Whistle Blower on contracts with Bill Gates changing the definition of PANDEMIC, even the flu can be called pandemic to panic people into taking DNA changing vaccines (28:38 mins)

>>13311192, >>13311196, Who Are The Zionists?

>>13311203, >>13310997 (pb), >>13311233, Irving Finkle is a Sumerian/Cuneiform expert. ANY lecture of his is literally to die for. This one in particular is most excellent.

>>13311206, >>13310914 lb, The Ever Given manifest #1129-011W > Q#1129 Down she goes…..

>>13311210, >>13311234, Evergreen the size of the Empire State building blocking shiping world wide. (1:49)

>>13311214 Senators Offer to Let NSA Hunt Cyber Actors Inside the US

>>13311234 BLOCKADE Inside JFK's Decision making During the Cuban Missile Crisis (2020)

>>13311262, >>13311292, >>13311279, >>13311336, >>13311354, >>13311382, >>13311363, >>13311406, CABAL PUPPET RESUME: Jen Psaki is a veteran of three presidential campaigns, is the founder of EVERGREEN CONSULTING, a senior advisor to WestExec Advisors, an advisor to Demand Justice and an on air commentator and opinion writer for CNN (Professional Liar?)

>>13311421 -> "Evergreen Consulting LLC" seems to be a one person operation, Psaki is married to Greg Mecher, then chief of staff to Congressman Steve Driehaus

>>13311272, >>13311273, Top Deep State Propagandist Behind Russia Hoax – Now Pushing for New Rules to Rid Internet of Vocal Opposition (51:52 mins)

>>13311294 Anyone have any idea why Marine one has been circling Tidal Basin and DC area since like 1pm? Are they just taking Biden on joy rides?

>>13311322, >>13311384, >>13311412, Worm MOON

>>13311328 Pure Marxism: Democrats to Target Patriotic Americans as ‘Domestic Terrorists’ in New Bill – “Security Clearance Improvement Act of 2021”

>>13311346 The Time Between Passover Sunday and Easter Sunday

>>13311356 Biden Poised to Raise Taxes on Business and the Rich

>>13311370 Why Is Everyone In Texas Not Dying?

>>13311376, >>13311383, Russia Pitches Frosty Arctic Sea Route As Superior Alternative To Blocked Suez Canal

>>13311401, >>13311431, >>13311449, Evergreen Air is a CIA front company for chemtrail operations within the United States, weapons and arms dealing, drug running and rendition tortures

>>13311444 Beware the Useful Idiots

>>13311447 PANIC Piece, Aimed at confusing people, 'Be aware': The Pentagon's target list for extremist infiltrators — right and left Symbols of Flags from the left-wing Antifa movement depictions of Pepe the Frog

>>13311480 Biden’s Lunatic DHS Chief Fires 32 Members of Advisory Council Including ALL TRUMP APPOINTEES — Group Was Too White

>>13311487 Social Media Doesn’t Allow Posts That Break COVID-19 Narratives, Even Though Health Organizations Keep Backtracking Previous Findings

>>13311502 Los Angeles agency votes for $36M police funding boost as crime surges

>>13311548, >>13311559, >>13311781, 9 pm est tonight! LIVE PDJT on Judge Jeanine Pirro Link

>>13311551 Ezra A. Cohen Retweeted NCSC @NCSCgov ICYMI: DOD linguist pleads guilty to transmitting classified info to person connected to Hizballah, including identities of 10 human assets & 20 U.S. targets, Mariam Taha Thompson, 63, final plea, statement of facts and indictment are attached

>>13311597 Q: Into the Storm link

>>13311674 At Least Six People Reportedly Hospitalized After Stabbing Attack in North Vancouver

>>13311695 Male Antifa Militant Attacks Woman During Children’s Easter Egg Hunt — Promptly Gets Clocked By Proud Boy… and Arrested

>>13311771 Sidney Powell Telegrams . . . Notable & Quotable: Judge James C

>>13311789 Biden to Use Taxpayer Money for Global Abortions, Gets Labeled 'Commander' of 'Pro-Abortion Army'

>>13311797 Los Angeles County votes for $36 million increase in funding for police after major surge in crime

>>13311830, >>13311843, Biden’s Lunatic DHS Chief Fires 32 Members of Advisory Council Including ALL TRUMP APPOINTEES — Group Was Too White (Cap)

>>13311906 #16863

Anonymous ID: ec17c5 March 28, 2021, 10:36 a.m. No.13315847   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Previously Collected Notables

>>13310313 #16861/2, >>13311098 #16862/1, >>13311099 #16862/2

>>13308784 #16859, >>13309555 #16860, >>13310312 #16861/1

>>13306432 #16856, >>13307349 #16857, >>13308002 #16858

>>13304879 #16854/1, >>13304879 #16854/2, >>13307219 #16855

>>13303291 #16852, >>13304123 #16853/2, >>13304122 #16853/1

>>13301770 #16850/1, >>13301771 #16850/2, >>13302528 #16851

>>13299423 #16847, >>13300200 #16848, >>13300956 #16849

>>13297101 #16844, >>13297887 #16845, >>13298665 #16846

>>13295791 #16841, >>13295553 #16842, >>13296328 #16843

>>13292442 #16838, >>13293243 #16839, >>13294021 #16840

>>13290156 #16835/1, >>13290881 #16836, >>13291659 #16837

>>13288574 #16833, >>13289359 #16834, >>13290159 #16835/2

>>13286247 #16830, >>13287036 #16831, >>13289447 #16832

>>13284083 #16827, >>13287593 #16828, >>13285496 #16829

>>13282454 #16825, >>13283208 #16826/2, >>13283207 #16826/2

>>13280047 #16822, >>13287447 #16823, >>13289429 #16824

>>13278672 #16820/1, >>13278673 #16820/2, >>13279295 #16821

>>13280029 #16818, >>13277758 #16819/1, >>13278337 #16819/2

>>13275307 #16816, >>13276208 #16817/1, >>13276212 #16817/2


>>13165545 Q Research Notables #5: Notables


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Anonymous ID: ec17c5 March 28, 2021, 10:36 a.m. No.13315849   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: ec17c5 March 28, 2021, 10:36 a.m. No.13315851   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: ec17c5 March 28, 2021, 11:22 a.m. No.13316103   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6111


>>13314311 Hit Piece on Q Research - How Q Research helps its followers find conspiracy in chaos

>>13314342 NY Post - How to beat the woke: Never apologize, rally friends and punch back harder

>>13314349 Lin Wood: Rest well. Continue to walk by faith and not by sight. God bless you. - Lin (video link)

>>13314390 Russia Intensifies Control Over Northern Sea Route Shipping, But Suez May Still Win

>>13314397 Northern Sea Route Transit Traffic Remains Modest

>>13314408 Remarks from Cabal Crime Syndicate Chief Merrick B. Garland on the Recent Increases in Bias-Motivated Attacks

>>13314418 Comments by several highly qualified doctors, warning of possible unforeseen dangers of mRNA technology. Food for thought.

>>13314421 JUST IN - Armenian Prime Minister announces resignation.

>>13314423 Sharon Osbourne is out of 'The Talk' after arguing with a co-host about her defense of Piers Morgan's criticism of Meghan Markle.

>>13314428 In Europe 3,964 People Have Died from Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines” – 162,610 Injuries

>>13314433 Insurance company calls vaccine "experimental treatment" - adverse reactions not covered

>>13314451 Gazprom: Nord Stream 2 Construction To Be Completed In 2021

>>13314466 Shock-Weary Global Economy Girds for Supply Jolt From Suez Mess

>>13314472 Sidney Powell: China And Iran Stole The 2020 Election

>>13314492 Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi Orders Operation To Lift Containers From Trapped Suez Canal Ship

>>13314501 China Virus experimental biological agents, particularly the mRNA versions, are setting up the human race for a MASS DEATH EVENT in the very near future.

>>13314532 Semi-Trailer Load of Illegal Aliens Unloaded in Pearsall, Texas – Going Viral! Who’s Behind This?

>>13314564 , >>13314649 Steve Bannon and Mike Lindell video…

>>13314603 Syria forced to ration fuel as stricken ship keeps Suez Canal blocked?

>>13314618 They’re Not Sending Their Best: Over 861 Criminals Caught Crossing US Rio Grande Border including 63 Gang Members, 92 Sex Offenders and Murderers

>>13314663 3 year delta Q Posts - HRC 2.12.09 Very BAD!

>>13314679 The Great Reset has already happened when corporations glorify profits over human capital to be cared for

>>13314702 Cabal Transportation Minister Floats Taxing Drivers by the Mile to Pay for Infrastructure Bill

>>13314703 RINO Controlled Opposition Senator Tim Scott: Biden and the Dems Are Flip-Flopping on Filibuster While Using Race as 'Scare Tactic'

>>13314713 Declassified FBI notes show Steele claimed Fiona Hill knew about dossier source

>>13314751 Infrastructure Bill ‘Is a Trojan Horse for Green Energy

>>13314792 The 16 Year Plan To Destroy America

>>13314842 Biden Cabal Operative Harasses, Tries to Block RINO Sen. Ted Cruz from Filming Joe Biden’s Caged Children (look here not there)

>>13314845 Emails show Hunter Biden had deals with Romania?

>>13314534 , >>13315003 Trump had to 'lose' and be out of power so that military takeover cannot be blamed on him - the left would never accept it.

>>13314854 Just a reminder – this is the former campaign manager for Candidate Pete ButtGig, now Secretary of (child) Transportation.

>>13314883 ABC Spews Lies About GOP Targeting Biden's 'Black Voters' With Reforms

>>13315019 Only about half of the prescription drugs and other newly emerging contaminants in sewage are removed by treatment plants says a new report

>>13315060 UK Insurance Giant NOT covering Covid Vaccine side effects.

>>13315071 US Special Operations Command ‘Not Aware’ of Top Hire’s Anti-Trump Posts



Anonymous ID: ec17c5 March 28, 2021, 11:31 a.m. No.13316149   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6239 >>6390 >>6462 >>6565


>>13314311 Hit Piece on Q Research - How Q Research helps its followers find conspiracy in chaos

>>13314342 NY Post - How to beat the woke: Never apologize, rally friends and punch back harder

>>13314349 Lin Wood: Rest well. Continue to walk by faith and not by sight. God bless you. - Lin (video link)

>>13314390 Russia Intensifies Control Over Northern Sea Route Shipping, But Suez May Still Win

>>13314397 Northern Sea Route Transit Traffic Remains Modest

>>13314407 Why Biden Sends Warships to the South China Sea, Just as Trump Did

>>13314408 Remarks from Cabal Crime Syndicate Chief Merrick B. Garland on the Recent Increases in Bias-Motivated Attacks

>>13314418 Comments by several highly qualified doctors, warning of possible unforeseen dangers of mRNA technology. Food for thought.

>>13314421 JUST IN - Armenian Prime Minister announces resignation.

>>13314423 Sharon Osbourne is out of 'The Talk' after arguing with a co-host about her defense of Piers Morgan's criticism of Meghan Markle.

>>13314428 In Europe 3,964 People Have Died from Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines” – 162,610 Injuries

>>13314433 Insurance company calls vaccine "experimental treatment" - adverse reactions not covered

>>13314451 Gazprom: Nord Stream 2 Construction To Be Completed In 2021

>>13314466 Shock-Weary Global Economy Girds for Supply Jolt From Suez Mess

>>13314472 Sidney Powell: China And Iran Stole The 2020 Election

>>13314492 Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi Orders Operation To Lift Containers From Trapped Suez Canal Ship

>>13314501 China Virus experimental biological agents, particularly the mRNA versions, are setting up the human race for a MASS DEATH EVENT in the very near future.

>>13314532 Semi-Trailer Load of Illegal Aliens Unloaded in Pearsall, Texas – Going Viral! Who’s Behind This?

>>13314564 , >>13314649 Steve Bannon and Mike Lindell video…

>>13314569 Pope on Palm Sunday says devil taking advantage of pandemic

>>13314603 Syria forced to ration fuel as stricken ship keeps Suez Canal blocked?

>>13314618 They’re Not Sending Their Best: Over 861 Criminals Caught Crossing US Rio Grande Border including 63 Gang Members, 92 Sex Offenders and Murderers

>>13314663 3 year delta Q Posts - HRC 2.12.09 Very BAD!

>>13314679 The Great Reset has already happened when corporations glorify profits over human capital to be cared for

>>13314702 Cabal Transportation Minister Floats Taxing Drivers by the Mile to Pay for Infrastructure Bill

>>13314703 RINO Controlled Opposition Senator Tim Scott: Biden and the Dems Are Flip-Flopping on Filibuster While Using Race as 'Scare Tactic'

>>13314713 Declassified FBI notes show Steele claimed Fiona Hill knew about dossier source

>>13314723 Pinkerton: Biden Nominees Fall Prey to the Terrible Temptation of Twitter

>>13314751 Infrastructure Bill ‘Is a Trojan Horse for Green Energy

>>13314761 The Podesta Leap bun (pb)

>>13314770, >>13314778, >>13314812, >>13314819 RESOLUTION condemning and censuring President Barack Obama

>>13314792 The 16 Year Plan To Destroy America

>>13314842 Biden Cabal Operative Harasses, Tries to Block RINO Sen. Ted Cruz from Filming Joe Biden’s Caged Children (look here not there)

>>13314845 Emails show Hunter Biden had deals with Romania?

>>13314534 , >>13315003 Trump had to 'lose' and be out of power so that military takeover cannot be blamed on him - the left would never accept it.

>>13314854 Just a reminder – this is the former campaign manager for Candidate Pete ButtGig, now Secretary of (child) Transportation.

>>13314883 ABC Spews Lies About GOP Targeting Biden's 'Black Voters' With Reforms

>>13315000 The plot thickens as the Ever Given prepares to unload its cargo

>>13315019 Only about half of the prescription drugs and other newly emerging contaminants in sewage are removed by treatment plants says a new report

>>13315060 UK Insurance Giant NOT covering Covid Vaccine side effects.

>>13315071 US Special Operations Command ‘Not Aware’ of Top Hire’s Anti-Trump Posts



Anonymous ID: ec17c5 March 28, 2021, 11:47 a.m. No.13316239   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>>13315856 Dough


Notables @350




>>13315869 Suez Canal: Containers could be taken off from Ever Given, officials say as salvage efforts continue

>>13315897 Trans Reddit User Posted Hundreds of Pornographic Drawings of Child Characters Under 10, Mods Banned Anyone Who Criticized Them

>>13315901 Egypt's president orders preparations be made to unload Ever Given's cargo if refloating fails, a high risk strategy adding days of delay

>>13315909 On #PalmSunday 1865, Ulysses S. Grant accepts Robert E. Lee's surrender at @AppomattoxNPS to bring the "beginning to the end" to the #CivilWar.

>>13315916 Church In Indonesia Rocked By Twin Suicide Bombing On Palm Sunday

>>13315917 , >>13316042 Suez Canal [Scare] Necessary Event [mirrored] DECODE (video cap)

>>13315920 Here's the audio of the Southwest pilot going on a rant about the Bay Area caught on a hot mic (audio cap)

>>13315925 With Cabal Puppet Biden Pushing Gun Control – Will His Son Hunter Be Held Accountable for Breaking Current Gun Laws?

>>13315938 Trans Reddit Mod Under Fire for Inviting Minors to Their Home for Hormone Shots, Behind Parents Backs

>>13315945 Soros Asset Management Is Betting Big On "Crypto Infrastructure" (video)

>>13315948 Planefag report - Got a blue and white 757 from VIP squadron filing under the callsign ANON .

>>13315954 , >>13316141 anon #16867 scrape

>>13315965 Planefag report

>>13315972 Fury after CNN refers to Uber Eats driver’s death during carjacking by black teen girls as ‘accident’

>>13315982 The Largest Survival Community On Earth

>>13315985 ANON switched callsigns to SAM952 at takeoff. Glad I capped it.

>>13315989 They’re Not Sending Their Best: Over 861 Criminals Caught Crossing US Rio Grande Border including 63 Gang Members, 92 Sex Offenders and Murderers

>>13316004 ‘So proud to have a woman justifying mass murder!’ Cabal Foreign Minister Blinken roasted for calling Albright his role model

>>13316028 Alabama Shakes drummer Steve Johnson busted on child abuse charges

>>13316038 Cabal Health Minister Fauci’s Orders: Children Not Allowed To Play Together Unmasked Until They’re All Vaxxed


>>13316059 US Military Ordered ‘Clandestine Burning’ of Toxic Chemicals in Poor Neighborhoods

>>13316075 Planefag - What is more interesting is all the 737s that are NOT VIP birds (personnel transports). 6 of 7 are troop/personnel birds moving peeps around. FYI.

>>13316077 China's cyberwarfare attack on 2020 US election tied to Mitch McConnells CCP connected wife Elaine Chao

>>13316087 Theodor Seuss Geisel, better known by his pen name Dr. Seuss, was a writer and cartoonist who published over 60 books

>>13316090 For the first time in 100 years, the endangered California condor will return to the Pacific Northwest

>>13316098 Cabal Puppet Kamala Harris Dodges Anti-Migration Task Set by Joe Biden

>>13316110 Gay priests: Breaking the silence

>>13316122 California inmate dies after recreation yard stabbing

>>13316129 Italy: Social Security Chief Proposes Expanding Basic Income to All Immigrants

>>13316138 Endless Waves of Migrants (Invaders) Overwhelm Border Patrol

>>13316149 #16867 Notables

>>13316153 Talia Lavin is a Jewish author (Q hit piece) who wrote a Book about White Supremacy

>>13316179 Biden is running a massive child trafficking ring on the southern border

>>13316183 Krispy Kreme CEO defends giving out free doughnuts to vaccinated customers, insists it is about generosity and 'if folks don't want to visit, they don't have to'

>>13316192 Evergreen Truck Blocks Chinese Motorway Mere Days After Evergreen Ship Blocks Suez Canal.

>>13316223 EPA spent $52 million in violation of law Congress passed to curb wasteful spending



Anonymous ID: ec17c5 March 28, 2021, 12:09 p.m. No.13316390   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6395



>>13315856 Dough


Notables @500




>>13315869 Suez Canal: Containers could be taken off from Ever Given, officials say as salvage efforts continue

>>13315897 Trans Reddit User Posted Hundreds of Pornographic Drawings of Child Characters Under 10, Mods Banned Anyone Who Criticized Them

>>13315901 Egypt's president orders preparations be made to unload Ever Given's cargo if refloating fails, a high risk strategy adding days of delay

>>13315909 On #PalmSunday 1865, Ulysses S. Grant accepts Robert E. Lee's surrender at @AppomattoxNPS to bring the "beginning to the end" to the #CivilWar.

>>13315916 Church In Indonesia Rocked By Twin Suicide Bombing On Palm Sunday

>>13315917 , >>13316042 Suez Canal [Scare] Necessary Event [mirrored] DECODE (video cap)

>>13315920 Here's the audio of the Southwest pilot going on a rant about the Bay Area caught on a hot mic (audio cap)

>>13315925 With Cabal Puppet Biden Pushing Gun Control – Will His Son Hunter Be Held Accountable for Breaking Current Gun Laws?

>>13315938 Trans Reddit Mod Under Fire for Inviting Minors to Their Home for Hormone Shots, Behind Parents Backs

>>13315945 Soros Asset Management Is Betting Big On "Crypto Infrastructure" (video)

>>13315948 Planefag report - Got a blue and white 757 from VIP squadron filing under the callsign ANON .

>>13315954 , >>13316141 anon #16867 scrape

>>13315965 Planefag report

>>13315972 Fury after CNN refers to Uber Eats driver’s death during carjacking by black teen girls as ‘accident’

>>13315982 The Largest Survival Community On Earth

>>13315985 ANON switched callsigns to SAM952 at takeoff. Glad I capped it.

>>13315989 They’re Not Sending Their Best: Over 861 Criminals Caught Crossing US Rio Grande Border including 63 Gang Members, 92 Sex Offenders and Murderers

>>13316004 ‘So proud to have a woman justifying mass murder!’ Cabal Foreign Minister Blinken roasted for calling Albright his role model

>>13316028 Alabama Shakes drummer Steve Johnson busted on child abuse charges

>>13316038 , >>13316298 Cabal Health Minister Fauci’s Orders: Children Not Allowed To Play Together Unmasked Until They’re All Vaxxed


>>13316059 US Military Ordered ‘Clandestine Burning’ of Toxic Chemicals in Poor Neighborhoods

>>13316075 Planefag - What is more interesting is all the 737s that are NOT VIP birds (personnel transports). 6 of 7 are troop/personnel birds moving peeps around. FYI.

>>13316077 China's cyberwarfare attack on 2020 US election tied to Mitch McConnells CCP connected wife Elaine Chao

>>13316087 Theodor Seuss Geisel, better known by his pen name Dr. Seuss, was a writer and cartoonist who published over 60 books

>>13316090 For the first time in 100 years, the endangered California condor will return to the Pacific Northwest

>>13316098 Cabal Puppet Kamala Harris Dodges Anti-Migration Task Set by Joe Biden

>>13316110 Gay priests: Breaking the silence

>>13316122 California inmate dies after recreation yard stabbing

>>13316129 Italy: Social Security Chief Proposes Expanding Basic Income to All Immigrants

>>13316138 Endless Waves of Migrants (Invaders) Overwhelm Border Patrol

>>13316149 #16867 Notables

>>13316153 Talia Lavin is a Jewish author (Q hit piece) who wrote a Book about White Supremacy

>>13316179 Biden is running a massive child trafficking ring on the southern border

>>13316183 Krispy Kreme CEO defends giving out free doughnuts to vaccinated customers, insists it is about generosity and 'if folks don't want to visit, they don't have to'

>>13316192 , >>13316254 Evergreen Truck Blocks Chinese Motorway Mere Days After Evergreen Ship Blocks Suez Canal.

>>13316223 EPA spent $52 million in violation of law Congress passed to curb wasteful spending

>>13316244 Great Success! US-Backed Fighters Seize US-Made Missiles Heading To Other US-Backed Fighters In Syria

>>13316251 100 % OPEN: Texas China Virus cases, hospitalizations drop, despite Biden’s ‘Neanderthal’ comments

>>13316273 Delta Airlines and TSA Target & Intimidate a Passenger Without Cause

>>13316323 Looks pretty much like the cages that hold children that 'Conspiracy theorists' were ridiculed for saying that they existed…

>>13316327 China sealed off? Watch the Water?

>>13316356 Greenhouse of Walled Lake, a marijuana store in Michigan, is offering free marijuana cigarettes to anyone who can show proof of Covid-19 vaccination. Go to Krispy Kreme directly after?

>>13316363 @Billbrowder This is very strange. Both the head and the deputy head of the emergency department at the Omsk hospital that saved Alexei Navalny’s life are now dead. The head just died at the age of 63.

>>13316367 wikileaks: Podesta email "Hillary and Patents"

>>13316373 REMEMBER: The elite, have their underground bunker homes

>>13316386 Military planning at it's finest.



Anonymous ID: ec17c5 March 28, 2021, 12:26 p.m. No.13316462   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6467



>>13315856 Dough


Notables @575


#16869 1 of 2


>>13315869 Suez Canal: Containers could be taken off from Ever Given, officials say as salvage efforts continue

>>13315897 Trans Reddit User Posted Hundreds of Pornographic Drawings of Child Characters Under 10, Mods Banned Anyone Who Criticized Them

>>13315901 Egypt's president orders preparations be made to unload Ever Given's cargo if refloating fails, a high risk strategy adding days of delay

>>13315909 On #PalmSunday 1865, Ulysses S. Grant accepts Robert E. Lee's surrender at @AppomattoxNPS to bring the "beginning to the end" to the #CivilWar.

>>13315916 Church In Indonesia Rocked By Twin Suicide Bombing On Palm Sunday

>>13315917 , >>13316042 Suez Canal [Scare] Necessary Event [mirrored] DECODE (video cap)

>>13315920 Here's the audio of the Southwest pilot going on a rant about the Bay Area caught on a hot mic (audio cap)

>>13315925 With Cabal Puppet Biden Pushing Gun Control – Will His Son Hunter Be Held Accountable for Breaking Current Gun Laws?

>>13315938 Trans Reddit Mod Under Fire for Inviting Minors to Their Home for Hormone Shots, Behind Parents Backs

>>13315945 Soros Asset Management Is Betting Big On "Crypto Infrastructure" (video)

>>13315948 Planefag report - Got a blue and white 757 from VIP squadron filing under the callsign ANON .

>>13315954 , >>13316141 anon #16867 scrape

>>13315965 Planefag report

>>13315972 Fury after CNN refers to Uber Eats driver’s death during carjacking by black teen girls as ‘accident’

>>13315982 The Largest Survival Community On Earth

>>13315985 ANON switched callsigns to SAM952 at takeoff. Glad I capped it.

>>13315989 They’re Not Sending Their Best: Over 861 Criminals Caught Crossing US Rio Grande Border including 63 Gang Members, 92 Sex Offenders and Murderers

>>13316004 ‘So proud to have a woman justifying mass murder!’ Cabal Foreign Minister Blinken roasted for calling Albright his role model

>>13316028 Alabama Shakes drummer Steve Johnson busted on child abuse charges

>>13316038 , >>13316298 Cabal Health Minister Fauci’s Orders: Children Not Allowed To Play Together Unmasked Until They’re All Vaxxed


>>13316059 US Military Ordered ‘Clandestine Burning’ of Toxic Chemicals in Poor Neighborhoods

>>13316075 Planefag - What is more interesting is all the 737s that are NOT VIP birds (personnel transports). 6 of 7 are troop/personnel birds moving peeps around. FYI.

>>13316077 China's cyberwarfare attack on 2020 US election tied to Mitch McConnells CCP connected wife Elaine Chao

>>13316087 Theodor Seuss Geisel, better known by his pen name Dr. Seuss, was a writer and cartoonist who published over 60 books

>>13316090 For the first time in 100 years, the endangered California condor will return to the Pacific Northwest

>>13316098 Cabal Puppet Kamala Harris Dodges Anti-Migration Task Set by Joe Biden

>>13316110 Gay priests: Breaking the silence

>>13316122 California inmate dies after recreation yard stabbing

>>13316129 Italy: Social Security Chief Proposes Expanding Basic Income to All Immigrants

>>13316138 Endless Waves of Migrants (Invaders) Overwhelm Border Patrol

>>13316149 #16867 Notables

>>13316153 Talia Lavin is a Jewish author (Q hit piece) who wrote a Book about White Supremacy

>>13316179 Biden is running a massive child trafficking ring on the southern border



Anonymous ID: ec17c5 March 28, 2021, 12:26 p.m. No.13316463   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>>13315856 Dough


Notables @575


#16869 2 of 2


>>13316183 Krispy Kreme CEO defends giving out free doughnuts to vaccinated customers, insists it is about generosity and 'if folks don't want to visit, they don't have to'

>>13316192 , >>13316254 Evergreen Truck Blocks Chinese Motorway Mere Days After Evergreen Ship Blocks Suez Canal.

>>13316223 EPA spent $52 million in violation of law Congress passed to curb wasteful spending

>>13316244 Great Success! US-Backed Fighters Seize US-Made Missiles Heading To Other US-Backed Fighters In Syria

>>13316251 100 % OPEN: Texas China Virus cases, hospitalizations drop, despite Biden’s ‘Neanderthal’ comments

>>13316273 Delta Airlines and TSA Target & Intimidate a Passenger Without Cause

>>13316323 Looks pretty much like the cages that hold children that 'Conspiracy theorists' were ridiculed for saying that they existed…

>>13316327 China sealed off? Watch the Water?

>>13316356 Greenhouse of Walled Lake, a marijuana store in Michigan, is offering free marijuana cigarettes to anyone who can show proof of Covid-19 vaccination. Go to Krispy Kreme directly after?

>>13316363 @Billbrowder This is very strange. Both the head and the deputy head of the emergency department at the Omsk hospital that saved Alexei Navalny’s life are now dead. The head just died at the age of 63.

>>13316367 wikileaks: Podesta email "Hillary and Patents"

>>13316373 REMEMBER: The elite, have their underground bunker homes

>>13316386 Military planning at it's finest.

>>13316412 Talk with Mike Pompeo: China on the Move & the Breakdown at the Border Streamed live on Mar 24, 2021 (video)

>>13316434 'Whatever You Do, We're Coming': Coyotes Heckle RINO Senators at the Border

>>13316439 Biden Cabal Will Give Media Access to Border Facilities: Propaganda Minister Psaki

>>13316442 Defense contractor pleads guilty to sharing classified info with Hezbollah

>>13316150 My heart is heavy too. My biggest upset is the Pedophilia, child sex trafficking, child killing, etc. It adds to the list of a total bombardment of evil shit happening in right front of our faces, while evils seems to thrive.

>>13316456 Russia likely to achieve herd immunity against COVID-19 by late summer, says Putin



Anonymous ID: ec17c5 March 28, 2021, 12:49 p.m. No.13316565   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>>13315856 Dough


Notables FINAL


#16869 1 of 2


>>13315869 Suez Canal: Containers could be taken off from Ever Given, officials say as salvage efforts continue

>>13315897 Trans Reddit User Posted Hundreds of Pornographic Drawings of Child Characters Under 10, Mods Banned Anyone Who Criticized Them

>>13315901 Egypt's president orders preparations be made to unload Ever Given's cargo if refloating fails, a high risk strategy adding days of delay

>>13315909 On #PalmSunday 1865, Ulysses S. Grant accepts Robert E. Lee's surrender at @AppomattoxNPS to bring the "beginning to the end" to the #CivilWar.

>>13315916 Church In Indonesia Rocked By Twin Suicide Bombing On Palm Sunday

>>13315917 , >>13316042 Suez Canal [Scare] Necessary Event [mirrored] DECODE (video cap)

>>13315920 Here's the audio of the Southwest pilot going on a rant about the Bay Area caught on a hot mic (audio cap)

>>13315925 With Cabal Puppet Biden Pushing Gun Control – Will His Son Hunter Be Held Accountable for Breaking Current Gun Laws?

>>13315938 Trans Reddit Mod Under Fire for Inviting Minors to Their Home for Hormone Shots, Behind Parents Backs

>>13315945 Soros Asset Management Is Betting Big On "Crypto Infrastructure" (video)

>>13315948 Planefag report - Got a blue and white 757 from VIP squadron filing under the callsign ANON .

>>13315954 , >>13316141 anon #16867 scrape

>>13315965 Planefag report

>>13315972 Fury after CNN refers to Uber Eats driver’s death during carjacking by black teen girls as ‘accident’

>>13315982 The Largest Survival Community On Earth

>>13315985 ANON switched callsigns to SAM952 at takeoff. Glad I capped it.

>>13315989 They’re Not Sending Their Best: Over 861 Criminals Caught Crossing US Rio Grande Border including 63 Gang Members, 92 Sex Offenders and Murderers

>>13316004 ‘So proud to have a woman justifying mass murder!’ Cabal Foreign Minister Blinken roasted for calling Albright his role model

>>13316028 Alabama Shakes drummer Steve Johnson busted on child abuse charges

>>13316038 , >>13316298 Cabal Health Minister Fauci’s Orders: Children Not Allowed To Play Together Unmasked Until They’re All Vaxxed


>>13316059 US Military Ordered ‘Clandestine Burning’ of Toxic Chemicals in Poor Neighborhoods

>>13316075 Planefag - What is more interesting is all the 737s that are NOT VIP birds (personnel transports). 6 of 7 are troop/personnel birds moving peeps around. FYI.

>>13316077 China's cyberwarfare attack on 2020 US election tied to Mitch McConnells CCP connected wife Elaine Chao

>>13316087 Theodor Seuss Geisel, better known by his pen name Dr. Seuss, was a writer and cartoonist who published over 60 books

>>13316090 For the first time in 100 years, the endangered California condor will return to the Pacific Northwest

>>13316098 Cabal Puppet Kamala Harris Dodges Anti-Migration Task Set by Joe Biden

>>13316110 Gay priests: Breaking the silence

>>13316122 California inmate dies after recreation yard stabbing

>>13316129 Italy: Social Security Chief Proposes Expanding Basic Income to All Immigrants

>>13316138 Endless Waves of Migrants (Invaders) Overwhelm Border Patrol

>>13316149 #16867 Notables

>>13316153 Talia Lavin is a Jewish author (Q hit piece) who wrote a Book about White Supremacy

>>13316179 Biden is running a massive child trafficking ring on the southern border


#16869 /1

Anonymous ID: ec17c5 March 28, 2021, 12:49 p.m. No.13316566   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>>13315856 Dough


Notables FINAL


#16869 2 of 2


>>13316183 Krispy Kreme CEO defends giving out free doughnuts to vaccinated customers, insists it is about generosity and 'if folks don't want to visit, they don't have to'

>>13316192 , >>13316254 Evergreen Truck Blocks Chinese Motorway Mere Days After Evergreen Ship Blocks Suez Canal.

>>13316223 EPA spent $52 million in violation of law Congress passed to curb wasteful spending

>>13316244 Great Success! US-Backed Fighters Seize US-Made Missiles Heading To Other US-Backed Fighters In Syria

>>13316251 100 % OPEN: Texas China Virus cases, hospitalizations drop, despite Biden’s ‘Neanderthal’ comments

>>13316273 Delta Airlines and TSA Target & Intimidate a Passenger Without Cause

>>13316323 Looks pretty much like the cages that hold children that 'Conspiracy theorists' were ridiculed for saying that they existed…

>>13316327 China sealed off? Watch the Water?

>>13316356 Greenhouse of Walled Lake, a marijuana store in Michigan, is offering free marijuana cigarettes to anyone who can show proof of Covid-19 vaccination. Go to Krispy Kreme directly after?

>>13316363 @Billbrowder This is very strange. Both the head and the deputy head of the emergency department at the Omsk hospital that saved Alexei Navalny’s life are now dead. The head just died at the age of 63.

>>13316367 wikileaks: Podesta email "Hillary and Patents"

>>13316373 REMEMBER: The elite, have their underground bunker homes

>>13316386 Military planning at it's finest.

>>13316412 Talk with Mike Pompeo: China on the Move & the Breakdown at the Border Streamed live on Mar 24, 2021 (video)

>>13316434 'Whatever You Do, We're Coming': Coyotes Heckle RINO Senators at the Border

>>13316439 Biden Cabal Will Give Media Access to Border Facilities: Propaganda Minister Psaki

>>13316442 Defense contractor pleads guilty to sharing classified info with Hezbollah

>>13316150 My heart is heavy too. My biggest upset is the Pedophilia, child sex trafficking, child killing, etc. It adds to the list of a total bombardment of evil shit happening in right front of our faces, while evils seems to thrive.

>>13316456 Russia likely to achieve herd immunity against COVID-19 by late summer, says Putin

>>13316471 This Dan Scavino message is a masterful one with many different meanings all at once.

>>13316472 Invisible enemy = negative ET's that enslaved us over thousands of years.

>>13316479 At least 22 people were shot, two killed, in weekend violence across #Chicago as Mayor Lightfoot (D) continues to fail on security in the city.

>>13316499 , >>13316515 Ever Given Manifest Number of 1129-011W (Confirmation of Plan? wtf?)

>>13316519 Donald Trump Busts On Biden Cabal & Fake 2020 Election During Wedding Speech at Mar-a-Lago "Do you miss me yet?" (Video)

>>13316550 Less that 10% of the average person's daily information input is direct sense experience of the natural world. Welcome to the Matrix

>>13316553 Look here (border) not there - Vaccine Passports coming


#16869 /2